JUNE 9, 2010
A Design Review Meeting of the EAST HARTFORD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION was held in the Town Council Chambers, 740 Main Street, East Hartford, Connecticut on June 9, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.
Anthony F. Kayser; Chairman;
Elaine Carey; Vice-Chairman; (arrived at 7:34 P.M. and voted on 30 Remington
Road and 22 Woodlawn Circle applications)
John Grottole;
John Ryan;
Thomas Fitzgerald
Travis Simpson (Alternate)
Peter Bonzani (Alternate);
Mary Whaples (Alternate)
Kathleen Salemi; Secretary
Paul J. Roczynski
Also Present:
Jeanne Webb, Director of Development
Michael Dayton, Town Planner
Denise Horan, Town Engineer
Chairman Anthony Kayser declared a quorum present. Chairman Kayser stated that Mary Whaples would be voting in place of Kathleen Salemi, Peter Bonzani would be voting in place of Elaine Carey, and that Travis Simpson would be voting in place of Paul J. Roczynski. Additionally, Chairman Kayser stated that the Commission would be voting with seven members and that Mary Whaples would be the acting secretary for the meeting.
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SITE PLAN APPLICATION – 31 Main Street, a.k.a Putnam Bridge Plaza, Installation of one new pedestrian door and increase in height of loading dock doors to an existing grocery store.
Applicant: F. William Brown
Upon a motion by Peter Bonzani, seconded by Thomas Fitzgerald, the Commission Voted ( 7 -0) to Approve the above Site Plan Application with the following condition:
1. In evaluating this application, the Planning and Zoning Commission has relied upon
information provided by the applicant and, if such information subsequently proves to
be false, deceptive, incomplete, and / or inaccurate, this permit shall be modified
suspended or revoked.
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SITE PLAN APPLICATION – 400 Main Street, Construction of a stair tower/elevator addition to the Pratt & Whitney administration building.
Applicant: DiMeo Construction Company
Upon a motion by Mary Whaples, seconded by Travis Simpson, the Commission Voted ( 7 -0) to Approve the above Site Plan Application with the following conditions:
1. In evaluating this application, the Planning and Zoning Commission has relied upon information provided by the applicant and, if such information subsequently proves to be false, deceptive, incomplete, and / or inaccurate, this permit shall be modified suspended or revoked.
2. Final plans are to be signed and stamped (ink & impression) by the Professional Engineer and Land Surveyor.
3. On site plan sheet C-002 revise the sidewalk width to a 4’ wide minimum for its entire length and revise the tactile warning strip to be 2’x 3’.
4. On site plan sheet C-002, provide more grading information to depict how the area around the building will be graded providing positive drainage away from the
5. On site plan sheet C-002, provide more detail on the proposed landscaping to compensate for the existing landscaping that is planned to be removed.
6. On site plan sheet C-002, graphically depict on the plan the limits of the proposed curbing.
7. Site Plan Modification Bond set in the amount of $5,500.00.
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SITE PLAN APPLICATION – 99 East River Drive, Installation of three roof-top telecommunications antennas to an existing office building.
Applicant: Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless
c/o Robinson & Cole LLP,
Attn: Kenneth C. Baldwin, Esq.
Upon a motion by John Ryan, seconded by Thomas Fitzgerald, the Commission Voted ( 7 -0) to Approve the above Site Plan Application with the following condition:
1. In evaluating this application, the Planning and Zoning Commission has relied upon information provided by the applicant and, if such information subsequently proves to be false, deceptive, incomplete, and / or inaccurate, this permit shall be modified suspended or revoked.
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SITE PLAN APPLICATION – 99 East River Drive, Installation of three roof- top panel antennas, three roof-top dish antennas and one roof-top GPS antenna.
Applicant: Clearwire Techology/Maxton Technology
Upon a motion by Travis Simpson, seconded by John Ryan, the Commission Voted ( 7 -0) to Approve the above Site Plan Application with the following conditions:
1. In evaluating this application, the Planning and Zoning Commission has relied upon information provided by the applicant and, if such information subsequently proves to be false, deceptive, incomplete, and / or inaccurate, this permit shall be modified suspended or revoked.
2. Antennas shall be painted to match the exterior color of the building.
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SITE PLAN APPLICATION – 101 Connecticut Boulevard, Installation of three roof- top panel antennas, three roof-top dish antennas and one roof-top GPS antenna.
Applicant: Clearwire Techology/Maxton Technology
Upon a motion by Travis Simpson, seconded by John Ryan, the Commission Voted ( 7 -0) to Approve the above Site Plan Application with the following condition:
1. In evaluating this application, the Planning and Zoning Commission has relied upon information provided by the applicant and, if such information subsequently proves to be false, deceptive, incomplete, and / or inaccurate, this permit shall be modified suspended or revoked.
2. Antennas and mounting sled shall be painted sky gray color.
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SITE PLAN APPLICATION – 30 Remington Road, a.k.a MCauliffe Park, Replacement of existing lighting at McAuliffe softball stadium.
Applicant: Town of East Hartford Parks and Recreation Department, Robert McDonald
Upon a motion by Elaine Carey, seconded by Mary Whaples, the Commission Voted ( 7 -0) to Approve the above Site Plan Application with the following condition:
1. In evaluating this application, the Planning and Zoning Commission has relied upon information provided by the applicant and, if such information subsequently proves to be false, deceptive, incomplete, and / or inaccurate, this permit shall be modified suspended or revoked.
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SITE PLAN APPLICATION – 22 Woodlawn Circle, a.k.a Labor Field, Demolition of a concession stand.
Applicant: Town of East Hartford Parks and Recreation Department, Robert McDonald
Upon a motion by John Grottole, seconded by Travis Simpson, the Commission Voted ( 7 -0) to Approve the above Site Plan Application with the following condition:
1. In evaluating this application, the Planning and Zoning Commission has relied upon information provided by the applicant and, if such information subsequently proves to be false, deceptive, incomplete, and / or inaccurate, this permit shall be modified suspended or revoked.
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The meeting was adjourned at 7:41 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Whaples; Acting Secretary
Town Planning & Zoning Commission