October 14, 2009
A Regular Session Meeting of the EAST HARTFORD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION was held in the Town Council Chambers, 740 Main Street, East Hartford, Connecticut on October 14, 2009.
The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m.
Anthony F. Kayser; Chairman;
Elaine Carey; Vice-Chairman;
John Grottole;
Paul J. Roczynski;
John Ryan
Travis Simpson (Alternate)
Kathleen Salemi; Secretary;
Thomas Fitzgerald;
Mary Whaples (Alternate)
Peter Bonzani (Alternate)
Also Present:
Michael Dayton, Town Planner
Denise Horan, Town Engineer
Chairman Anthony Kayser declared a quorum present. Chairman Kayser stated that Travis Simpson would be acting Secretary and voting in the absence of Kathleen Salemi. Chairman Kayser stated additionally, that the Commission would be voting with six members
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• Design Review Minutes – September 9, 2009
Upon a motion by Paul J. Roczynski, seconded by John Ryan, the Commission
Voted (5 -0) to Approve the above minutes. Elaine Carey did not vote due to her absence from the meeting.
• Regular Session Minutes - September 9, 2009
Upon a motion by Paul J. Roczynski, seconded by John Ryan, the Commission Voted (5 -0) to Approve the above minutes. Elaine Carey did not vote due to her absence from the meeting.
Under Section 601 to allow environmental assessment, including limited excavation and backfilling of test pits, drilling of two inch diameter soil borings, sample collection and backfilling, and limited brush clearing on land located at 1 Pent Road A.K.A Pratt & Whitney Andrew Willgoos Turbine Laboratory.
Assessors Map # 8 & 9 Lot # 1
Applicant: Pratt & Whitney, Division of United Technologies Corporation
David M. Russell, Director of Facilities & Services
Upon a motion by John Ryan, seconded by Travis Simpson, the Commission
Voted (6-0) to Approve the above Major Flood Hazard Development Permit Application with the following conditions:
1. Final plans are to be signed and stamped (ink & impression) by the Professional
Engineer and Land Surveyor.
2. Revise the plan to use a 24”x36” sheet, clarify and update the lines and symbols in the
legend. In some instances the meaning of certain lines and shading is unclear.
3. Revise the flood zone boundary to utilize the flood zones as depicted on the current
FEMA mapping, include floodway. The CTDEP GIS data is not the current data as
specified on the CTDEP website, the information is available for download from
FEMA and maps are available for viewing at Town Hall.
4. Graphically depict the limit of the inland wetlands on the plan per section 601.6.b.2 of
the zoning regulations.
5. Clarify the limits of clearing on the plan, as shown it is unclear what is to be cleared.
6. Provide design details for the erosion controls on the plans per section 601.6.b.5 of the
zoning regulations.
7. Provide a sequence of grading and construction activities on the plan per section
601.6.b.6 of the zoning regulations.
8. Provide a sequence for installation and or application of soil erosion and sediment
control measures on the plan per section 601.6.b.7 of the zoning regulations.
9. Provide a sequence for the final stabilization of the site per section 601.6.b.8 of the
zoning regulations. Include specifications for 6” topsoil and turf establishment.
10. Verify the need for a CT DEP stream channel encroachment permit. Provide
documentation that DEP was consulted and what their findings were.
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SITE PLAN APPLICATION – 400 Main Street A.K.A Pratt & Whitney,
Installation of Phase II parking lot L.E.D lighting to Willow Street Lot “C”.
Applicant: Pratt & Whitney – David M. Russell
Upon a motion by Travis Simpson, seconded by John Ryan, the Commission
Voted (6 -0) to Approve the above Site Plan Application with the following conditions:
1. In evaluating this application, the Planning and Zoning Commission has relied
upon information provided by the applicant and, if such information subsequently
proves to be false, deceptive, incomplete, and / or inaccurate, this permit shall be
modified suspended or revoked.
2. Final plans are to be signed and stamped (ink & impression) by the Professional
Engineer and Land Surveyor.
3. Provide a Town of East Hartford planning and zoning site plan approval block on
the Title sheet.
4. On the Electrical Layout and Details Sheet L-104, specify on the sheet, which
existing light fixtures, poles and bases are to be removed.
5. On the Electrical Layout and Details Sheet L-104, graphically depict all existing
drainage structures, drainage piping, sanitary piping, and all other underground
6. On the Electrical Layout and Details Sheet L-104, revise the conduit run exiting the
Z-2 light fixture in the northeast corner of the site to either rise up the building in a
Location outside of the inland wetland upland review area or apply for an inland
wetland permit for the regulated activity.
7. Provide inlet protection for all existing drainage structures within the limits of the
proposed work and provide a detail for the inlet protection device or add a note
referencing that erosion controls proposed on the July 28, 2009 erosion control plan
sheet C-102 are to be maintained during the duration of the installation of the
improvements shown on these plans.
• Letter from Mr. Guy Rocamora regarding John A. Williams Subdivision, lot# 3 on Long Hill Street.
Upon a motion by Travis Simpson, seconded by Paul J. Roczynski, it Voted (5-1) to Approve selective tree clearing/ pruning provided no tree larger that eighteen inches in diameter shall be removed. Mr. Rocamora shall work with the Engineering Department to amend the soil erosion and sedimentation control plan to include new disturbed areas.
• Letter from Mr. Bruce C. Tuthill, AIA regarding Raymond Library parking requirements.
Staff informed that Commission that Mr. Tuthill is the design professional working on the Raymond Library building expansion and that the current zoning regulations do not address parking requirements for libraries. Staff further indicted that a future workshop with Mr. Tuthill would be order to discuss possible parking solutions and new parking requirement regulation.
• E-mail from Mr. Henry Schadler regarding 870 Burnside Avenue formerly known as Sterling Manor Nursing Home.
It was the consensus of the Commission to indicate that the overall concept of nursing home conversion to apartments was potentially acceptable provided it was age restricted with no children and that the overall density level was reasonable. Additional, concern was expressed regarding the size of the property and lack of available off street parking.
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• Site Modification Bond Release – 16 Orchard Street, Applicant: Goodwin College
Upon a motion by Elaine Carey, seconded by Travis Simpson, it was Voted (6 -0) to Approve the above bond release in the amount of
$34,250.00. .
• Review of Correspondence from Mr. Justino G. Penna from Capitol Region Education Council Dated October 7, 2009
It was the consensus of the Commission to indicate that the proposed “Birth to Three” program is not an educational component of the existing school facility and as such would not be allowed in the residential portion of the property.
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The meeting was adjourned at 8:32 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Travis Simpson, Acting Secretary
Town Planning & Zoning Commission