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Selectmen's Minutes 09/09/08
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday evening, September 9, 2008 at 7:35 p.m.

Present: David L. Walsh, Chairman; Peter A. Hamilton, Clerk; Theresa McNulty

           George Samia, Town Administrator

           Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant


Board met with Police Association members, John Grillo and Antonio Ferreira for the purpose of signing a contract.

Mr. Samia noted that the negotiations were amiable and that the Association was willing to work with the town in the best interest of both the town and the police personnel. Thanked the negotiating team and Chief Cowan for their cooperation.

Mr. Walsh noted his appreciation for the smooth process and the foresight of all in looking to the town’s future. Thanked all for their work.

Det. Grillo expressed his thanks to Mr. Samia and Chief Cowan for explaining the reasons for needing to make changes in contract.

Board members and Association members signed the contract.


Mr. Hamilton noted that tonight was the last meeting that Karen Grabau would be working, as she is retiring this month and her last working day is Friday. Board expressed their thanks and presented Mrs. Grabau with a floral basket. Mrs. Grabau expressed her thanks to the Board and residents for 24 years of memories.


Board met with Ronald Kelly and Kelly O’Brien of Advanced Power/Brockton Clean Energy.

Several residents were present and Dan Brielmann, working for those opposing the power plant, video taped this portion of the meeting.

Mr. Walsh explained that tonight’s meeting with the proponents of the power plant was for the purpose of garnering additional information relative to the proposed power plant for the Selectmen.

Ms. O’Brien presented a short video explaining the proposed power plant.


Mr. Kelly gave an overview of the project and provided information regarding concerns on air quality, ultra-low sulfur fuel, recycled water, energy consumption, licensing process and revenues and jobs for area.

Board members asked questions and Mr. Kelly provided information regarding stack emissions, ultra-low sulfur fuel, fuel storage tank, environmental effects, licensing steps.

Mr. Walsh stated that all information received by the Selectmen would be shared with the Conservation Commission and Board of Health.

Mr. Kelly stated that board members could call Brockton Clean Energy office located at 90 Main Street with any questions. Also noted that they have a where additional information is available to everyone.

Several residents stated that they wished to direct questions to Mr. Kelly.

Board of Selectmen                                             -2-                                September 9, 2008

Mr. Walsh explained that tonight was for information gathering for the Selectmen and that the Board would set up a forum at a later date for questions and answers. Asked Mr. Kelly if a representative could come to such a forum. Mr. Kelly responded that they may not be available; would depend on when it is scheduled.

Jeff Luttazi spoke to the Board and explained that he found an EPA website, which contains information on emissions. Provided a sample of information to the board.

M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the September 2, 2008 meeting.

M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the request of Marcia Weidenfeller, Town clerk, to instruct Donna Morris, Dog Officer, to issue a non-criminal violation to any dog owner or keeper of a dog who has not licensed their pet.

M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the contract with Meserve Electric Inc. for maintenance of school zone lights at the Middle and Central Schools and the traffic lights at the corner of Washington and Central Streets for the period of July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009.

M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the change of dba for Carmen’s Inc. from Carmen’s Mexican American Restaurant to Pedro Murphy’s.


Reported that he has spoken to Joe Miksch and a join meeting of the board and COA will be posted for October 7 at the COW Office. Will put a packet together for the Board.


           Bridge Street Recycling Center hours of operation


                       Conservation Commission – 3-year term

                       Housing Authority

                       Finance Committee

           Office hours for Rep. Thomas P. Kennedy

           Monthly Water bills – not to be combined with other bills


           Friends of Seniors Walk – Saturday, 9/13 at Sachem Rock farm

           Arts Festival – Sunday, 9/14 on common

Mr. Hamilton noted that the School Committee has started the search for Superintendent of Schools. Felt that the Town should hire from within and feels that Susan Cote, Asst. Supt. should be considered. Recommended that the Board send a letter of support to the School Committee to consider Ms. Cote first.

Mr. Walsh stated that Ms. Cote has done a wonderful job, great opportunity to place a person with proven ability in position. Noted that the final decision rest with the School Committee.

Mrs. McNulty noted that Ms. Cote did not make her decision to apply for the position until after the Committee had decided to start search. Noted that when Dr. Strojny came in as Superintendent, there were no former employees for history/background of schools to assist in transition. Felt it is in the best interest of school system to support someone with experience and knowledge of system.


Board of Selectmen                                             -3-                                September 9, 2008

M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to send letter of recommending Susan Cote to the School Committee for the position of Superintendent of Schools.


Board held discussion on the Over-ride Question on the November election ballot. Also, present was Glenn Tattrie, Capital Improvement Committee.


It was noted that the Assessor’s Department had put together information regarding effect of over-ride on tax rate. Mr. Walsh read the range of value increases.

Mr. Walsh noted that he has received calls from various residents who would like to assist in getting information out to the public. It was agreed that a joint meeting of the Capital improvement Committee and the Board of Selectmen be posted for next Tuesday evening at 6:00 p.m. Mr. Walsh invited any interested residents to attend the meeting.

Mr. Tattrie stressed that over the last few years many capital projects have been set aside because funding was not available; important to put together a presentation to show benefits; need stable funding source so that infrastructure upkeep is done. Need to have a workable, permanent Capital Plan.

Mr. Walsh noted that any project needs voter approval before it can be undertaken. Noted that in the upcoming year, town may not be able to do more than fund budget.

M/Hamilton, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to adjourn meeting at 9:10 p.m.






           Board of Selectmen­­­­