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Selectmen's Minutes 3/6/07
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday evening, March 6, 2007 at 7:35 p.m.
Present: Peter A. Hamilton, Chairman; Theresa McNulty, Clerk;
            George Samia, Town Administrator
            Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant
Not Present: David Walsh
A joint meeting of the Board of Selectmen and the Board of Assessors was held for the purpose of appointing one person to fill a vacancy on the Board of Assessors created by the resignation of Linda Libby.
Present were Assessors, David Phillips and Curtis Gluck.
Mr. Philips explained that as required under MGL, the Board of Assessors notified the Board of Selectman of the vacancy and requested a joint meeting. Noted that the appointment would be until the next Town Election in April.
Mr. Phillips introduced Mrs. Paula Wolfe, the only applicant for the position and the only candidate for the unexpired term on the town election ballot. Also noted Mrs. Wolfe’s experience in appraisal work
Mr. Hamilton noted that the vote would be by roll call.
Mrs. Wolfe explained that she was a life-long resident of East Bridgewater and her experience in the appraisal and assessing field.
M/McNulty, s/Phillips, move to appoint Paula Wolfe to fill vacancy on the Board of Assessors.
Vote: Yes – McNulty, Hamilton, Gluck, Phillips; a unanimous vote of those present and voting.
Chief of Police, John Cowan met with the Board and explained that he has been approached by the Massachusetts Motorcycle Association with a request that March 25 – April 30 be proclaimed as a safety week with the slogan “Look Twice, Save A Life”.
Mr. Hamilton requested the information for a proclamation be given to office and proclamation will be prepared for next week’s meeting.
Chief Cowan explained that he was approached by Sandra Ockers, a member of the Sachem Rock Committee, requesting assistance with dog issues at the Farm. Need to set-up a set of rules for people bringing dogs on the property. Will work on rules and get back to Board later with a recommendation.
M/McNulty, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the acceptance of a deed granting ownership of a designated parcel of land owned by Luann and Paul Overstreet to the town of East Bridgewater.
TOWN ADMINISTRATOR REPORT                                                                                                        1. Metro South – received certificate of members                                                                            2. COSCO – program for towns, cards to teachers, employees – for each purchase a
donation goes to schools; packet will be provided to Selectmen shortly.
Board of Selectmen                                             -2-                                March 6, 2007
3. Resident Suggestion – post on town website, reports etc. i.e. sewerage report, water
treatment plants report; Mrs. McNulty suggested possible link to engineering firm
for residents to go to and see report, instead of downloading to our site. Mr.
Samia will check on.
            4. Cong. Lynch – sent copies of projects from various town departments
Rabies Clinic – March 31 at Secret Gardens, 1040 Central Street – cost $15.00
Mr. Hamilton expressed the board’s appreciation to all the residents who turned out for the Special Town Meeting and for their support of the two articles. Also, clarified that the water project entire scope of work includes treatment plants and water main replacement, sewerage project is a different committee and not part of water project. Municipal Septic replacement is also a separate project. Also explained that the water project safety concerns are regarding water flow rate, need to increase flow rate.
Mr. Samia noted that Mr. Walsh had spoke to him regarding setting up a couple of evenings for residents to meet with Board to ask any questions they may have before the Town Election on the over-ride and the Capital Stabilization Fund.
Mr. Hamilton suggested scheduling some Open Forums for residents to ask questions.
Mrs. McNulty noted that there are flyers available at Town Hall, Library, schools, etc and that the town’s website also has a copy of flyer.
John Silva, Jr. stated that he had several questions, which he would like to ask the Board regarding Town Administrator’s use of a police vehicle.
Mr. Silva read prepared questions.
A short discussion ensued.
Mr. Hamilton stated that the Board would put together answers to all the questions and invited Mr. Silva to attend next week’s meeting to receive the answers.
Open Forum closed
M/McNulty, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to adjourn Selectmen’s meeting at 8:15 p.m.
            Board of Selectmen