MARCH 10, 2010
A Design Review Meeting of the EAST HARTFORD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION was held in the second floor conference room “B”, 740 Main Street, East Hartford, Connecticut on March 10, 2010.
The meeting was called to order at 5:03 p.m.
Anthony F. Kayser; Chairman;
Paul J. Roczynski;
John Grottole;
Tom Fitzgerald;
Peter Bonzani (Alternate);
Travis Simpson (Alternate);
Mary Whaples (Alternate);
Elaine Carey; Vice-Chairman;
John Ryan;
Kathleen Salemi; Secretary
Also Present:
Jeanne Webb, Director of Development
Michael Dayton, Town Planner
Jim Klupa, Assistant Town Engineer
Chairman Anthony Kayser declared a quorum present. Chairman Kayser appointed Peter Bonzani to vote in place of Elaine Carey, and Mary Whaples to vote in place of Kathy Salemi. Chairman Kayser also appointed Mary Whaples as acting secretary and stated that the Commission would be voting with seven members.
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MINOR FLOOD HAZARD DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION – 36 Brook Street, Construction of twelve foot by eighteen foot second story screened room/porch & stairs and a twelve foot by six foot deck to an existing single family residential structure.
Applicant: Roger G. Troie
Upon a motion by Mary Whaples, seconded by John Grottole, the Commission Voted (7-0) to Approve the above Minor Flood Hazard Development Permit Application with the following conditions:
1. Within the application, provide a value for the total number of square feet of land to be affected within the flood hazard zone and floodway or n/a for not applicable.
2. Within the application, provide a narrative describing how the proposed project will comply with sections 601.10, 11, & 12 of the regulations.
3. Provide more information on the plans and within the application describing how the proposed project will either maintain the existing storage volume of the floodplain or will compensate for any filling within the flood plain. Example measures include maintaining existing grades with the proposed concrete patio and disposing of any excavated soil at a location that is outside of the floodplain.
4. If the proposed construction results in an increase of the existing structure’s footprint, it appears that a narrative describing any impacts to the floodplain’s conveyance properties will be needed. Provide a comparison of the existing and proposed footprint or a narrative describing any impacts to floodplain conveyance.
5. Incorporate the flood resistant and anti-flotation measures specified with Brian Troie’s February 25th letter into the plans and provide a copy of the plan on a 24”x36” sheet so that the notes can be read more easily.
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SITE PLAN APPLICATION–600 Connecticut Boulevard, façade renovation to an existing automobile dealership.
Applicant: Hoffman Ford
Upon a motion by Paul J. Roczynski, seconded by Peter Bonzani, the Commission Voted (7-0) to Approve the above Site Plan Application with the following conditions:
1. In evaluating this application, the Planning and Zoning Commission has relied upon information provided by the applicant and, if such information subsequently proves to be false, deceptive, incomplete, and / or inaccurate, this permit shall be modified suspended or revoked.
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SITE PLAN APPLICATION – 452 Main Street, Installation of three roof top panel antennas, three roof top microwave antennas and one roof top GPS antenna.
Applicant: Clearwire Technology / Maxton Technology
Upon a motion by Peter Bonzani, seconded by Paul J. Roczynski, the Commission Voted (7-0) to Approve the above site plan application with the following conditions:
1. In evaluating this application, the Planning and Zoning Commission has relied upon information provided by the applicant and, if such information subsequently proves to be false, deceptive, incomplete, and / or inaccurate, this permit shall be modified suspended or revoked.
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Upon a motion by John Grottole, seconded by Peter Bonzani, the Commission Voted (7-0) to elect Anthony F. Kayser Chairman.
Upon a motion by John Grottole, seconded by Tom Fitzgerald, the Commission Voted (7-0) to elect Elaine Carey; Vice-Chairman.
Upon a motion by John Grottole, seconded by Peter Bonzani, the Commission Voted (7-0) to elect Kathleen Salemi; Secretary
CRCOG Representative
Upon a motion by John Grottole, seconded by Tom Fitzgerald the Commission Voted (7 -0) to appoint Paul J. Roczynski as the CRCOG Representative
CRCOG Alternate Representative
Upon a motion by John Grottole, seconded by Tom Fitzgerald the Commission Voted (7 -0) to appoint Elaine Carey as the CRCOG Alternate Representative.
E.D.C. Representative
Upon a motion by John Grottole, seconded by Tom Fitzgerald the Commission Voted (7 -0) to appoint John Ryan as the E.D.C Representative.
Design Review Committee Member
No vote taken to due current vacant position.
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- Design Review Minutes – February 24, 2010
Upon a motion by Paul J. Roczynski, seconded by Peter Bonzani, the Commission Voted (7-0) to Approve the above minutes.
- Regular Session Minutes – February 24, 2010
Upon a motion by Paul J. Roczynski, seconded by Peter Bonzani, the Commission Voted (7-0) to Approve the above minutes.
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Staff presented proposed sign regulation amendments to the Commission. It was the consensus of the Commission to review the draft and provide comments to the Development Department.
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- Letter from Mr. Francis B. DelMastro dated February 2, 2010 regarding modifications to a previously approved special permit application for 725 Main Street.
It was the consensuses of the Commission that the proposed modifications as outlined Letter from Mr. Francis B. DelMastro dated February 2, 2010 and shown on a plan did not constitute a major change to the approved special permit application.
- Letter from Mr. Ed Lally, P.E., L.S. dated March 9, 2010 regarding proposed residential use at 148-150 & 168 Burnside Avenue.
It was the consensuses of the Commission to have Corporation Counsel’s office review the sale of the proposed lot based on the approved zone change.
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The Meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Whaples; Acting Secretary
Town Planning & Zoning Commission