REGULAR MEETING: November 3, 2008
The regular meeting of the Historic District Commission of East Hartford, Connecticut was called to order at 7:09 p.m. in the Town Hall Building Department Conference Room by Chair David Holmes. On a roll call by David Holmes:
PRESENT: Chair David Holmes, Vice Chair Steven Hudak, Secretary Jeffrey Cummings, Robert Pasek and Mary Dowden.
ABSENT: Alternate Gloria Visgilio-Lupi and Alternate Catherine Condio.
ALSO PRESENT: Liaison Mary G. Martin and Applicant Mr. Hampton
Ms. Dowden made a MOTION to revise the agenda and move Section 6A, under OLD Business to after roll call; seconded by Mr. Cummings.
- Action on Application #71 for a Certificate of Appropriateness for 107 Naubuc
Avenue (Owner: Hampton). Mr. Pasek made a MOTION to approve Certificate of
Appropriateness #71; seconded by Mr. Cummings. Vote was unanimous and
MOTION by Ms. Dowden to accept the June 2, 2008 Public Hearing Meeting Minutes; seconded by Mr. Pasek. Vote was unanimous and uncontested. Mr. Holmes abstained.
MOTION by Ms. Dowden to accept the June 2, 2008 Regular Meeting Minutes; seconded by Mr. Cummings. Vote was unanimous and uncontested. Mr. Holmes abstained.
MOTION by Ms. Dowden to accept the October 6, 2008 Public Hearing Meeting Minutes; seconded by Mr. Pasek. Vote was unanimous and uncontested. Mr. Cummings and Mr. Hudak abstained.
MOTION by Mr. Pasek to accept the October 6, 2008 Regular Meeting Minutes; seconded by Ms. Dowden. Vote was unanimous and uncontested. Mr. Cummings and Mr. Hudak abstained.
COMMUNICATIONS: Communications as listed on the agenda notice were presented. In addition:
- Intent to Demolish – 249 Silver Lane.
PAYMENTS: 1. The Hartford Courant ($36.40)
MOTION by Ms. Dowden to pay the above listed expenses; seconded by Mr. Cummings. Vote was unanimous and uncontested.
OPPORTUNITY TO DISCUSS ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA: Commission members discussed the intent to demolish the structure at 249 Silver Lane, a Greek revival farm house built in 1858. Commission members expressed an interest in attempting to try save the structure from demolition. Chair Holmes will contact Mr. Neary, owner of the building, and inquire if he has looked into any alternatives other than demolition. It was the consensus of the Commission to suggest to Mr. Neary the possibility of moving the structure to an alternative site.
Mr. Pasek mentioned that he was surprised to hear the Mayor speaking on East Hartford’s Cable Channel 5 about taking down the two buildings next to main driveway entrance of Town Hall. These buildings have been referred to as the “Town Hall Annex”. At this time, they are both vacant, and the idea is to use the extra space for parking at the Town Hall. The Town Hall building has had parking issues for a long time, and more parking is greatly needed. Mr. Pasek expressed his concern to the Commission that by removing the buildings, it is setting a poor example to other private citizens who want to demolish historic buildings in Town.
Mr. Pasek also was interested in finding out more information about two properties on Burnside Avenue that he heard were offered to the Town by a private estate, but were refused because the Town did not have the resources for upkeep of the buildings. Ms. Martin will look into this in greater detail and see if this is something that our Redevelopment Agency may be interested in getting involved in.
MOTION by Mr. Cummings to adjourn the meeting at 7:58 p.m.; seconded Mr. Hudak. Vote was unanimous and uncontested.