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06-10-08 Real Estate Acquisition & Disposition Committee


JUNE 10, 2008

PRESENT William P. Horan, Jr., Chair, Councillors Jason Rojas and Eric Thompson

ALSO            Melody Currey, Mayor
PRESENT Jeanne Webb, Director of Development
                Rich Gentile, Assistant Corporation Counsel


Chair Horan called the meeting to order at 5:37 p.m.


January 29, 2008

MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Jason Rojas
                to approve the January 29, 2008 committee meeting minutes.
                Motion carried 3/0.


Mayor’s Update on Potential Firehouse Sites

Mayor Currey provided an update on potential sites for the new firehouse.  Assistant Corporation Counsel Gentile gave his legal opinion regarding the viability of some of the potential sites.  The Mayor hopes that the issue will be resolved in July and that she can update the Town Council on the final site chosen for the new firehouse.


Silver Lane Cemetery Extension

Mayor Currey provided a brief overview of the progress of Phase II of the Silver Lane cemetery expansion.  A landowner with approximately ten acres adjacent to the cemetery has offered to sell this parcel to the Town.  Assistant Corporation Counsel Gentile discussed the possibility of the town acquiring the adjacent land, and the potential problems with the process.
MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Jason Rojas
                to authorize the Administration to enter into negotiations with the owner of
the property at 1350 Silver Lane (rear land) for purposes of potential
cemetery expansion, and for the Administration to return to this Committee
with its recommendations.
                Motion carried 3/0.

Town-owned Land adjacent to 800 Connecticut Boulevard

Development Director Jeanne Webb discussed this issue, referred from the Fees
Committee, regarding the possibility of leasing land adjacent to 800 Connecticut Boulevard to Oak Leaf Management.  Oak Leaf is looking to lease land along the dyke for parking purposes.  The Mayor noted that the Army Corps of Engineers would need to approve any acquisition/disposition of any property along the dyke. Assistant Corporation Counsel Gentile noted that a bond would need to be posted to protect any problems that might arise with the dyke as a result of the use of the dyke for parking.

MOTION  By Jason Rojas
                seconded by Eric Thompson
                to authorize the Administration to enter into negotiations with East Hartford 800 Connecticut Boulevard, LLC c/o MGRE Company, LLC regarding the possible development of town-owned land adjacent to 800 Connecticut Boulevard.
                Motion carried 3/0.

15 Hilltop Farms Lane

Assistant Corporation Counsel Rich Gentile gave a brief overview of the issues surrounding land known as 15 Hilltop Farms Lane within the Rolling Meadows subdivision.   The land is basically a drainage swale, and was never formally offered to nor accepted by the town.  Hilltop Farms Lane was also not accepted. The town would need to take possession of the land to remove the taxes on this parcel from the records.

MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Jason Rojas
                to refer the issue of 15 Hilltop Farms Lane to the Town Council as a Committee of the Whole, to abate existing taxes on the property known as 15 Hilltop Farms Lane and to accept said property and associated roads.
                Motion carried 3/0.

590 and 671 Burnside Avenue

Development Director Jeanne Webb provided a brief summary of the town-owned property at 590 & 671 Burnside Avenue.  Title to 590 Burnside Avenue is owned by the town and title to 671 Burnside Avenue is held by the Town’s Redevelopment Agency.  Ms. Webb has prepared a Request for Proposal (RFP). A general discussion of the possible redevelopment of these parcels took place.  Attorney Gentile opined that no action needs to be taken on 671 Burnside Avenue at this time.
MOTION  By Jason Rojas
                seconded by Eric Thompson
                to approve the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the redevelopment of 590 Burnside Avenue as drafted by the Town’s Redevelopment Agency.
                Motion carried 3/0.


$1000 Credit re: Mr. Nicotera's bid - 55/67 Leverich Drive

Assistant Corporation Counsel Rich Gentile initiated a general discussion of the $1000 deposit claimed by Mr. Nicotera.  A letter from Attorney Mike Whelton, Mr. Nicotera’s attorney, to Committee Chair Horan dated April 28, 2008 was discussed.

MOTION  By Bill Horan
                To return $500.00 to Mr. Nicotera per the request of
Attorney Mike Whelton dated April 28, 2008.
                No second.  Motion dies.

MOTION  By Jason Rojas
                seconded by Eric Thompson
                to refuse/reject the request of Attorney Mike Whelton
to return $500.00 to Mr. Nicotera.
                Motion carried 2/1.  Nay: Horan

Bantle Road – Taxes and Open Space

Assistant Corporation Counsel Rich Gentile initiated a discussion of the Bantle Road property. It has been determined that any real estate taxes due and owing on the parcel are in all likelihood not collectable, and that the town has no interest in acquiring or retaining this parcel.  If the Town Council abates the taxes and rejects the offer of the land, Attorney Gentile will write to Country Way Development to advise of the town’s decision and to recommend that Country Way Development deed the property to abutting landowners, and to advise that the town will begin taxing the property as of October 1, 2008 if this is not done.

MOTION  By Jason Rojas
                seconded by Eric Thompson
                to recommend that the Town Council, acting as a Committee of the Whole,
abate real estate taxes due and owing on the property known as 3.64
acres of open space off Bantle Road, as shown on a map entitled Rose
Subdivision, and further recommend that the Town Council not accept
the offer of the property as proffered by Country Way Development.
                Motion carried 3/0.

3 Saunders Street

The Mayor initiated a general discussion of the property at 3 Saunders Street and the town’s possibility of acquiring the parcel for the creation of additional parking within the town hall campus.  The parking could possibly be leased to Riverside Health Care Facility unless and/or until the town has a need for additional parking.  Attorney Gentile discussed the differences in the appraisals on the property, and the reasons why the owner’s appraisal is higher than what he believes would be a fair price.

MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Jason Rojas
                to authorize the administration to enter into negotiations with Leslie and
Phyllis Richardson for the acquisition of the parcel at 3 Saunders Street,
and to report back to the Committee with the results of said negotiations.
Motion carried 3/0.

Kilty Farms – Open Space

The Mayor discussed the history of the town’s negotiations over the acquisition of the Kilty Farms land.  The 13.25 acre tract is no longer sought, but 9.32 acres is still sought to be acquired by the town.  Testing and title work still needs to be done.

MOTION  By Jason Rojas
                seconded by Eric Thompson
                to recommend that the Town Council, acting as a Committee of the Whole, authorize the town to acquire the Kilty Farms property for use as open space for the price of $450,000 with $400,000 from State Open Space funds and $50,000 from town funds.
                Motion carried 3/0.

Lot between 39-49 Christopher Court

Assistant Corporation Counsel Rich Gentile provided an update on the town land between 39-49 Christopher Court, which was conveyed as planned.

No further action required.


MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Jason Rojas
                to adjourn (7:35 p.m.)
                Motion carried 3/0.

cc:     Town Council    
        Melody Currey, Mayor
        Jeanne Webb, Director of Development
        Rich Gentile, Assistant Corporation Counsel