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The regular meeting of the Historic District Commission of East Hartford, Connecticut was called to order at 7:01 p.m. in the Building Department Conference Room at Town Hall by Chair David Holmes.  On a roll call by Secretary Robert Pasek:

PRESENT:  Chair David Holmes, Alternate Jeffrey Cummings, Travis Simpson and Secretary Robert Pasek.

ABSENT: Vice-Chair Steven Hudak, Gloria Visgilio-Lupi, Alternate Michelina Lauzier and Alternate Dusty McMahan (note:  Mr. McMahan may not yet have been sworn in as a Commissioner; he was appointed by the Town Council on May 18, 2010).  Municipal Historian Raymond Johnson was unable to attend.
ALSO PRESENT:  Liaison Mary G. Martin and Mrs. Anya Simpson (Applicant) (7:35 p.m.)

Alternate Jeffrey Cummings was appointed a voting member by Chair Holmes.


MOTION by Mr. Pasek to accept the May 3, 2010 Regular Meeting Minutes; seconded by Mr. Cummings.  Vote was unanimous and uncontested.   

COMMUNICATIONS:  Those items listed on the agenda were presented.  In addition:  
  • 259 Naubuc Ave (Tuttle) – request for 2-year extension of window replacement Certificate.  The Commission discussed this request and approved it by consensus.
  • Materials received at CT Commission on Culture and Tourism Workshop:     
Managing Local Historic Districts – were present to the Commission. (Attended by Ms. Martin and Mr. Cummings).
  • Handbook for Historic District Commissions and Historic Property
      Commissions in CT.
  • CT Preservation News July/August 2008, Vol. XXX1, No. 4.

OPPORTUNITY FOR CITIZENS/RESIDENTS TO SPEAK:  Mrs. Simpson introduced herself to the Commission.


DESIGN GUIDELINES SUB-COMMITTEE UPDATE:  Nothing to report since the first meeting.  A second meeting will be scheduled in the near future.

752 MAIN STREET (“WIC BUILDING”):   A Request for Proposal for the sale, removal and restoration of the building was due on May 20, 2010.     No bids were received.  Chair Holmes, Municipal Historian Raymond Johnson, and Commissioner Cummings met with Mayor Currey and were given a deadline of June 7, 2010 to determine if any potential developers were interested.  Chair Holmes reported he has been given an extension to Wednesday, June 9, 2010, 12:00 p.m. to come up with a financial plan for the building.  He is meeting with some associates at 11:00 a.m. on June 9th.  

NAUBUC AVENUE BOUNDARY SIGN:   The southern boundary sign that was destroyed by a snowplow this past winter was replaced by the Town’s Public Work’s Department.


ACCEPT AS COMPLETE:  APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS #75 FOR 119 NAUBUC AVENUE (OWNER:  SIMPSON):  After Mr. Simpson presented his materials to the Commission, and following a lengthy discussion; Mr. Pasek made a MOTION to Accept Application #75 as complete with the following changes/conditions:  1.  Re-shingle roof due to hail damage – shall be architectural asphalt shingle (currently has asphalt); 2.  Re-wrap windows due to hail damage (rear & High Street sides) with aluminum (currently has aluminum) will include some areas of the sills not currently wrapped; 3.  Existing chimney removal and replace the exterior part of the chimney to look the same as it currently does using veneer materials and natural brick (Boulder Creek product or approved equal); 4.  Change rear addition roof pitch; 5.  Accessory building: “Caretaker’s Shed” – re-roof with asphalt or metal (currently has asphalt).  The existing cupola on the shed should be replaced with one that is similar in design and structure; 6.  Accessory barn:  Siding repair to match current 3-tab asphalt shingles; seconded by Mr. Cummings.  Vote was unanimous (Mr. Cummings, Mr. Holmes, and Mr. Pasek)and uncontested.  As Applicant, Mr. Simpson abstained from voting.

PAYMENTS:           1.   Clerk – M. Enman ($75)
MOTION by Mr. Pasek to pay the above listed expense; seconded by Mr. Cummings.  Vote was unanimous and uncontested.  

OPPORTUNITY TO DISCUSS ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA:    Commission members held a discussion regarding the following topics:  the barn on Naubuc Avenue;  the demolition of a historic building by the Town of Wallingford and the Colonial Revival House built in 1908 at 149 Naubuc Avenue which is currently up for sale.

MOTION by Mr. Cummings to adjourn the meeting at 8:33 p.m.; seconded by Mr. Pasek.  Vote was unanimous and uncontested.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michelle A. Enman, Clerk