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10-21-09 Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes
October 21, 2009


A Regular Meeting of the East Hartford Redevelopment Agency was called to order at 6:02 p.m. on Wednesday, October 21, 2009 by Chairperson Robin Pearson

2.      ROLL CALL


Robin Pearson, Chair
Gerald Maine
Ellen McCreery
John Ryan

Daniel Dube

Others in Attendance:
Jeanne Webb, Director of Development

3)      BILLS LIST
a)      $100.00 – Clerk

MOTION  by Mr. Ryan, seconded by Mr. Maine to approve the bills list

a)      September 16, 2009 – Regular Meeting
b)      September 21, 2009 – Special Meeting

MOTION  by Mr. Ryan, seconded by Mr. Maine to approve the minutes as presented

MOTION  by Mr. Ryan, seconded by Mr. Maine to take Item 7 out of order

a)      Rentschler Field Update
i)      Mark Pilotte from the Matos Group spoke to the commission regarding the progress Rentschler Field Development has made.  Primary focus is currently on the access roadwork connecting the EH Blvd South to Main Street/High Street.  RFD will be donating 70 acres of land to the State of CT to be used as grass parking for the games due to the development that will occur on the existing runway/stadium parking.  They are also looking into possible housing units through a HUD program to include work force housing.
ii)     Ms. Webb suggested they speak with the City of Hartford’s Star Shuttle to increase the area they serve.
iii)    Mr. Maine asked about signage for Cabela’s
(1)     Mr. Pilotte and the town are currently working with the DOT on this issue
iv)     Ms. Pearson asked for specifics on the HUD program they will be using
(1)     Mr. Pilotte will forward this information to Ms. Webb to be distributed to the Commissioners

a)      430 Burnside Avenue
i)      Scott Chadwick, Corporation Counsel for the Town of East Hartford reported on his findings regarding questions brought up at the Special Meeting of September 21, 2009.

MOTION  by Ms. McCreery, seconded by Mr. Maine to have Ms. Webb speak with Inspections and Permits for clarification on the status of existing permits

b)      482-484 Burnside – Progress Report
i)      C.O.s have been issued for both floors now and a ribbon cutting is tentatively scheduled for November 10, 2009 at 12:00 noon.
ii)     Discussions are on going regarding the basement being finished and possible used for more offices.
iii)    Dr. Yetka has purchased the lot one of over from the site for additional parking.
c)      550 Burnside Avenue – Discussion of Draft RFP
i)      Nothing to report
d)      590 Burnside Avenue – Progress Report

MOTION  by Mr. Ryan, seconded by Mr. Maine that on a recommendation from Corporation Counsel and in accordance with Connecticut General Statutes, the draft version of the agreement pertaining to 590 Burnside Avenue will not be released to the public until a final agreement is approved by the Redevelopment Commission.

i)      A Special Meeting will be held on November 28, 2009 at 8:30 in the 2nd floor conference room adjacent to Ms. Webb’s office..
e)      671 Burnside Avenue – Progress Report
i)      Nothing to report

a)      Housing for Economic Growth
i)      The town received $50,000 from OPM to conduct a housing study to propose areas in town for infield housing or construction housing.
ii)     A meeting will be held November 19, 2009 with Basile, Baumann, Prost and Cole Associates

MOTION  by Mr. Maine, seconded by Mr. Ryan to cancel the regularly scheduled meeting on November 18, 2009 and have a Special Meeting on Thursday, November 19, 2009 at 6:00.
       APPROVED 3-1 (Ms. McCreery voted nay)

b)      Main Street Improvement Project
i)      Trinity interns have been canvassing businesses and residents from bridge to bridge up and down Main Street.  The survey is available for all residents on the town’s website in both English and Spanish.  A media alert will be going out informing residents of this.
ii)     Ms. Webb will get hard copies to Commissioners so that they are able to distribute


MOTION  by Mr. Maine, seconded by Mr. Ryan, to adjourn.
        APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY at 6:54 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jeff Currey

cc:     Town Clerk
        EHRA Department