Beautification Commission Meeting
Thursday November 1, 2012
Present: Pat Byrnes;Elaine Dube; Marylee Hickey; Dolores Kehoe; Lee Ann Manning; Betty Russell; Pat Sirois.
Also Present: Tim Bockus, Director/Public Works
Ted Fravel, Director/Parks and Recreation
Greg Grew, Director/Inspection and Permits
Absent: Mary Mourey (excused); Tony Russo.
Call to order:
Chair Sirois called the meeting of the Beautification Commission to order at 5:33 p.m.
Acceptance of minutes of October 4, 2012
Betty Russell made a motion to accept the minutes of the October 4, 2012 meeting.
Seconded by Elaine Dube. Approved.
Opportunity for citizens to speak:
Chris Kehoe attended the meeting to discuss the issue of trees at Gorman Park. His concern was that trees are being removed and questioned if trees will be planted. He requested that trees be planted for shade by the ball fields. Further he discussed using DePietro property to begin planting trees then re-planting them in various areas around town. Tim Bockus explained that the DePietro property is used for passive recreation. Tim Bockus reassured Mr. Kehoe that he will investigate the issue at Gorman Park.
Financial Report:
Chair Sirois distributed a flyer announcing the French Toast Breakfast on Saturday, November 3 sponsored by the Lions Club.
Chair's report:
Chair Sirois reported that the Posters for Holiday Fest are printed, and has made 200 buttons to sell. Further she will be meeting with Kristine at the Parks and Recreation department to do the brochure. She and Pat Byrnes will meet to copy the brochures.
Concerns of the Commission:
None at this time.
Tree Warden's Report:
Tim Bockus gave a report on the storm update. He stated that there were 6800 peak outages in East Hartford. A utility pole and trees were knocked down at Britt Road and O’Connell Drive. Also a poll was knocked down at Brookline and Edgewood. He stated one tree was lost at Alumni Park and one tree at Veteran’s Memorial Clubhouse. The transfer station will be open to residents for storm debris until November 10.
Tim further reported that leaf collection will begin on November 5 for five weeks. The barrels on Main Street have been put in storage.
A Public Hearing will be held on November 5 in the Welling Conference Room to discuss the Levee project and the removal of trees by the river.
Old Business:
Chair Sirois reported the Kick Off is scheduled for November 15 in the Community Room at Goodwin College. The Chamber will be paying for the light refreshments and Beautification will be purchasing the water and soda for the event. Goodwin College has agreed to decorate the area with table linens and bows.
Marylee Hickey and Elaine Dube will sell buttons at the Kick-off. Marylee Hickey will pick up the ice at the EHCCC to bring to Goodwin College. Pat Byrnes will bring containers to hold the canned goods that are brought that evening.
10,000 brochures will be printed and brochures will be delivered to elementary schools the week of November 26, 2012.
Center Cemetery
Tim Bockus discussed that he has looked at the triangle area located near the circular entranceway. He suggested that a small decorative flowering tree be planted in the area. Discussion was held to use Remembrance Fund money to purchase items needed for the area. This will be done in the Spring of 2013. Betty Russell thanked Tim Bockus for his assistance on this matter.
New Business:
None at this time.
Other Business:
None at this time.
Payment of Bills:
Theresa Godreau $ 75.00
Custom Printing (Holiday Fest) $ 411.85
Dolores Kehoe a motion to pay the bills as submitted. Seconded by Betty Russell. Approved.
There being no further business, Elaine Dube made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:44 p.m. Seconded by Dolores Kehoe. Approved.
The next meeting of the Commission will be December 6, 2012 in Building Department Conference Room at 5:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Theresa Godreau, Clerk