A Regular Meeting of the EAST HARTFORD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY was held in the second floor conference room B, 740 Main Street, East Hartford, Connecticut on Wednesday, January 16, 2013.
- The meeting was called to order at 6:08PM by Chairperson Pearson
Robin Pearson, Chair
Ellen McCreery, Vice-Chair
Gerry Maine
Tony Matta
John Ryan
Others in Attendance:
John Choquette, Development Director
MOTION by Ms. Mr. Maine, seconded by Mr. Matta to approve the bills list
- December 5, 2012 joint EDC/RDA meeting
MOTION by Mr. Matta, seconded by Mr. Maine to approve the minutes
- Gateway Square Redevelopment Area II – 957 Main Street – New Bank Construction
- Mr. Choquette spoke with the project manager who informed him that building permits will be requested in the next week or so.
- Mr. Choquette informed Commissioners that a potential developer will be presenting their ideas at an upcoming meeting for both 550 and 590 Burnside Avenue. Ms. Pearson asked that this be placed on to the next regularly scheduled meeting’s agenda.
- 590 Burnside Avenue Property
- Mr. Choquette informed Commissioners that a potential developer will be presenting their ideas at an upcoming meeting for both 550 and 590 Burnside Avenue. Ms. Pearson asked that this be placed on to the next regularly scheduled meeting’s agenda.
- The consensus amongst Commissioners was to sign the letter to Reginald W.H. Fairbairn, President of New Samaritan Corporation, acknowledging that his contract has expired and thanking him for his attempt to bring affordable elderly housing to East Hartford.
- Main Street Improvement Program update
- Mr. Choquette informed Commissioners that the area for additional benches and trash receptacles has been extended both north and south along the Main Street corridor.
- Mr. Choquette presented the updated Enterprise Zone brochure
- Mr. Choquette updated Commissioners on the addition of the “Redbox” at the Walgreens on Connecticut Boulevard.
- Mr. Choquette announced that the bid for the 2013 Plan of Conservation and Development was awarded to BFJ Planning.
- MOTION by Mr. Maine, seconded by Mr. Matta
Respectfully Submitted,
Jeffrey A. Currey
cc: Town Clerk
Development Department
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