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Selectmen's Minutes 9/11/07
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday evening, September 11, 2007 at 7:30 p.m.

Present: Theresa McNulty, Chairman; David L. Walsh, Clerk
        George Samia, Town Administrator
        Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant

Not Present: Peter A. Hamilton

Mrs. McNulty asked for a moment of silence in remembrance of the victims of September 11, 2001. She also extended thanks to Fire Chief Pratt for his tribute today and to all those who lowered their flags to half-staff.

Jane Haines, COA Director met with the Board and updated them on Senior Trip to Casco Bay, ME on Monday; noted that two full buses were used.

Mrs. Haines announced that the COA has received notification that they were awarded a Federal Mobility Program grant for a senior van. Will be leasing a 2007 Econoline van from BAT. Has sent contract for lease and maintenance agreement with BAT to Town Counsel for review and approval. Asked if the Board could vote to approve contracts contingent on Town Counsel’s approval.

Mrs. Haines explained that the van holds 8-11 persons, has a handicap lift, air conditioning, and a raised roof. Since it is a van, no special license is needed to drive the van; therefore members of the staff could drive if no regular driver was available. Noted that Town Meeting had approved $25,000 for equipping a van; will only need $2,568 for equipment, rest of article will be returned to town. Noted that they are hoping to increase the driver’s hours to 20 to accommodate additional trips, etc. Explained the various activities that the van will be used for. Also explained the services available through the BAT bus.

Board agreed that they would like to wait until Town Counsel has approved the contract before voting to accept. Will put on next week’s agenda.

Wayne Perry, member of the Sewerage Study Committee met with the Board to update them on the status of the Committee’s work. Mr. Perry announced that a flyer would be sent to all households in town this week explaining the Committee’s recommendation that a Sewerage District be formed. The Committee is working with town counsel on Special legislation to cover needs of a district. Explained that only residents within the district would pay for the service and would elect a governing board to oversee construction and running of the sewerage system.

Mr. Perry explained that there would be four public meetings on September 19, October 4, October 17 and November 1 at the Middle School to explain the district and answer resident’s questions and concerns. Requested the Board to approve a Special Town Meeting for November 5. Noted that legislation has been sent to Legislative Counsel for approval.

A discussion was held regarding betterments, district, municipal buildings in district, how district would work.

Mary Ann Roan, Central Street resident asked questions regarding the district, municipal needs and resident options in district.

When asked by the Board, Mr. Samia stated that there was not a need for a STM for budget adjustments at this time. Will probably need a meeting in the spring. Board agreed that the November STM would be a one-article meeting specifically for the Sewerage District article.
Board of Selectmen                              -2-                     September 11, 2007

Board went over time frame for posting warrant and time needed for Legislative Counsel to approve wording of legislation. It was agreed that the approval must be back to town prior to October 15.

M/Walsh, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve holding a Special Town Meeting on November 5, 2007 for the Sewerage District Article only, contingent on receipt of approval from Legislative Counsel by October 15, 2007.

Mrs. McNulty recommended that all resident with concerns or questions regarding the Sewerage District need to attend the Public Meetings.

Jennifer Reid, Project Manager, Institute for Regional Development met with the Board to inform them of new programs at Bridgewater State.

Ms. Reid explained the following programs:
Civic Leadership Program – Thursdays, October 4 – December 16; $35.00 pp
Community Development – October 17 and October 24; $25.00 pp
Technology Training Series – 1st Wednesday, October – March; Excel workshops; $65.00 per workshop, pp
Training Program for Local Government Professionals
Summit of Public Administrators of SE MA; Sept. 13

Mr. Walsh stated that any resident interested in the Civic Leadership Program should contact the Selectmen’s Office. Noted previous participants have been stimulated to take part in town government.

Mrs. McNulty stated that all programs sounded great and noted that the Institute has been extremely helpful to the Town.

Board thanked Ms. Reid for attending the meeting and for her assistance to the town.

Working on several small items
Finance Committee meeting next week.

Mrs. McNulty requested that the candidates for Finance Committee vacancy be invited for interviews next week. Also noted that there is a second vacancy on the finance Committee and letters of interest can be submitted to the Selectmen’s Office.

        Town Clerk reminder that anyone who has not licensed his or her dog will now pay a late fee
of $25.00 plus if no valid rabies certificate is recorded at Town Clerk’s Office that is an additional fine.

Mrs. McNulty congratulated the Business Association on the excellent Business Expo. Noted that we had a table.

        Historical Society program “The Irish in the Civil War” on Wednesday, Sept. 26, 7 p.m.
        Skylur Spagone Walk, October 8

Board of Selectmen                              -3-                     September 11, 2007

Mr. Walsh noted that the Board has received notification that Mike Power has moved to a new position and that Rep. Allen McCarthy’s new aide is Ryan Coyne of East Bridgewater. Mr. Walsh thanked Mr. Power for his assistance over the years, noted that his leaving is a great loss, and wished him well in his new position.

M/Walsh, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the September 4, 2007 meeting.

M/Walsh, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the request of Mike Chapin, Chairman of the Christmas on the Common, Kiwanis, for use of the Town Common and Town Hall on Saturday, December 1, 2007 for the 24th Annual Christmas on the Common.

M/Walsh, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the application for a One Day – All Alcoholic License for Whitman Kiwanis Club at 390 Oak Street, Ridder Country Club outside Tent on Thursday, September 13, 2007 from 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. for a Golf Outing.

Open forum
No one was present.

M/Walsh, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to adjourn the Selectmen’s meeting at 8:40 p.m.

        Board of Selectmen