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The regular meeting of the Historic District Commission of East Hartford, Connecticut was called to order at 7:01 p.m. in Conference Room A on the first floor of Town Hall by Chairman David Holmes.  On a roll call by Chairman David Holmes:

PRESENT:  Chairman David Holmes, Alternate Mary Manns, Travis Simpson, Alternate Jeffrey Cummings, and Gloria Visgilio-Lupi.

ABSENT:  Vice Chairman Steven Hudak, and Municipal Historian Raymond Johnson

ALSO PRESENT:  Liaison Clare Fravel, and Bette Daraskevich, President of the East Hartford Historical Society.
Alternate Mary Manns and Alternate Jeffrey Cummings were appointed voting members by Chairman Holmes.

MOTION by Mr. Simpson to accept the November 7, 2011 Regular Meeting Minutes; seconded by Ms. Manns.  Alternate Jeffrey Cummings and Gloria Visgilio-Lupi abstained.

COMMUNICATIONS:  The items listed on the agenda were presented by Ms. Fravel.  In addition:  

D & E - Municipal Historian, Raymond Johnson wrote an email to Ms. Fravel regarding the intent to demolish 403 Forbes Street and 972 Silver Lane.  He was unable to attend this meeting this evening.  His email included a note that the site for the new CVS building does not have any known burial grounds.  He also stated that since the surrounding buildings at the intersection were built using colonial reproduction styles, he felt the CVS building should also be built in a similar way.  Unfortunately, the design has already been accepted by the Town and it does not appear to have a colonial reproduction style.

A discussion by Commission members continued and it was agreed upon that the Historic District Commission should have more input on design/review of buildings being placed on property that once had a structure over 50 years old.  The Commission needs to be notified prior to the intent to demolish.  Ms. Fravel will look in to this to see if the Commission can be notified at an earlier phase in the design process.

H - Ms. Fravel presented the Commission members with an invitation to comment on the use of the Oakland Avenue smoke stack to house a cell tower.  The device would be applied to the existing smoke stack, the side that faces the building.  It wouldn’t be any higher than the original structure.  After a brief discussion, Commission members decided that Ms. Fravel will draft a letter to the company building the cell tower urging them to pay extra attention to the color and style of the device so it will match the existing structure.  The device should not be obtrusive and have minimal impact on the look of the smoke stack and building.

OPPORTUNITY FOR CITIZENS/RESIDENTS TO SPEAK:   Ms. Daraskevich, President of the East Hartford Historical Society spoke to Commission members on their organization’s wish to place more buildings in the Town on the National Register of Historic Places.  They will begin with the Hockanum Library.  The Commission supports and encourages the Historical Society in this endeavor.  Mr. Cummings made a MOTION to have Hockanum Library nominated to the National Registry; seconded by Ms. Manns. Vote was unanimous and uncontested.  


ELECTION OF NEW SECRETARY:  Ms. Visgilio-Lupi made a MOTION to table the election of officers to the next meeting; seconded by Mr. Cummings. Vote was unanimous and uncontested.  


STATUS OF COMMISSIONER APPOINTMENTS:  Mr. Hudak’s appointment will expire this month.  Ms. Fravel will ask him to send a letter to the Chair of the Democratic party requesting to be reappointed.  

1. Clerk ($75)

MOTION by Mr. Simpson to pay the above listed expenses; seconded by Mr. Cummings   Vote was unanimous and uncontested.  

Mr. Simpson made a MOTION to make Mr. Cummings the acting secretary for this meeting only; seconded by Ms. Manns. Vote was unanimous and uncontested.  

OPPORTUNITY TO DISCUSS ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA:   Mr. Simpson requested that the Commission host various workshops to local vendors, Historic District Residents, and Town departments to help with the Certificate of Appropriateness process.

Mr. Simpson also stated that he will be submitting a Certificate of Appropriateness for the replacement of the roof on his house and on an out building on his property due to storm damage.

ADJOURNMENT:  MOTION by Ms. Manns to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m.; seconded by Mr. Simpson.  Vote was unanimous and uncontested.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michelle Enman, clerk