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Selectmen's Minutes 6/12/07
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday evening, June 12, 2007 at 7:35 p.m.


Present: Theresa McNulty, Chairman; David L. Walsh, Clerk; Peter A. Hamilton

            George Samia, Town Administrator

            Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant


M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the June 5, 2007 meeting.


M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve awarding the SERSG IFB contract for paper supplies to W.B. Mason, Inc. commencing July 1, 2007.l



Discussed with Rep. Alan McCarthy concerns from residents regarding the proposed LLC Plant. Will set up a tentative meeting for July 10; invite Rep. McCarthy, residents and W.B. Selectmen to attend.



            Dale & Duds Concert – June 20, 6-9 p.m. on Town Common


Mrs. McNulty congratulated the Arts Council on another successful Arts Festival. Also, thanked all supporters of the Friends of Seniors Walk on Sunday.


Mr. Hamilton noted information he received at a recent Plymouth County Selectmen Assn. Meeting from MA Technical Collaborative Trust regarding alternative energy. Suggested that Mr. Couto be invited to a meeting to update the Board on his windmill.




Present were: Chief of Police, John Cowan

                        Det. John Grillo

                        Frank and Kelly Cannizzaro, Mockingbird Restaurant

                        Robert Lundin, Joppa Market


Mr. Walsh read the following Public Hearing Notice, which was sent to Robert W. Lundin, Manager, Joppa Market, 626 Bedford Street and Frank’s Café & Coffee House dba Mockingbird Restaurant, Kelly J. Cannizzaro, Manager, 838 North Bedford Street:


The Board of Selectmen will hold a Public Hearing relative to alleged violations, which occurred on your premises on May 4, 2007.  The Hearing will be held Tuesday evening, June 12, 2007 at 8:00 pm in the Main Conference Room, Town Hall, 175 Central Street, East Bridgewater, MA.


The Board of Selectmen will hear reports and testimony on the following violation:


Mass. Gen. Laws Ch. 138, s.34 – Sales of Alcoholic Beverages

                        1 count to a minor


A copy of Mass. Gen. Laws Ch. 138, s. 34 is enclosed for your information.


The Board of Selectman is acting upon authority vested in it by Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 138.  The hearing is being held based on the request received by the Board of Selectmen from the Chief of Police for the Town of East Bridgewater in a letter dated May 14, 2007, a copy of which is attached.



Board of Selectmen                                          -2-                               June 12, 2007


Chief Cowan explained to the Board of Selectmen that a “Liquor Compliance” check of all liquor license premises in East Bridgewater was conducted on two evenings in May. Prior to this happening, an announcement was placed in the newspaper.


Det. Grillo informed the Board that the Police Department’s operational plan for “Liquor Compliance” check is in place and that the Department uses students from Bridgewater State College in the Criminal Justice program. The students are driven in an unmarked car to each premises, they enter without an id or any personal information and try to purchase beer. If a purchase is allowed at a Package Store, they return to the unmarked car, give the purchase to the police officer. If the purchase is in a restaurant setting, the student immediately calls the office on his cell phone and informs the officer that a purchase has been made, at which time the office enters the premises and confiscates the purchased beer. In both cases, the officer immediately informs the manager of the violation.


Det. Grillo explained the events at each premises with a violation. Noted in both cases the employee and manager were immediately notified of the violation.


Owners of premises were given a chance to speak on their behalf.


Mr. Cannizzaro stated that in his 7 years doing business in the town this was his first offense; noted that he had read the article in the newspaper regarding the upcoming sting and had placed the article on the employee bulletin board. Explained that the employee admitted to not carding the individual, had stated that she thought the bartender had carded the individual; employee no longer works at the restaurant. Also informed the Board that he is requiring all employees to take a TIP certification refresher course and has hired a second manager to be on the floor evenings; continues to stress liquor laws during staff meeting. Stated that he takes law very seriously and will continue to be strict at all times.


Mr. Lundin stated that the employee was immediately fired. Has always had the card-reading machine at the cash register and has required employees to verify licenses for all purchases. Has installed cameras to observe activity at store. Has added an employee for their busy evenings and has reinforced need for employees to use card machine for all purchases.


Chief Cowan stated that he has met with both parties and that they have acknowledged violation and have taken further actions to alleviate any further violations. Recommended that a letter of warning be placed in each premise’s file and that any further violation will result in stricter sanctions. Also stated that he appreciated the cooperation by both managers.


M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to accept the recommendation of Chief of Police and issue a letter of warning for the following liquor licensees:


Frank’s Café & Coffee House, dba Mockingbird Restaurant,

Kelly J. Cannizzaro, Manager

838 North Bedford Street


Robert W. Lundin, Manager

Joppa Market

626 Bedford Street


Said letter to be placed in their respective files with the provision that any further violations of the MA General Laws Chapter 138, will result in stricter sanctions.


Mr. Walsh commended the respective managers for their handling of the incident,


Board of Selectmen                                          -3-                               June 12, 2007


Mrs. McNulty thanked the managers/owners for their attendance at tonight’s meeting and for taking a pro-active stand regarding violations.


Mr. Hamilton noted the following:

            Cong Lynch Office hours – Town Hall, June 20, 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.

            Plymouth County Advisory Board meeting- June 20 – will be attending


Mr. Walsh announced that the Board would discuss water rates with DPW Director John Haines at next weeks meeting. Residents were urged to attend and offer their comments.


M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to adjourn Open Session at 8:00 p.m.







            Board of Selectmen