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The regular meeting of the Historic District Commission of East Hartford, Connecticut was called to order at 7:11 p.m. in Conference Room A on the first floor of Town Hall by Chairman David Holmes.  On a roll call by Chairman David Holmes:

PRESENT:  Chairman David Holmes, Alternate Mary Manns, and Travis Simpson.

ABSENT:  Vice Chairman Steven Hudak, Alternate Jeffrey Cummings, and Gloria Visgilio-Lupi.

ALSO PRESENT:  Liaison Clare Fravel, Mayor Marcia A. Leclerc, Municipal Historian Raymond Johnson, former Member Robert J. Pasek, and former Liaison Mary G. Martin.

Alternate Mary Manns was appointed a voting member by Chairman Holmes for purposes of voting on the February 2011 minutes.


MOTION by Mr. Simpson to accept the February 7, 2011 Public Meeting Minutes; seconded by Ms. Manns.  Vote was unanimous and uncontested.

MOTION by Mr. Simpson to accept the February 7, 2011 Regular Meeting Minutes; seconded by Ms. Manns.  Vote was unanimous and uncontested.

COMMUNICATIONS:  Those items listed on the agenda were presented by Ms. Fravel.

4E. 101 Connecticut Boulevard (cell tower) – Chairman Holmes reported that the site is East Hartford Housing Authority’s Meadow Hill, a 12-story elderly development which already has several cell towers on its roof.

4F. 56 Hills Street (cell tower) – owned by Dedominicis; Mayor Leclerc reported meeting with AT&T.  The Town has provided alternate sites including Foran Park and Gorman Park. A study will be developed at the Gorman Park site as it is anticipated the Connecticut Siting Council would not approve a residential neighborhood location for cell tower placement.

OPPORTUNITY FOR CITIZENS/RESIDENTS TO SPEAK:  Chairman Holmes acknowledged new Liaison to Historic District Commission Clare Fravel.

OLD BUSINESS:  6A. Design Guidelines Sub-committee up-date – former Chairman of sub-committee Mr. Pasek reported that it was concluded that the guidelines were well-written; each application will be looked at on a case-by-case basis.  Mr. Simpson agreed that due diligence was accomplished.  The sub-committee finalized their decision to not change the design guidelines and presented this as a formal statement to the Commission.  By consensus, the sub-committee submitted their findings as complete.


7A. Resignation of Historic District Commission Secretary Robert J. Pasek – Chairman Holmes reported that the Commission accepted Mr. Pasek’s resignation with regret and thanked him for his service.  The election of a new secretary was tabled until a time when more members could be present.

CHANGE IN ORDER OF AGENDA:  MOTION by Mr. Simpson to move Item 7B to end of agenda; seconded by Ms. Manns.  Vote was unanimous and uncontested.

7C. Report on Preservation Alliance Meeting by Mary Manns – Ms. Manns found the meeting very informative.  Historic slides were presented and the importance of preserving town history was stressed.  Chairman Holmes thanked Ms. Manns for attending and representing East Hartford at the meeting.

7D. Pitkin Vault in Center Cemetery; stabilization procedure – Ms. Fravel stated that the recent storm may have delayed stabilization activities but the goal is to complete the process before the winter season.  Flowable-fill will be inserted into the structure in three pours through holes drilled at the top; structure will be stabilized and remains will be “in situ” (undisturbed from original place of deposition).  Chairman Holmes explained that the procedure will keep the arched vault from failing and the “flowable-fill” material may be excavated in the future if deemed necessary.  Ms. Fravel added that State Archaeologist Nick Bellantoni and Friends of Center Cemetery President Ray Tubbs are in agreement with the process and intent.

7E. Payments:  Clerk ($75) – waived by volunteer Ms. Fravel.

OPPORTUNITY TO DISCUSS ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA:  Mr. Simpson, owner of 119 Naubuc Avenue, inquired about the status of the Certificate of Appropriateness for his property.  Ms. Fravel stated that she has been in contact with Residential- Construction/Framing Inspector Mark Sevetz and will follow-up to clarify inspection requirements and findings. Mr. Simpson added that the “Dutch Colonial” property on Naubuc Avenue sold and the property with the temporary wood stove piping up the side is expected to close by the end of the month.  Mr. Simpson suggested preparing “welcome” letters for the new residents.


7B. Recognition of service of former Liaison to the Historic District Commission Mary G. Martin – Mr. Simpson thanked Ms. Martin for her assistance from the perspective of a resident as well as a Commission member; Mr. Johnson reflected on Ms. Martin’s time and effort devoted to the East Hartford Historic Preservation Survey and described her as a tremendous addition to the Town; Mr. Pasek thanked Ms. Martin for all of her hard work to the Town of East Hartford; Ms. Fravel thanked Ms. Martin for her guidance; and Ms. Manns expressed her appreciation and wished Ms. Martin well in her retirement.  Chairman Holmes explained that Ms. Martin was present since the formation of the Historic District Commission and that her educational background made her ideally suited to the position of Liaison.  Chairman Holmes cited Ms. Martin’s passion for preserving old buildings, her professionalism and her years of employment at Town Hall.  He thanked Ms. Martin for her help and guidance. Mr. Johnson added that Ms. Martin was extremely helpful in working out the logistics of saving and moving the Brewer House.

Mayor Leclerc read and presented a proclamation to Ms. Martin which affirmed that Ms. Martin has been a dedicated employee of the Town of East Hartford, was instrumental in developing what is known as the Naubuc Avenue Historic District and worked as the Liaison to the Historic District Commission since its inception. Mayor Leclerc continued that she, along with members of the community and the Historic District Commission, honor Ms. Martin and wish her a happy and healthy retirement.       

ADJOURNMENT:  MOTION by Mr. Simpson to adjourn the meeting at 7:46 p.m.; seconded by Ms. Manns.  Vote was unanimous and uncontested.

Respectfully Submitted,

Clare Fravel, clerk