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4-4-11 Veterans Affairs Commission Minutes



1.      Call to Order: Bernie called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm.

2.      Roll Call:
        Present: Linda Carrasquillo, Kirk Allison, Bernie Corona, J. Roger Pelletier, Paul Barry
        Absent: Mary-Ann Roczynski, Dominic Fulco, Sr.

3.      Approval of Minutes:
        -       March 7, 2011 – A motion was made to approve the minutes, seconded by all.  Motion carried.   

4.      Old Business:
        -       Headstone Cleaner – Paul Barry met with Tim Bockus, Public Works Director at cemetery in Middletown to demonstrate how the cleaner works and to show him the MSDS Data sheet.  He had a few
                questions, but overall seemed pleased with the product.  Paul is awaiting his response on whether it is a go ahead to use the product here in town.  Bernie informed the Commission that funding was in
                place to purchase the cleaner once it was approved.  How and when it will be used is still not decided and dependent on approval from the Town.  Matter tabled until next meeting.

5.      New Business:
        -       Bernie passed out information he retrieved from the internet on various veterans issues.

6.      Adjournment:
        –       J. Roger made a motion, seconded by Linda to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Tatia Lewis, Clerk

Minutes Subject to Approval