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10-2-08 Beautification Commission Regular Minutes
Beautification Commission
Thursday, October 2, 2008   

Present: Helen Boardman; Pat Byrnes; Marylee Hickey; Dolores Kehoe; Sue Kickery;
Mary Mourey; Betty Russell; Tony Russo; Pat Sirois.

Also Present: Bonnie Nichols, Director/Inspections and Permits
                 Bill Taylor, Director/Public Works
ABSENT: Roger Moss, Director/Park and Recreation (excused).
Call to order:
Chair Sirois called the meeting of the Beautification Commission to order at 7:14 pm.

Acceptance of minutes of September 4, 2008
Betty Russell made a motion to accept the minutes of the September 4, 2008 meeting. Seconded by Sue Kickery.  Unanimously approved.

Opportunity for citizens to speak:              No report at this time.

Financial Report:
Chair Sirois reported the General Budget balance is $8,425.
Remembrance fund balance is $520.96.

Chair Sirois received correspondence from Mayor Currey in reference to the having Commission minutes and agendas clocked in and emailed to her office for posting on the website.

Further information was received from Mayor Currey about speaking near the microphones in the Town Council Chambers because they are not always shut off and comments can be heard by everyone in the chamber.                  

Chair's report:                                         No report at this time.

Tree Warden's RePORT:           
Information was distributed for September 2008.

Old BUsiness:
A.  Holiday Fest
Chair Sirois reported that she had completed and sent the Amusement Permit for the event.
She further reported that she emailed those organizations that support programs for Holiday Fest.  She has received replies and the following programs will take place:
        -  Tree lighting along with choral groups from EHMS, EHHS and Girl Scouts
        -  EHSYF will do a winter concert with Christmas songs from plays on Broadway
        -  Pancake Breakfast
        -  Spaghetti supper
        -  Live Nativity
        -  Movie
        -  Buffa performing Christmas melodies
        -  Holiday Brunch at Casa Mia Mount Carmel
        -  Pratt Chorus will perform
            -  Senior Bingo
        -  Bell Ringers at Faith Lutheran Church
        -  Horse drawn carriage/Santa Clause
        -  Gift making by the Girl Scouts

Chair Sirois is still trying to contact Mike Allen, Bea Piersa from Raymond Library and the Barall’s.

Chair Sirois reported there may not be a poinsettia sale this year due to the high cost of fuel for greenhouses.
Due to the decision by the Commission last month, there will not be a Kick-off.  Chair Sirois did contact Mary Beth Reid from the Chamber of Commerce to inform her.

Posters and printing of brochures will be completed by the next meeting, November 6, 2008.  Commissioners were requested to come to the Cultural Center on November 19 at 5:00 p.m. to count brochures for the schools.

It was further decided that 250 buttons will be made to sell.  The theme will be a gingerbread house.

Commissioners will meet on November 16, 2008 at Alumni Park to decorate the clock tower.  

MOTION          By Dolores Kehoe
                        Seconded by Mary Mourey
                        To approve to spend up to $250 for a Gingerbread House lawn ornament.

New Business                                            None.
Other Business                                          
Tony Russo reported that there was an accident on the Governor/Main Street corner and the barrels were destroyed.  It was recommended that Tony get a police report to see who the responsible party is.

Concerns of the Commission                      
        - Tree limbs hanging over electrical wires on Central Avenue

Tony Russo reported that the Hartford Marathon Committee will be purchasing and planting 3 trees along the East Hartford marathon route.
Payment of Bills:
        Theresa Godreau (clerk)                                         $ 75.00
        Richard Mourey (Ink Cartridges for Awards)                      $ 42.39
Betty Russell made a motion to pay the bills as submitted.  Seconded by Helen Boardman. Unanimously approved.

There being no further business, Mary Mourey made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:17 p.m. Seconded by Betty Russell. Unanimous.

The next meeting of the Commission will be November 6, 2008 in the Building Department Conference Room at 7:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Theresa Godreau, Clerk.