March 17,2010
A quorum being present, Chairperson Margaret Byrnes called the regular meeting of the Patriotic Commission to order at 7:30 p.m. in the 2nd floor conference room of the Town Hall, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: Margaret Byrnes, Paul Barry, Patricia Begley, Richard Begley, Linda Carrasquillo Vincent Parys, Susan Tukey.
ABSENT: Mike Brinius, Victoria Brinius, Melodie Wilson.
EXCUSED: Charles Clarke, Bernard Corona, Edward Dettore.
ALSO PRESENT: Robin E. Parys, Clerk.
Commissioner Patricia Begley made the motion to accept the minutes of the February 17, 2010 meeting. Commissioner Vincent Parys 2nd.
MOTION: Passed.
CORRESPONDENCE: Clerk Robin Parys read the letter sent by Adjutant Bernard Corona from the Chapter 12 Disabled Veterans thanking the members of the Patriotic Commission for their donation to the Chapter in memory of Al Doak. Memo is on file with the Commission.
BILLS: Motion made by Commissioner Pat Begley to pay the clerk. 2nd by Commissioner Susan Tukey.
MOTION: Passed.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Commission budget is $9,072.88
OLD BUSINESS: The commission has released the payment for the 2010 Flag order.
Chairperson Margaret Byrnes has been receiving the responses for the Memorial Day Parade.
NEW BUSINESS: The Commission has been notified that a 2007 Flag Day Essay winner has come forward to claim their Savings Bond. Commissioner Patricia Begley made the motion to issue the Bond to the child pending proof of Social Security number. Commissioner Richard Begley 2nd. MOTION: Passed. A letter will be sent from the Commission to the recipient.
Miscellaneous: None.
Commissioner Vincent Parys made the motion to adjourn the meeting, Commissioner Patricia Begley 2nd. MOTION: Passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m.