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05-14-09 Real Estate Acquisition & Disposition Committee
Ladies and Gentlemen: My apologies for a late posting of these minutes.  While the minutes had been clocked in
at the Town Clerk's office in a timely fashion, I had inadvertantly forgotten to post them to the town's website.



May 14, 2009
PRESENT William P. Horan, Jr., Chair, Councillors Linda Russo and Eric Thompson

ALSO            Melody A. Currey, Mayor
PRESENT Rich Gentile, Assistant Corporation Counsel

-Chair Horan called the meeting to order at 12:04 p.m.


April 7, 2009 Minutes

MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Linda Russo
                to approve the April 7, 2009 committee meeting minutes.
               Motion carried 3/0.




590 Burnside Avenue (a/k/a 582 Burnside Avenue/the former East Hartford Housing
Authority property known as Daley Court):

Assistant Corporation Counsel Rich Gentile initiated a general discussion of the Housing Authority’s plan for the property formerly known as Daley Court.  Mayor Currey noted that the Town will receive approximately $65,000 per year in taxes from the new property once built, and that the new property will fit in well with the revitalization plan for the area.  A general discussion of the proposed project followed.

The town purchased the property through eminent domain in or around 2001 for $200,000.00 but, despite efforts, the property was not heretofore the subject of any development offers.  The property would be sold for $50,000.00 to the non-profit developer under the present proposal.

  • Transfer of Title to 590 Burnside Avenue to East Hartford Redevelopment Agency subject to Public Hearing Requirements of Public Act 07-251
MOTION  By Linda Russo
                seconded by Eric Thompson
                to recommend that the Town Council transfer title of 590 Burnside Avenue
(a/k/a 582 Burnside Avenue/the former East Hartford Housing Authority
property known as Daley Court) to the East Hartford Redevelopment Agency subject to the public hearing requirements of Public Act 07-251, which public hearing shall be held on June 2, 2009.
Motion carried 3/0.

  • Approval of sale of 590 Burnside Avenue pursuant to C. G. S. Section 8-137 for the sum of $50,000.00.
MOTION  By Linda Russo
                seconded by Eric Thompson
                to recommend that the Town Council approve the sale of 590 Burnside
Avenue to New Samaritan Corporation (or a new 501(c) (3) not-for profit
corporation to be created by New Samaritan Corporation with respect to
this project), pursuant to C. G. S. Section 8-137, for the sum of $50,000.00,
provided such Grantee of the Development Agency’s deed is liable for the
payment of personal and real property taxes associated with the project.  
Motion carried 3/0.


Kilty Property:

Assistant Corporation Counsel Rich Gentile initiated a general discussion of the Kilty Property and the history of the Town’s efforts to acquire same. The Phase I environmental assessment from Fuss & O’Neil was reviewed and discussed. A Phase II assessment would be needed at some point, either before the town’s acquisition, or afterwards and before any development on the property such as a ball field.

  • Review of Phase I Environmental Results
MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Linda Russo
                to recommend that the Town Council accept the results of the Phase I
environmental assessment on the Kilty Property with a Phase II study on
the property to be arranged by the town with the item to be returned to the
Committee with an estimated cost of the Phase II study, and a time frame
for same.
                Motion carried 3/0.

  • Extension of time frame to acquire property until October 9, 2009 (Town Ordinance Section 10-18(b))
MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Linda Russo
                to recommend that the Town Council extend the timeframe for
purchase of the Kilty property until October 9, 2009, pursuant to Town
Ordinance Section 10-18(b).
Motion carried 3/0.

  • Open Space Grant Agreement Resolution
MOTION  By Linda Russo
                seconded by Eric Thompson
                to recommend that the Town Council adopts the following resolution
regarding the purchase of the Kilty Property:

RESOLVED, that Melody A. Currey, Mayor of the Town of East Hartford, be and hereby is authorized to execute on behalf of this municipal corporation an “Open Space Grant Agreement” with the State of Connecticut for financial assistance to acquire a 9.624 acre parcel of land along Ellington Road for recreational and open space purposes.

IN ADDITION, that Melody A. Currey, Mayor, is herby authorized to enter into such agreements, contracts and execute all documents necessary to said grant with he State of Connecticut.

BE IT FURTHER KNOWN that Melody A. Currey was elected Mayor.  Her term of office began on November 12, 2007 and will continue until November 9, 2009.  As the Mayor, Melody A. Currey serves as the Chief Executive Officer for the Town of East Hartford and is duly authorized to enter into agreements and contracts on behalf of the Town of East Hartford.

Motion carried 3/0.

Property Abutting 244 Lombardo Drive (“Lombardo Property” f/k/a “Meat Town Property”):

A general discussion took place on the history of the “Meat Town” property.

  • Review of Phase I Environmental Results
MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Linda Russo
                to accept the results of the Phase I environmental assessment on the
property abutting 244 Lombardo Drive (“Lombardo Property” f/k/a/ “Meat
Town” Property).
Motion carried 3/0.

  • Acceptance of Deed to Property from State of Connecticut for the sum of $1,000.00 per Special Act 06-10
MOTION  By Linda Russo
                seconded by Eric Thompson
                to recommend that the Administration initiate discussion with the State of
                Connecticut with respect to the cost of a Phase II environmental study on
the property and any clean-up required by said study.
Motion carried 3/0.


MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Linda Russo
                to adjourn (12:50 p.m.)
                Motion carried 3/0.

cc:     Town Council    
        Melody Currey, Mayor
        Rich Gentile, Assistant Corporation Counsel
        Jeanne Webb, Development Director