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9-09-2013 Veterans Affairs Commission Minutes


Veterans Affairs Commission Minutes

                                                         Regular Meeting
                                                       September 9, 2013
                                                                 7:00 P.M.
                                            Council Chambers
  Roll Call: Bernie Corona, Vincent Parys, Roger Pelletier, Paul Barry, Tim Siggia


  Absent:  Kirk Allison, David Whalen, MaryAnn Roczynski, Gregory K. Simms Jr.                                               

   Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Commissioner Vincent Parys to
  approve the minutes of June 3rd.meeting as is, seconded by Commissioner Paul Barry
   Opportunity for Citizens to speak:  None

  Old Business: A lengthy discussion ensued about the Bicentennial Square project.
   Both Commissions are encountering opposition from the administration.  A suggestion
   was made by Commissioner Paul Barry  to formulate a plan of action in several phases:
    put ideas on paper, design, cost of material, vendors, funding, etc. before any more attempts
    to approach the Mayor.   Discussion was tabled until the next meeting.
     New Business: A motion was made to have representation at the 2013 Veterans Day
    Parade in Hartford on Nov.3rd, Motion Passed, Commissioner Vincent Parys will represent.
     both the Veterans Commission and the Patriotic Commission at the parade.
    Chairman Bernie Corona passed out some informative handouts.
    Chairman Vincent Parys motioned to pay the clerk.  Commissioner Paul Barry 2nd.  Motion passed.

    Adjournment: The commission adjourned the meeting at 8:05 P.M.
     Next Meeting : October 07, 2013

   Respectfully Submitted

 Clerk, Robin E. Parys