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Selectmen's Minutes 09/02/08
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday evening, September 2, 2008 at 6:30 p.m.

Present: David L. Walsh, Chairman; Peter A. Hamilton, Clerk; Theresa McNulty

           George Samia, Town Administrator

           Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant

m/Hamilton, s/McNulty, move to Open Meeting and go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing contract negotiations and will return to Open Session at end of Executive Session.

VOTE: Yes – Walsh, Hamilton, McNulty; a unanimous vote in favor.

Open Session reconvened at 7:35 p.m.


Daryl Crossman, Manager Rights of Way, Verizon was present.

Mr. Hamilton read the following notice:

A Public Hearing will be held at the Town Hall, Main Conference Room, First Floor, 175 Central

Street, East Bridgewater on Tuesday evening, September 2, 2008, at 7:35 p.m. regarding the


Pole relocation – P130 Union Street to maintain support to the existing pole line and relocate

existing facilities to provide service to a new residence.

Mr. Crossman explained the location of the pole and reasons for change.

M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the Pole relocation – P130 Union Street to maintain support o the existing pole line and relocate existing facilities to provide service to a new residence.


Mr. Hamilton read the following notice:

A Public Hearing will be held at the Town Hall, Main Conference Room, First Floor, 175 Central

Street, East Bridgewater on Tuesday evening, September 2, 2008, at 7:40 p.m. regarding the


Pole relocation – P2 Laurel Street to maintain support to the existing pole line and relocate

existing facilities as requested by the electric company.

Mr. Crossman explained the location of the pole and noted that the request was made by the Electric Company.

Kathy Wolfe, abutter, stated that she questioned why the request was made, but had no problem with the relocation.

M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the relocation of Pole 2, Laurel Street to maintain support to the existing pole line and relocate existing facilities as requested by the electric company.

M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the August 19, 2008 meeting.



Board of Selectmen                                             -2-                                September 2, 2008

M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the request of Fire Chief Ryon Pratt to award the bid for the installation of an exhaust removal system in the Fire Department to Air Cleaning Specialists of New England in the amount of $27,321.00.

M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the request of Tracy C. Ward of Support Our Troops for use of the Town Hall parking lot and restrooms on Saturday, September 20, 2008 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for a yard sale.

M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the request of Margaret Alexander of the Unitarian Church for use of the Sachem Rock Farm on September 21, 2008 at 1:00 p.m. for a picnic.

Chief of Police, John Cowan met with the Board and requested their approval of his accepting the invitation of A.R.M.S. to attend a 1 day military weapons meeting on September 10 at Crane Naval Base. Stated that all costs will be borne by A.R.M.S.

M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve Chief of Police John Cowan accepting the invitation to attend the weapons meeting at Crane Naval Base with all associated costs paid for by A.R.M.S.


Letters of Resignation received as follows:

Robert Packer from the Housing Authority

Tony Figueiredo from the Finance Committee

Board requested that a letter be sent to the Housing Authority regarding a joint meeting for interviews.

Board members extended their thanks and appreciation to Mr. Packer and Mr. Figueiredo for their commitment of time and energy to their committees.

Mr. Walsh announced that Brockton Clean Energy representatives would be attending next week’s meeting at 7:35 p.m. Noted that the meeting is just to obtain information, which will then be passed along to the Conservation Commission and Board of Health.


Mr. Walsh requested that the School Committee be invited to the Selectmen’s meeting on September 16 to discuss the impact of the 09 budget. Also requested that letters be sent to all Department Heads inviting them to the September 23 meeting for an Initial Budget Process Meeting. Also, stated that beginning next week the Board will discuss as part of the Open Forum the over-ride on the November ballot. Requested that the Assessor’s Office be contacted to obtain accurate figures on cost of override to homeowners.


Gave Board an information packet received from Anita Hagspiel; was informed that both High School and Town Hall will receive energy assessment. Mr. Walsh requested that the energy assessment and school lighting assessment be included in the items to be discussed with the School Committee on Sept. 16. Requested Mr. Samia to obtain copies of assessment for all.


Recycling Center Hours of operation

Vacancy on Conservation Commission; letters of interest to the Selectmen’s Office

September 6 – Business Expo on Common

September 13 – Friends of Seniors Walk at Sachem Rock Farm

September 14 – Festival of the Arts

Board of Selectmen                                             -3-                                September 2, 2008

Mrs. McNulty noted that the Recreation Commission has accepted the Christmas Parade Committee as a sub-committee; they are looking for donations, help and ideas for the upcoming parade. Also noted that the Friends of the Rail Trail have been accepted as a sub-committee and are working on plans for trails.

M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to close Open Session and adjourn at 8:05 p.m.








Board of Selectmen