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Selectmen's Minutes 09/30/08
The weekly Board of Selectmen meeting was held on Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 7:30 p.m.

Present:              David L. Walsh; Theresa McNulty

                       George Samia, Town Administrator

                       Catherine Johnson, Admin. Asst.

Not Present:            Peter A. Hamilton, Clerk

Police Chief Cowan was present to discuss, with the Board, a Notice of No Trespassing and a possible dusk to dawn curfew, due to the overwhelming complaints by citizens and business owners relative to youths loitering and vandalizing public and town-owned property.

Chief Cowan explained to the Board that Detective Allen and Officer Patterson held a meeting with parents and business owners this past week and that the consensus was that the behavior is getting out of control and that something should be done.

Chief Cowan requested permission from the Board to further study a town wide enactment of a Notice of No Trespassing and a dusk to dawn curfew.

Mr. Walsh and Ms. McNulty expressed their interest and support for the study.

Board Discussions

A lengthy discussion was held with regards to the upcoming budget season and the Board’s directive to submit level-funded budgets for FY10.

Mr. Walsh reminded the citizens of the Proposition 2 ½ override question on the November election ballot.

Mr. Walsh stated that due to the financial hardships occurring in town, that he would like to discuss with the financial team the possibility of foregoing the annual 2 ½ tax increase for the upcoming fiscal year, in order to put less of a financial burden on our citizens.

Mr. Walsh further stated that he would like an analyses done with regards to the State Insurance Plan for information and direction for the budget process.

Mr. Walsh announced the awarding of citations to Nick Angelo and Alex Chodor for their advancement to the rank of Eagle Scout and remarked on the boys being an excellent example of the kids we have in town and thanked them for all that they do for the community.


Board of Selectmen                                             -2-                                September 30, 2008


Letter received from West Bridgewater Administrator Elizebeth Faricy requesting the Board appoint a liaison to a regional task force for municipal officials who are concerned with the proposed siting of a fossil fuel plant in Brockton.

Board to check schedule regarding liaison’s attendance.


Veterans from East Bridgewater that have recently returned from Active Duty or future returnees, please call your Veteran Agent, Robert Charles at 508-378-1603.  Join me and be recognized.  Thanks for your service!

Hear ye, hear ye!!  The Veteran Agent of East Bridgewater is searching for all surviving World War 2 Veterans of East Bridgewater.   Please notify your Veteran Agent (Robert Charles) at 508-378-1603.

Committee vacancies

Town Administrator’s Report

Energy Audit - appointment with Chris Collins on Friday, October 3, 2008.

Open Forum

No one present

M/McNulty, s/Walsh, move to close Open Session and go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters and to not return to Open Session.

VOTE: Yes – Walsh, McNulty; a unanimous vote in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10p.m.






           Board of Selectmen