1. Call to Order: Bernie called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.
2. Roll Call:
Present: Kirk Allison, Bernie Corona, Vincent Parys, J. Roger Pelletier, Mary-Ann Roczynski, David Whalen
Absent: Dominic Fulco, Jr., Linda Carrasquillo, Paul Barry
3. Approval of Minutes:
November 7, 2011 – J. Roger made a motion, seconded by Vincent to approve the minutes.
Motion carried.
4. Old Business:
- Vincent stated that the town maintenance department will finish the cleaning or the veteran’s headstones in the spring and redoing those headstones that did not come all the way clean.
5. New Business:
- Bernie passed out miscellaneous information on veteran’s issues/benefits.
- Election of Officers: nominations were held for the positions of Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary, Chair-Bernie, Vice Chair – Mary-Ann and Secretary – Mary-Ann. J. Roger made a motion, seconded by Vincent to accept the nominations. Motion carried.
- Meeting dates for the 2012: January 9, February 6, March 5, April 9, May 7, June 4, July 2, August 6, September 10, October 1, November 5, and December 3. Kirk made a motion, seconded by J. Roger to accept the 2012 schedule. Motion carried.
- Mary-Ann talked of a meeting with Senator Blumenthal staff. The Senator will be looking into the parking problems at the West Haven, VA, also the transition for our veterans into the civilian workforce. The Senator would like to hold two open forums: one in the Fall and one in the Spring to all veterans, to address their issues/concerns and ask his staff to research the issues or concerns.
- Vincent told the Commission that the Police and Fire Depts. will hold a charity hockey game at the XL Center on March 31, 2012 and the benefits will go towards the Wounded Warrior Program. Will get more information to the Commission closer to the date.
- Mary-Ann told the Commission that there will be Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans on March 31st the State Armory. She will have more information as the time gets closer.
- Vincent asked that the next meeting date be place on all minutes, as the town website has the wrong date listed for this meeting.
The next meeting will be January 9, 2012
6. Adjournment – Kirk made a motion, seconded by J. Roger to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Minutes Subject to Approval
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