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3-16-11 Hockanum River Commission Minutes

March 16, 2011

PRESENT:        Paula Saaf, Chair, David Carmen, Christine Durrer, Anthony Hollister, Scott
Hollister, Bruce Jokubaitia, Ken Sek
(absent from meeting - Peter Klock and James Reik)

CALL TO ORDER:  Meeting started at 6:06 p.m. Tony 1st, Dave 2nd

OPPORTUNITY FOR RESIDENCE TO SPEAK: East Hartford Resident Brian Taylor spoke in regard to volunteer work done last fall. He believes the electrical light poles that are being removed from Martin Park could be used to bridge smaller ravines. He believes CL&P would need to do something with them so they could be recycled. Paula said she would talk to Roger Moss and Mike from the DEP about possible issues due to the chemicals used to treat the poles.

•       September 2, 2010 minutes were approved, Scott 1st, Bruce 2nd
•       December 9, 2010 minutes were tabled to next meeting due to omission of Christine Durrer being in attendance.

•       Calendar Progress tabled until further notice.

•       Report on HRWA - Bruce said they discussed people from surrounding towns and who is responsible for finances. Paula brought up HRWA agreement to remove knotweed and concern with other areas commitment to do their part. Dave and Bruce spoke that Laurel Marsh can not be dredged. Ken and Bruce brought up weed killer and the need to talk to HRWA about it further to get more answers. Next HRWA meeting is in Ellington on June 22 Paula encouraged everyone to attend if they could fit it into their schedule. Dave made a motion to give Chris Bunce from NCCD the permission to pay $100 web hosting fee (money does not come from HRC budget) - Ken 1st, Scott 2'1, Motion carried.
•       Reduction of Budget for 2011 - Paula stated that budget had been cut to only clerk fees for 2011. She went on to say this was due to the unexpected cost for recent snow removal. Paula plans to meet with New Mayor Marcia Leclerc to introduce herself and share information about the Hockanum River Commission.
•       DEP Water Testing Paula responds to question asked by East Hartford Resident Brian Taylor at last meeting about DEP water testing. She found out that the last test was done in 2008. Paula also added she was looking into getting volunteers trained to take water samples so testing can be done.

ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 6:43 p.m. Scott 1st, Christine 2nd