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Selectmen's Minutes 1/2/07
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday evening, January 2, 2007 at 7:35 p.m.
Present: Peter A. Hamilton, Chairman; Theresa McNulty, Clerk; David L. Walsh
            George Samia, Town Administrator
            Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant
Chief of Police, John Cowan met with the Board and requested approval of his attending the 2007 Law Enforcement Shot Show in Orlando, Florida on January 10 – 14, 2007. Noted that Richard Swan of Atlantic Research Marketing Systems, Inc. (ARMS) is donating the costs of transportation and hotel to the Town for the Chief to attend.
Chief Cowan stated that he is filing a “Disclosure of Appearance of Conflict of Interest as required by MGL 268A, Section 23 (b) (3).
Mr. Hamilton stated that he felt this was an excellent opportunity for the Chief to be better prepared for incidents. Noted recent incidents in other towns.
Chief Cowan also noted that 2 officers would be attending an education seminar in Albuquerque N.M. through a recent grant dealing with Bomb Recognition.
Mr. Walsh asked to have an update on Traffic Enforcement/speed limits relative to recent requests by citizens. Chief Cowan stated that both Sgt. Reed and Off. Patterson works on these issues and agreed to set-up a time within the next few weeks for them to meet with the Board.
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve Chief of Police John Cowan attending the 2007 Law Enforcement Shot Show and accepting a donation of the costs of transportation and Hotel from Atlantic Research Marketing Systems, Inc.
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the December 18, 2006 meeting.
Mrs. McNulty noted that requests were received last week from several liquor licensees requesting an extension of hours for New Years Eve from a 1:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. closing. Members of the Board were canvassed by the office and agreed to the extension and now need to ratify those decisions.
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to ratify the extension of hours for the Commercial Club for New Years Eve.
M//McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to ratify the extension of hours for the Ideal Club for New Years Eve.
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to ratify the extension of hours for T.J. Smith’s for New Years Eve.
Board of Selectmen                                             -2-                                January 2, 2007
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the Board of Selectmen’s Meeting Schedule for 2007, as follows:
                              BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING SCHEDULE 2007
Tuesday, January 2                                  Tuesday, May 1                                   Tuesday, September 4
Tuesday, January 9                                  Tuesday, May 8                                   Tuesday, September 11
Tuesday, January 16                                Tuesday, May 15                      Tuesday. September 18           
Tuesday, January 23                                Tuesday, May 22                      Tuesday, September 25
Tuesday, January 30                                Tuesday, May 29
Tuesday, February 6                                 Tuesday, June 5                       Tuesday, October 2
Tuesday, February 13                               Tuesday, June 12                     Tuesday, October 9
Tuesday, February 20                               Tuesday, June 19                     Tuesday, October 16
Tuesday, February 27                               Tuesday, June 26                     Tuesday, October 23
                                                                                                            Tuesday, October 30
Tuesday, March 6                                  Tuesday, July 10
Tuesday, March 13                                 Tuesday, July 24                      Tuesday, November 6
Tuesday March 20                                                                                 Tuesday, November 13
Tuesday, March 27                                                                                 Tuesday, November 20
                                                                                                            Tuesday, November 27
Tuesday, April 3                         Tuesday, August 7
Tuesday, April 10                                 Tuesday, August 21                  Tuesday, December 4
Tuesday, April 17                                                                                 Tuesday, December 11
Tuesday, April 24                                                                                 Tuesday, December 18
Mr. Samia informed the Board that a letter of resignation was received from Linda Libby relative to her position as an elected member of the Board of Assessors effective January 8, 2007.
A short discussion was held and the Board agreed to accept letters of interest for the next two weeks, which should be submitted to the Board of Assessors or Board of Selectmen.
            Recycling/Trash Pick-up one day later due to Monday Holiday
            Christmas Tree pick-up Saturday, January 6 and 20, 2007
Mr. Walsh updated the Board on the Capital Improvements Needs Committee weekly meetings. Explained that the Committee is working on developing a concept for an infrastructure plan; have looked at bonding capabilities, additional bonding, override capacity, needed projects. Projects to be included are Water Filtration, Water Main replacement, Senior Center, Fire Station, Municipal Septic System, School project and DPW Barn. Noted that 7 projects total 47 million. Plan is long-term through 2037.
Mr. Walsh stated that the Capital Needs Committee would meet with the Board next week to make an initial presentation of their plan. Subsequent informational meetings will be held for residents, with an anticipated date of February 26 for a Special Town Meeting relative to an override to fund projects and a question on the April Town Election Ballot for the override.
Explained that funding for the 47 million would come from several sources including override, Overlay/Free Cash, Debt Service Relief, etc. Noted that all projects require town meeting approval. Noted that the Committee is working toward a minimal impact on the taxpayers.
Board of Selectmen                                             -3-                                            January 2, 2007
Letter from the Historical Commission to Planning Board regarding archaeological site examination at Robbins Pond and their request that the Planning Board take no action at this time on proposed subdivision until the final report is received.
Recycling Seminar at MMA Conference
Eagle Scout Ceremony – Mr. Walsh and Mr. Hamilton to attend; citation will be prepared
Notification from Mass Highway regarding funding of $300,000 for sidewalks on Belmont and Elm Streets. Board to check with John Haines if Board needs to send letter or if Mr. Haines has already done notification.
Nomination papers are available at Town Clerk’s Office; last day to take out papers is February16.
Letter from Sachem Rock Farm Committee supporting the locating of the Senior Center at Sachem Rock Farm.
Mr. Hamilton reviewed the liaison list; will e-mail Finance Committee for a list of their liaisons and their meeting schedule for budgets. Mrs. McNulty suggested joint meetings for budget presentations.
Open Forum
No one present
M/Hamilton, s/Walsh, move to close Open Session and go into Executive session for the purpose of discussing pending litigation and will not be returning to Open Session.
VOTE – Yes – Walsh, McNulty, Hamilton; a unanimous vote in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
            Board of Selectmen