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03-03-10 Public Hearing/2010-2011 Budget


MARCH 3, 2010


PRESENT Chair Richard F. Kehoe, Vice Chair William P. Horan, Jr. (arrived 7:07 p.m.),
Majority Leader Marcia A. Leclerc, Councillors Marc I. Weinberg, Linda A.
Russo, Eric A. Thompson and Susan P. Skowronek

ABSENT  Minority Leader Donald H. Pitkin and Councillor Barbara-Ann Rossi


Chair Kehoe called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.  He announced the exit locations in accordance with Connecticut General
Statutes § 29-381 after which the Council joined him in the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Chair gave a brief overview of the Mayor’s recommended 2010-2011 budget which represents a 2.8% increase in expenses, but is still below the budget adopted for the 2008-2009 fiscal year.  

The following citizens came forth to speak:

John Bezzini, 92 Copper Beech Way, stated that most East Hartford taxpayers cannot afford the tax increase, due to the fact that their revenues cannot keep pace with their expenses.  He urged the Council, along with the Mayor, to pressure the state legislators to revise the current laws that impact property taxes, especially state mandates and binding arbitration. He implored the Council to find a way to meet the town’s budgetary goals without raising property taxes.

Franklin Kucza, 87 Greenlawn Street, said that the recent revaluation produced a tax increase for most residents.  He is opposed to the proposal of giving raises to the directors and believes that there should be a wage reduction.  Mr. Kucza also stated that various departments, such as Public Works and Inspections & Permits, could be more diligent in levying fines that are applicable to their departments.

Peter Gero, 132 Sandra Drive, said that overtime should be either greatly reduced, or cut, from the current budget.  In addition, he suggested that the Town Charter be revised to limit town spending to an amount no greater than taxes which were collected the previous fiscal year.  Mr. Gero also was against the town allocating PILOT funds to Goodwin College.

Jonathan Searles, 51 Spaulding Circle, (1) suggested that the town focus on development to increase revenues; (2) supports the elimination of the proposed $1M in salary increases; (3) is pleased to see that some basic upkeep has been earmarked in this year’s capital improvement plan, but does not agree with the monies proposed for new granite curbing
for the town hall parking lot; (4) agrees with the need for the state delegation to address the
Council on budget issues; and (5) suggested that East Hartford needs relief from state mandates in two areas: contract negotiation and education funding.

Peter Santoro, 16 College Drive, came forward with graphs that demonstrate the need for controlling expenses.  He supports the elimination of town vehicles that are given to employees who drive them back and forth to work. Mr. Santoro strongly suggested that the Council not approve the Mayor’s recommended budget.

Holly Reed, 93 Michael Avenue, presented the Council with a six-point program which could provide additional revenues and lower taxes: (1) Build and bring jobs to East Hartford; (2) Support the town by patronizing businesses in East Hartford; (3) Creative thinking; (4) Support new mixed-use development which will produce more jobs; (5) Tort reform; and (6) Reduce government spending.  Ms. Reed thanked the Council, and the Mayor, for their job performance given the responsibility it carries.

Irene Cone, 52 Barbonsel Road, appreciated Ms. Reed’s 6-point program.  Ms. Cone reminded the Council that, in her perspective, there are two groups of people in East Hartford that the Council should be mindful of: those who are not union members and therefore do not have union benefits, and retirees who are on fixed incomes.  Additionally, Ms. Cone spoke on the high cost of health insurance.


MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded Bill Horan
                to adjourn (8:10 p.m.).
                Motion carried 7/0.

                                                                       Angela Attenello
                                                                     Town Council Clerk