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07-14-09 Town Council Meeting


JULY 14, 2009

PRESENT Chair Richard F. Kehoe, Vice Chair William P. Horan, Jr., Councillors Marc I. Weinberg, Barbara-Ann Rossi, Linda A. Russo, and Eric Thompson

ABSENT  Majority Leader Marcia A. Leclerc, Minority Leader Donald H. Pitkin, and Councillor Patricia Harmon


Chair Kehoe called the meeting to order at 7:39 p.m.  He announced the exit locations in accordance with Connecticut General Statutes
§ 29-381, after which the Council joined him in the pledge of allegiance.


MOTION  By Bill Horan
                seconded by Barbara Rossi
                to add the following item to the agenda under New Business:
                9.  Pitkin Vault Repairs –
  • Amendment to the 5-year Capital Improvement Plan
  • Transfer of LoCIP Funds
Motion carried 6/0.


Beautification Commission Awards – June 2009

Pat Sirois, Chair of East Hartford’s Beautification Commission, presented the June awards for outstanding residential landscaping to The Drouin Family, 18 Stevens Street and the Loomis Family, 402 Long Hill Street.  Ms. Sirois, along with the Council Chair, thanked each of the recipients for making East Hartford a more beautiful place to live.

Bill Horan thanked both recipients for their efforts, but especially commented on the Drouin’s residence since he grew up on Stevens Street and always remembers their lawn and gardens in pristine condition.


Susan Kniep, 44-46 and 50 Olde Roberts Street, (1) asked that the Town Council not approve the public hearing minutes of June 16, 2009 regarding Daley Court because the letter that Ms. Kniep asked to be included was omitted; (2) believes that the issue of the transfer of Daley Court should be referred to the Investigation and Audit Subcommittee, and (3) questioned the validity of the corrected assessment on 590 Burnside Avenue.

Mayor Currey (1) stated that the side entrance construction of Town Hall will soon be completed and that there will be a ribbon-cutting ceremony to which the Council will receive an invitation; (2) attended the Half Moon docking at Goodwin College and urged all to attend the Chamber of Commerce’s Business After Five tomorrow evening at Goodwin College; (3) commented on how beautiful Goodwin College is when compared to the oil tanks that previously occupied that site; (4) stated that Goodwin College is planning to build two magnet high schools – one based on ecology and the other based on a science and technology curriculum; (5) said that the Matos Group has applied for a permit regarding the wetlands area at Rentschler Field to start road work; and (6) thanked the Beautification Commission for their efforts, not only recognizing residences, but also for their attention to businesses in town.


June 16, 2009 Executive Session/Primitivo Arroyo

MOTION  By Bill Horan
                        seconded by Eric Thompson
                        to approve the minutes of the June 16, 2009 Executive Session/Primitivo
                        Motion carried 6/0.
June 16, 2009 Public Hearing/Transfer of 590 Burnside Avenue – Daley Court  

MOTION  By Bill Horan
                        seconded by Barbara Rossi
                        to approve the minutes of the June 16, 2009 Public Hearing/Transfer of
                        590 Burnside Avenue – Daley Court.
                        Motion carried 6/0.

June 16, 2009 Regular Meeting

MOTION  By Bill Horan
                        seconded by Marc Weinberg
                        to approve the minutes of the June 16, 2009 Regular Meeting.
                        Motion carried 6/0.


Preventive Health and Health Services Grant: Diabetes Self-Care

MOTION  By Linda Russo
                        seconded by Eric Thompson
                        to adopt the following resolution:

That Mayor Melody A. Currey has been empowered to make application to and execute contracts and any amendments thereof, on behalf of the Corporation, between the Corporation and the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health or its successor agency, concerning a $7,882 Preventive Health grant for diabetes self-care education programs.

On call of the vote, motion carried 6/0.

Public Health Preparedness Grant

MOTION  By Linda Russo
                        seconded by Bill Horan
                        to adopt the following resolution:

RESOLVED, that Melody A. Currey, Mayor, is authorized to make, execute and approve on behalf of this corporation, any and all contracts or amendments thereof with the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health to fund a $65,724 “Public Health Preparedness” grant for the period August 10, 2009 through August 9, 2010.

On call of the vote, motion carried 6/0.

The Center for Disease Control: Cities Readiness Initiative Grant

MOTION  By Barbara Rossi
                seconded by Bill Horan
                to adopt the following resolution:

That Mayor Melody A. Currey has been empowered to make application to and execute contracts and any amendments thereof, on behalf of the Corporation, between the Corporation and the West Hartford – Bloomfield Health District or its successor agency, concerning an $11,000 Public Health Preparedness Cities Readiness Initiative grant for the period February 26, 2008 through August 30, 2009.

On call of the vote, motion carried 6/0.

Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Use of Federal Grant Funding and Custodial Ownership of Regional Assets in DEMHS Region 3.

MOTION  By Bill Horan
                seconded by Eric Thompson  
                to adopt the following resolution:

RESOLVED, that the Town Council of the Town of East Hartford, Connecticut, may enter into with and deliver to the State of Connecticut Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security any and all documents which it deems to be necessary or appropriate pertaining to a “Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Use of Federal Grant Funding and Custodial Ownership of Regional Assets in DEMHS Region 3”; and

FURTHER RESOLVED, that Melody A. Currey, as Mayor of the Town of East Hartford, Connecticut, is authorized and directed to execute and deliver any and all documents on behalf of the Town of East Hartford and to do and perform all acts and things which she deems to be necessary or appropriate to carry out the terms of such documents, including, but not limited to, executing and delivering all agreements and documents contemplated by such documents.

On call of the vote, motion carried 6/0.


2009 K-9 Olympics

The Chair announced that this year’s K-9 Olympics will be held on Saturday, July 25th at the old UCONN Campus, Route 44, Mansfield CT starting at 8:00 AM until approximately 2:00 PM.  Participating in the event will be East Hartford’s Officer Grossi with K9 Odin,
Officer Zavalick with K9 Axel and Officer Mona with K9 Primo.


Referral to Fees Committee re: Youghiogeny Communications – Northeast, LLC d/b/a/ Pocket Communications

MOTION  By Marc Weinberg
                seconded by Barbara Rossi
                to refer to the Fees Committee the issue of setting fees for a cell tower
Motion carried 6/0.
Appointments to Boards and Commissions

MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Barbara Rossi
                to approve the following appointments:
  • The Hockanum River Commission – Christine Durrer; term to expire 12/11
  • East Hartford Housing Authority – Prescille Yamamoto; term to expire 07-14
                Motion carried 6/0.

Referral to Personnel & Pensions Subcommittee re: Assistant Town Engineer

MOTION  By Marc Weinberg
                seconded by Eric Thompson
to refer to the Personnel & Pensions Subcommittee the revised job description for the Assistant Town Engineer.
Motion carried 6/0.

Pitkin Vault Repairs:

Amendment to the 5-year Capital Improvement Plan

MOTION  By Barbara Rossi
                seconded by Marc Weinberg
                to amend the 5-year Capital Improvement Plan by adding Item 2010-253,  
entitled “Pitkin Vault Repairs” in the amount of $25,000.00.
Motion carried 6/0.

Transfer of LoCIP Funds

MOTION  By Barbara Rossi
                seconded by Eric Thompson
                to transfer $25,000.00 from LoCIP account #S4338, entitled
Parks Paving II, to a new account entitled, Pitkin Vault Repairs.
Motion carried 6/0.

Note: This motion rescinded and replaced later in the meeting. See page 5 of these minutes.


Eric Thompson asked for an update on how the Administration is dealing with the H1N1 flu virus, commonly known as the swine flu. Additionally, Councillor Thompson inquired on the possibility of mandated inoculations against the virus for children.

Bill Horan asked the Administration to look into adding lights at the town’s softball stadium. Also, Vice Chair Horan commented on the presence of a billboard truck parked on Conn Blvd, near the Hoffman Lexus dealership.

MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Barbara Rossi
                to rescind the motion to transfer $25,000.00 from LoCIP
account #S4338, entitled, “Parks Paving II”, to a new account
entitled, “Pitkin Vault Repairs”.
                Motion carried 6/0.

MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Barbara Rossi
                to authorize the Mayor to apply for State of Connecticut Local Capital
                Improvement Program funds in the amount of $25,000.00 for the Pitkin
Vault repairs and to transfer $25,000.00 from LoCIP account #S4338,
entitled Parks Paving II, to a new account entitled, Pitkin Vault Repairs.
Motion carried 6/0.


Mayor Currey thanked the Council for their support of the Pitkin vault repairs and wished the Council a good couple of weeks off until the next meeting.

Councillor Barbara Rossi reminded the Council and viewers that the Podunk Bluegrass Music Festival starts July 30th and will run through August 2nd and is free to all East Hartford residents.  


MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Bill Horan
                to adjourn (8:39 p.m.).
                Motion carried 6/0.

The Chair announced that the next meeting of the Town Council would be August 4, 2009.

                                                        Angela M. Attenello
                                                          TOWN COUNCIL CLERK