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Selectmen's Minutes 10/23/07
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday evening, October 23, 2007 at 7:35 p.m.

Present: Theresa McNulty, Chairman; Peter A. Hamilton
        George Samia, Town Administrator
        Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant

Not Present: David L. Walsh, Clerk

Mrs. McNulty noted that Mr. Walsh would not be present this evening as he was home recovering and had asked her to extend his thanks to all for their concerns and cards. Announced as previously voted Mr. Hamilton would serve as Clerk pro-tem for the evening.

Mr. Hamilton read the following public hearing notice:

Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the requirements of M.G.L. Chap. 138, a Public Hearing will be held relative to the Application for Transfer of a Package Store - All Alcoholic License, as follows:
                From: Virge Ent., Inc. dba The Grapevine Wines & Spirits
                        Virginia Lamphear, Manager
                To: Grapevine Wines & Spirits, LLC
                        Jay J. Hunt, Manager
                Premises: 685 North Bedford Street

Premises consists of 1st floor, front entrance and exit, door in rear for deliveries, retail store in front, back room for empties & storage.

A Public Hearing will be held at the Town Hall, First Floor conference Room, 175 Central Street, East Bridgewater, on Tuesday, October 23, 2007 at 7:35 p.m.

Present: Atty. Michael Sikes, representing proposed manager
        Jay J. Hunt, proposed manager
        Virginia Lamphear, present owner/manager

Mr. Hamilton asked several questions, which were answered by Mr. Hunt. Mr. Hunt explained he would be on premises most of time, experience as wine salesman and TIPS certification.

M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the transfer of the a Package Store - All Alcoholic License,
                From: Virge Ent., Inc. dba The Grapevine Wines & Spirits
                        Virginia Lamphear, Manager
                To: Grapevine Wines & Spirits, LLC
                        Jay J. Hunt, Manager
                Premises: 685 North Bedford Street

M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the October 16, 2007 meeting.

M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to:
That the Town shall issue a bond or bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $14, 150,000 (the “Bonds”) pursuant to Chapters 29C and 44 of the General Laws and a vote of the Town Passed May 14, 2007 (Article 7), for the drinking water project identified in such vote (the “Project”):

Board of Selectmen                              -2-                     October 23, 2007

That in anticipation of the issuance of the Bonds the Treasurer is authorized to issue an interim loan note or notes (the “Notes”) from time to time in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $14,150,000;
That each Bond or Note shall be issued as a single registered security, and sold to the Massachusetts Water Pollution Abatement Trust (the “Trust”) at a price determined to the Loan Agreement;
That the Treasurer is authorized to determine the date, the form, the maximum interest rate and the principal maturities of each Bond and Note, and to execute a Loan Agreement or Agreements with the Trust with respect to the sale of the Bonds and Notes, such date, form and maturities and the specific interest rate or rates of the Bonds and Notes to be approved by a majority of the Board of Selectmen and the Treasurer and evidenced by their execution of the Bonds or Notes;
That all action taken to date by the Town and its officers and agents to carry out the Project and its financing, including the execution of any loan commitment or agreement by the Treasurer, are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed; and
That the Treasurer and the other appropriate Town officials are each hereby authorized to take any and all actions necessary and convenient to carry out the provisions of this vote, including execution and delivery of the Loan Agreements and the Project Regulatory Agreements relating to the Project.

Mr. Samia explained the reasons for this motion.

Working on budget process; binders with all budget information to Finance Committee and Board.

Board discussed process and requested that Mr.Samia give weekly updates.

Mrs. McNulty announced that beginning this evening, the Board is inviting Department Heads to give updates regarding their departments. Noted that the Board wishes to open lines of communication and keep not only themselves but residents aware of the functions and operations of the various departments.

John Stanbrook, Town Accountant met with the Board and explained the duties and role of the Town Accountant in town government.

Mr. Stanbrook informed the Board that books forFY07 have been closed, waiting for Free Cash certification from DOR; audit almost finished and single audit for Federal funds also being done; office is custodian for all contracts; post audit report will be placed on website; will plan a presentation on town’s financial status after audit completed; noted that a STM will need to be held as he has 12 unpaid bills from previous fiscal year that will need action on. Discussed the Water Dept. Enterprise Fund; noted that an article to change to a full Enterprise Fund could be on the STM warrant; this was a recommendation in the DOR study. Also, noted that he is in process of researching bond articles still on books; explained what can be done with funds.

Mrs. McNulty noted that Mr. Stanbrook and Mrs. Thompson have cleaned up most of the recommendations from the DOR study.

Larry Vintzileos met with the Board relative to his application for transfer of the Common Victualer License at 224 North Bedford Street.

Mr. Vintzileos explained that he is buying Athens Pizza; no liquor license involved.
Board of Selectmen                              -3-                     October 23, 2007

M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the transfer of the Common Victualer License from Athens Pizza to Papa Stelios Pizza, 224 North Bedford Street.

Marilyn Thompson, Town Treasurer/Collector met with the board and explained various functions performed in her office. Noted that they are working on back taxes; sent out letter have had some response on smaller amounts; looking into best way to go; hired new Tax Title Attorney, Laura Brown and they are working on a process. Noted that with interest there is over 2 million owed to the town. Have collected approximately $57,000 since July 1.

Explained that a new sign-off form has been created and no permits, licenses, etc. can be issued until the Collector signs off that no taxes are owed to town.

Mrs. Thompson informed the Board that a new payroll system will be in place in January; more user friendly; ADP is more costly, reports are hard to get, new system will allow office to have access to more information and will allow office to do reports as needed.

A discussion was held regarding new mandates, etc for health insurance and additional information office must compile.

Mr. Samia noted that both Mr. Stanbrook and Mrs. Thompson have done a great job; both very capable; great asset to Financial Team.

Mrs. McNulty noted that upgrades and improvements in both offices; thanked Mr. Stanbrook and Mrs. Thompson for their presentations. Stated that the Board hoped that these Department Updates would make residents more aware of what goes on at town hall.

Mr. Hamilton noted that both the Treasure/Collector and Accountant Offices are important to the financial cash flow for the town. Thanked both Mr. Stanbrook and Mrs. Thompson for their work.

        Community Health Fair and Open House – October 27 – Southeast Medical Center
        SALT Breakfast – November 1 – Commercial Club
        Real Estate Taxes due – November 1

        Letter re: bills filed re: appointment of Constables – Mr. Samia will contact Rep. McCarthy
        Christmas on the Common letter re: program booklet ad

Discussed November 5 Special Town Meeting; warrant has been posted; map and parcel listing on file at Town Clerk’s Office.

M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to close Open Session at 8:45 p.m.

        Board of Selectmen