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10-1-09 Beautification Commission Minutes
Beautification Commission
Thursday, October 1, 2009   

Present:    Pat Sirois; Helen Boardman; Pat Byrnes; Marylee Hickey; Dolores Kehoe;
                  Sue Kickery; Mary Mourey; Betty Russell; Tony Russo          

Also Present:   Bonnie Nichols, Director/Inspections and Permits
                        Bill Taylor, Director/Public Works                   

Absent:              Sue Kickery (excused)
                 Roger Moss, Director/Park and Recreation (excused)
Call to order:
Chair Sirois called the meeting of the Beautification Commission to order at 7:15 p.m.

Acceptance of minutes of SEPTEMBER 3, 2009    
Mary Mourey made a motion to accept the minutes of the September 3, 2009 meeting. Seconded by Marylee Hickey.  Approved.

Opportunity for citizens to speak:              No report at this time.

Financial Report:                                       
Mary Mourey reported the general budget has a balance of $7907.61.  Remembrance Fund balance is $520.96.

Chair Sirois received a thank you note from Mary Whaples who was awarded a Beautification Award.                        

Information from Arbor Day Foundation was received.

Chair's report:                                         
Chair Sirois reported there was an article in the Rare Reminder in reference to the Town Council meeting and the awarding of the Beautification Awards.

Chair Sirois stated she did write a letter in support of Channel 5 and the support given to Holiday Fest.

Tree Warden's Report:                           No report this month.

Old Business:                                           
        A.  Holiday Fest
                1.  Events
Chair Sirois reviewed the various events scheduled during Holiday Fest.  She reported that she did write letters to churches informing them that the Commission would place their information in the Holiday Fest brochure if an event was scheduled.  She received no response.

                2.  Kick-Off
There will not be a Kick-Off for Holiday Fest.

                3.  Printing of brochures, counting brochures for town schools
Commissioners will meet on November 18, 2009 to count the brochures for the elementary schools at the Cultural Center. It was agreed the start time would be 4:00 p.m.

Discussion was held on the buttons.  It was agreed that the cost would be $2.00 again with monies going to the East Hartford Fuel Bank.  Discussion was held on the age of the button maker.
Betty Russell made a motion to purchase a new button maker NTE $300.  Seconded by Marylee Hickey.  Approved.
Mary Mourey will contact S & S to get a quote.  If the cost is more than $300, a phone or email survey will be done for approval of expenditure of additional money.

        B.  Evergreen cuttings in barrels
Tony Russo is contacting companies for the cost.  Bonnie Nichols stated that there are Christmas trees in Colebrook that can be used for the evergreen cuttings.  More information will be reported in November.

New Business                                            None.
Other Business                                          None.
Concerns of the Commission:
        Brewer Street (across from St. Christophers) furniture in front yard
        Brewer Street (# in 600s) – yard is overgrown
        Monroe Street – front lawn, toys obstructing walkway

Bonnie Nichols informed the Commissioners of the process informing homeowners of the regulations.  This process takes months and she reassured the members that she does follow through with all their concerns.
Payment of Bills:
        Theresa Godreau (clerk)                                         $ 75.00
Marylee Hickey made the motion to pay the bills as submitted.  Seconded by Mary Mourey.  Approved.

There being no further business, Marylee Hickey made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:31 p.m. Seconded by Mary Mourey. Approved.