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6-2-11 Beautification Commission Minutes
Beautification Commission
Thursday, June 2, 2011   

Present:       Pat Byrnes; Marylee Hickey; Dolores Kehoe; Mary Mourey;
Tony Russo; Betty Russell; Pat Sirois.

Also Present:           Roger Moss, Director/Park and Recreation
                        Bonnie Nichols, Director/Inspections and Planning

Absent: Elaine Dube
                Tim Bockus, Acting Director/Public Works (excused)

Call to order:
Chair Sirois called the meeting of the Beautification Commission to order at 7:18 p.m.

Acceptance of minutes of May 5, 2011      
Mary Mourey made a motion to accept the minutes of the May 5, 2011 meeting. Seconded by Betty Russell.  Approved.

Opportunity for citizens to speak:              None.   

Financial Report:                                       
Mary Mourey reported that the General Fund has $1463.47.  Funds have been encumbered for plantings. Remembrance Fund balance is $520.96.

Chair Sirois received the following communication:
  • Custom printing advertisement
Chair's report: 
Chair Sirois spoke with Mayor Leclerc in reference to Holiday Fest and the monetary cost as well as the personnel costs to put on the event.  Mayor Leclerc reassured her that she will continue to support the event.

Chair Sirois spoke with the President of the Garden Club, Deb Dubinski.  Discussion was held on the town flower.  When Tim Larson was Mayor he wrote a letter to the state registering the “rose” as the East Hartford town flower.  Chair Sirois will contact Bill Doak, editor of the Gazette, to have an article written and photos taken of the flower throughout town.  Knock out roses will be planted at the Veteran’s Memorial Clubhouse grounds.
Tree Warden's RePORT:
  • Tree City Flag
Chair Sirois reported in the absence of Tim Bockus.  He received the 15th year Tree City Flag which is now flying at Town Hall.

Chair Sirois distributed the Tree Warden’s report to the membership.    
Old BUsiness:                                                                           
  • Spring Plantings
Tony Russo reported the barrels are planted and they are working throughout town weeding, mowing and planting.

New Business
  • Beautification Award recommendations
  • Residential
Discussion was held on giving a Special Recognition award to the owners of 160 Madison Street.  These residents consistently have a well manicured yard.  They received a Beautification Award in 1991.

MOTION  By Marylee Hickey
                Seconded by Pat Byrnes
                To give a Special Recognition Award to 160 Madison Street.

MOTION  By Betty Russell
                Seconded by Marylee Hickey
                To give the June residential Beautification Award to 69 Cavan Road.

The following properties were recommended for July 2011:
                Ellington/Goodwin Street (at light)
                73 Syracuse Drive
                Larrabee Street (after the cemetery)

  • Business
MOTION  By Mary Mourey
                Seconded by Tony Russo
To give the June business Beautification Award to Stone Academy located on Burnside Avenue.

  • Lawn signs for Beautification Award recipients
Marylee Hickey distributed information she received from Yush Signs in East Hartford.  She will continue to investigate other companies because of the cost proposal being high.

OTHER BUSINESS:                                                 None.
Concerns of the Commission:
The following concerns were discussed:
  • Exit ramp – Lawrence Street Do Not Enter sign is extremely faded
  • Various exit ramps, grass is extremely high
  • 650/920 Forbes Street – high grass
  • Colby Drive – high grass (don’t know house number)
  • Dead tree – Goodwin/Long Hill
  • 46 Long Hill Drive
  • 58 Burnside – high grass
  • Burnside Ave/Tolland Street (green house) high grass
  • “Welcome to East Hartford” signs and Service signs – need weeding
Payment of Bills:
Chair Sirois recommended giving the clerk an additional $25 for the extra work she performs throughout the year as well as the Arbor Day information she distributes.  Commissioner’s concurred.

        Theresa Godreau (clerk)                                         $ 100.00
Marylee Hickey made a motion to pay the clerk as submitted.  Seconded by Tony Russo .  Approved.
There being no further business, Betty Russell made a motion to adjourn the meeting at
8:29 p.m. Seconded by Mary Mourey. Approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Theresa Godreau, Clerk