June 18, 2014
A quorum being present, Chairperson Margaret Byrnes called the
regular meeting of the Patriotic Commission to order at 7:15 p.m.
in the Welling Conference room at the Town Hall followed by the
Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Paul Barry, Melodie Wilson, Vincent Parys, Bernie Corona,
Eugene Pushefski Sr., Margaret Byrnes,
Excused: Pat Begley, Sue Tukey, Edward Dettore.
Absent: Gregory Sims
Also present: Robin E. Parys, Clerk.
Opportunity for Citizens to speak: None.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Vincent Parys made a motion to accept the minutes of May 21st as is, 2nd by Commissioner Paul Barry.
MOTION: Approved
CORRESPONDENCE: Chairperson Margaret Byrnes received of a letter of resignation from Commissioner Chuck Clarke to take effect immediately. A motion was made by Commissioner Vincent Parys and seconded by Commissioner Melodie Wilson to reluctantly accept Chuck’s letter of resignation.
The Commission also received a letter from the East Hartford Republican Town Committee recommending Mr. Timothy Siggia fill the seat on the Commission that was vacated by Commissioner Chuck Clarke.
Motion: Approved.
Bills: Chairperson Margaret Byrnes reported the final parade costs
being $4899.84. A bill in the amount of $40.00 for trophies at Discount Trophy was presented for the winners of the Flag Day
essay contest. Motion was made by Commissioner Paul Barry
and 2nd by commissioner Bernie Corona to pay all bills.
Motion: Approved
TREASURER’S REPORT: A discrepancy in the May treasurers report
of $850 was found to be the cost of the additional 4 more gross of flags over last years order.
Motion: Approved
UNFINISHED/OLD BUSINESS : Commissioner Vincent Parys indicated
that he received several complaints about the way a parade staff
member conducted themselves during the staging of the parade participants. Commissioner Parys also witnessed the conduct and found
it to be totally unprofessional and embarrassing to the Commission.
Because the staff member could not be corrected on the spot, this
also resulted in some of the marching units being out of order creating confusion at the reviewing stand.
This prompted a brief discussion on how this situation should be
handled. Further discussion was tabled until the September meeting.
The flag essay contest was a success prompting a suggestion that
we have the essays published in the East Hartford Gazette
Commissioner Vincent Parys made a motion to pay the clerk, 2nd by Commissioner Paul Barry.
Commissioner Melodie Wilson inquired into the status of the election
of officers. Chairperson Margaret Byrnes indicated that we will hold
elections in September.
Commissioner Vincent Parys raised a question about participating in
the Hartford Veterans Day Parade which prompted a brief discussion
about the parade marching orders which is a sore topic with the
Commission. This topic will be discussed further at next meeting.
Motion: Approved.
ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn was made by commissioner Vincent Parys and 2nd by Commissioner Paul Barry. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 P.M.
Motion: Approved.
Next Meeting: Sept. 17, 2014 Please Try To ATTEND!!!!!!!!!
Respectfully submitted
Robin E. Parys, Clerk
Cc: Town Clerk (original)
Office of the Mayor