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9-8-11 Fine Arts Commission Minutes
Meeting of September 8, 2011

Chair Howe called the meeting of the Fine Arts Commission to order at 7:02 p.m.

PRESENT:  Regina Barall; Terrye Blackstone; Karen Howe; Glynis McKenzie; Judy Okeson; Maureen Rodgers; Betty Russell; Dan Russell.

ABSENT:    Hilde Mayranen-O’Brien; John Ryan (excused);Florence Schroeter (excused); Roberta Sweeney; Sue Tukey; Prescille Yamamoto.

     GUEST:       Candy Guastamachio (EHHS Band Teacher)

Chair Howe turned the meeting over to guest, Candy Guastamachio.  Candy reported on the program that was made possible by the Fine Arts Commission.  She reported that the grant money paid for 2 UConn students to work with the EHHS band drum line.  This program was very successful and Candy was extremely pleased with the outcome.  She was grateful to the Commission for their support.       

MOTION  By Glynis McKenzie
                        Seconded by Maureen Rodgers
                        To approve the minutes of July 14, 2011.

III.    CHAIR’S REPORT                                  
        Chair Howe reported the following:      
-       Letters were drafted to two members who have not been in attendance over the past year.  Discussion was held.  It was agreed that a response date would be put on the letter.  Further, Mayor LeClerc as well as Pat Gately, Chair
        of Democratic Town Committee and Joe Kronin, Chairman of the Republican Town Committee will receive copies of the letters.
-       Chair Howe distributed the business cards and note cards to Commissioners.

-  St. Joseph’s College is hosting a Italia Bella exhibit September 9 – December 11, 2011
-  An exhibit is being held at Clare Gallery at St. Patrick’s-St. Anthony’s Church

Chair Howe reported in the absence of Florence Schroeter.  Paul Bisaccia will be performing during Holiday Fest 2011.  He will perform Classic Christmas Jazz on Saturday, December 3 at 2:00 p.m. Cost will be $800. ($500 from Holiday Fest, $300 from Music line items under Special Events.)
MOTION  By Maureen Rodgers
                        Seconded by Regina Barall
                        To have Paul Bisaccia perform during Holiday Fest 2011.

Chair Howe received an email from John Ryan.  He is planning to have a nature photographer  hold a presentation.

Further, John Ryan contacted Roger Moss in reference to training on the equipment in the Cultural Center that can be used to show the Film Series.

Film Series
Glynis McKenzie spoke with Roger Moss about the equipment to be used for the Film Series.  His concern was the security of the equipment as well as the proper use of the equipment.

The Film Series is scheduled:   January 14, February 11, March 10 and April 14.  The movies to be presented are Korean, Jordanian, Moroccan and Russian.  She presented the invoice for 3 of the DVDs purchased.
Terrye Blackstone is looking into having Sculptor Marilyn Thrall do a Master Class.  She will report further on this next month.

Terrye Blackstone also reported that the Art League will be having illustrators, artists, etc. to do workshops during the year.  She will keep the Commission informed.

Children’s Programs
Regina Barall reported that she has scheduled a Dance/Movement at Willowbrook for the full year.  She stated the teacher cost will be $1000 and will go through the Circle of Life. The teacher will begin with the 3-4 year olds.

Further discussion will be held on Children’s Programs next month to see if additional programs or funding will be needed.

A fundraiser is being planned, “The Gatsby Gala” being held on 9/25.  In the spring, the “Around the World” program will take place, featuring dance talent from various ethnic groups.

Reggie reported that Circle of Life is now doing a visual arts program with “at-risk” students.

Chair Howe reported “The Wiz” was successful and was truly a youth program.  During rehearsals, on Fridays, teaching programs took place for the cast.  The classes featured performance, make-up, costuming, etc.

A fundraiser will be held on Veterans Day, featuring a cast of 5 performing “You’re a good man, Charlie Brown.”

Drama/Lecture/Poetry                                    No report at this time.

Mini-Grant – East Hartford Public Schools
Betty Russell reported she will be contacting Laura White, Director of Performing Arts.  The applications will go out on Monday, September 12 to Ms. White for distribution to the entire Performing Arts department.  The application deadline is October 24.  A committee, consisting of Regina Barall, Judith Okeson, and Betty Russell will review applications and award the grants at the November meeting.

Town of East Hartford Pamphlet                  No report at this time.

Terrye Blackstone stated this project would promote the Fine Arts Commission as well as the Economic Development Commission.  This pamphlet will show various destination points in East Hartford.

Distribution of sub-committee monies            
Tabled until next month due to the absence of Prescille Yamamoto.
VII.  NEW BUSINESS                                      
        Chair Howe began discussion on what programs will be featured this year, looking for recommendations.  The following are scheduled:
                September               Gatsby Gala
                November                EHSYF “You’re a good man, Charlie Brown.”
                December                Holiday Fest – Paul Bisaccia
                                                City Singers
                January         Film Series
                February                Film Series
                March           Film Series
                April           Film Series
                                                “Around the World” dance program

Discussion was held on various programs such as, Buffa, Trinity Pipes, Hartford Symphony.
It was recommended having a teacher’s art exhibit in town.

Chair Howe informed the Commission that within the next few years it will be the 50th anniversary of the Commission.  A celebration should be planned, and requested Commissioners recommend programs.                  

Discussion was held on line-item funds in Special Events.
MOTION  By Judith Okeson
                        Seconded by Betty Russell
                        To disperse the Special Events line items for Podunk BlueGrass, EHSYF, Summer Series and Dance.

                        Theresa Godreau (clerk fee)             $    80.00
                        Karen Howe (expenses-ink/envelopes)     $    29.01
                        Glynis McKenzie (expenses-DVDs)         $    47.47
                        Podunk BlueGrass (Special Events)               $1500.00
                        EHSYF   (Special Events)                        $1000.00
                        Summer Series (Special Events)          $  500.00
                        Dance (Circle of Life-Special Events)   $1000.00
MOTION          By Dan Russell
                                Seconded by Betty Russell
                                To pay bills as submitted.


MOTION  By Glynis McKenzie
                        Seconded by Maureen Rodgers
                        To adjourn the meeting at 8:33 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Theresa A. Godreau, Clerk