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Selectmen's Minutes 04/08/08
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday evening, April 8, 2008 at 6:10 p.m.

Present: Theresa McNulty, Chairman; David L. Walsh, Clerk; Peter A. Hamilton

           George Samia, Town Administrator

           Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant

Board interviewed Mr. Scott McGrath applicant for the position of Veterans’ Agent.


Mr. McGrath explained his work experience in the Postal Service, his experience relative to his military disability, his assistance to veterans and his knowledge of the veteran system.


Mr. McGrath informed the Board that he received notification that he has been approved for 80% disability and will probably be going to 100% disability, which will limit the amount of salary he can make in a year. Would not be able to work full time.

Board recessed meeting at 6:40 p.m.

Meeting reconvened at 7:32 p.m.

Mrs. McNulty offered the Board’s condolences to the family of Robert Singleton a former Water Commissioner and long time resident of East Bridgewater who passed away this past weekend.


John Stanbrook, Town Accountant met with the Board and presented information relative to The Town Accountant’s Office FY09 budget.

Board discussed sick leave buy back and vacation buy back with Mr. Stanbrook relative to funding these line items in all budgets at a lower percentage. Mr. Stanbrook noted that he could give the Board the liability regarding buy-backs, which are part of the audit.


Police Chief, John Cowan met with the Board and presented information relative to the Police Department’s FY09 budget. Noted salary line increase is 4.43% due to four officers and one civilian dispatcher in last year of 5% .

A discussion was held regarding the Court Prosecutor position. Also, discussed equipment purchases and vehicle rotation process.

Chief Cowan answered questions from a resident regarding sick buy-back.


Fire Chief Ryan Pratt met with the Board and presented information relative to the Fire Department’s FY09 budget. Noted that he has under-funded several lines in order to bring in a 3% increase budget as requested.

A discussion was held regarding use of the Ambulance Funds Reserved for Appropriation Account, which has been used to fund both portions of the Fire Department’s budget and purchases for the Fire Department.

M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the April 1, 2008 meeting.

M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the renewal of the License to Sell Second Hand Articles for Charlene D. Bertocci and Gary S. Bertocci at 1461 Central Street for the period of May 1, 2008 to April 30, 2009.

Board of Selectmen                                             -2-                                            April 8, 2008

M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the renewal of the Pool Table License for Viking Recreation Center, Inc., 607 Bedford Street for the period of May 1, 2008 to April 30, 2009.

M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the renewal of the Bowling Lanes License for Viking Recreation Center, Inc., 607 Bedford Street for the period of May 1, 2008 to April 30, 2009.

M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the renewal of the Seasonal Wine & Malt License for New England Kart Raceway dba F1 Outdoor Kart Racing Complex at 798 North Bedford Street.


           1. Curbside Yard Waste Pick-up – April 19

           2. Hazardous Waste Day – May 3 at Thatcher Street site

           3. Town election, April 12 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. at Middle School.

Mrs. McNulty congratulated the Kiwanis for another successful Pancake Breakfast on Sunday.


Letter from Governor’s Office regarding chapter 90 funding for FY09 with Town’s share of $283,480.00. A discussion was held regarding reimbursement for roadwork and what process was.

Letter from DPW informing DEP that the Water Division has lifted the Tier I water restrictions and Town will be on voluntary water conservation.

Notification from DPW – Water Division that hydrant flushing will begin on April 15 through May 15 from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.


Resident asked if the Board planned to implement a committee to look over the town’s budget as was mentioned at the School Budget Meeting last week.

Mr. Walsh explained the budget review process and need to look at long tern projections.

M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, move to close Open Session and go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing contract negotiations and will not be returning to Open Session.

VOTE: Yes – McNulty, Walsh, Hamilton; a unanimous vote in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.






           Board of Selectmen