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Selectmen's Minutes 11/13/07
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday evening, November 13, 2007 at 7:30 p.m.

Present: Theresa McNulty, Chairman; David L. Walsh, Clerk; Peter A. Hamilton
        George Samia, Town Administrator
        Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant

M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the October 30, 2007 minutes.

M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the reappointment of John F. Stanbrook as Town Accountant for the term of November 21, 2007 to June 30, 2011.

M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the reappointment of Carolyn W. Vinton as Assistant Town Accountant for the term of November 21, 2007 to June 30, 2011.

Mr. Walsh explained that these reappointments are required by statute and the Board must vote the reappointments.

Mr. Samia stated that he would be explaining various components of the budget process at each week’s meeting to better inform the residents on the town’s budget.

Mr. Samia explained Debt Service.

        Flu Clinic – Saturday, November 17
        Thanksgiving Week – Town Hall closes Wednesday, November 21 at noon and will
remain closed on Thursday and Friday.
        Cookie Dough – pick-up at Middle School on Wednesday

Mrs. McNulty thanked Mr. Hamilton for speaking at the Veterans’ Day ceremonies in her place.

Mr. Hamilton thanked Charles Frances and Charles Gilbert for their assistance in setting up the parade and thanked all who participated.

Mr. Hamilton extended congratulations to the East Bridgewater Midgets for their win on Saturday.

Mr. Walsh extended thanks to all the residents who attended last week’s Special Town Meeting.

Mrs. McNulty reminded residents that again this year “Coins for the Community” drive has begun. Noted where containers are placed.

Robert Packer, Chairman of the Christmas Parade Ad Hoc Committee met with the Board and requested approval for the following:
        Placement of a sign for the Parade on the Common.
        Use of folding chairs in meeting room for Reviewing Stand
Board requested that Mr. Packer check with Police Chief for placement of the sign; suggested a 4’X4’ sign. Approved both requests.

Mr. Packer noted that registration for parade participation was still open. Explained that you can click on link on town’s web site and register that way or contact a member of the committee.

Requested that the Committee be placed on the Board’s Agenda on December 11 for the final report on the Parade.
Board of Selectmen                              -2-                        November 13, 2007


Recreation Commission member, Tom Hamilton, Joe Floeck, Debbie Conrad and Eric Normant met with the Board.

Mr. Hamilton expressed the Commission’s appreciation to John Haines and Tom Reynolds for their assistance. Mr. Hamilton explained the new application process for use of town fields; new fee structure, $25.00 application fee and for non-residents/groups $35.00 per hour user fee. Noted that they are inviting all town groups to attend their meetings to discuss usage. Explained that the DPW has taken over the maintenance of all town fields.

Mr. Floeck explained “Kicks for Life” program held this year. Will run again next spring. Showed new t-shirt logo for participants. Also noted that he is working with COA for trips to Boston.

Mr. Hamilton noted successful Skate Park program this year. Also noted that the Commission is planning to have a Carnival in the spring and a summer youth program.

A discussion was held regarding parking lot upgrades at Belmont Street fields. It was noted that Mr. Floeck was working with Mike Perrault, Jon Ridder and John Haines to accomplish this project.

Director of Assessing, Cheryl Pooler met with the Board for an update on her department. Explained tax classification, new tax rate - $10.77; sales down, sales market; explained new growth. Explained work with in office on exemptions; office on line, residents can look up their property, have security regarding information. Also explained that office is doing cyclical inspections as required by DOR.

Mrs. Pooler also explained Overlay Surplus, how it is used to supplement budget.

Fire Chief Ryon Pratt and Fire Lt. David Repeta met with the board to announce that they are now accepting letters of interest for the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). Explained CERT program is for resident volunteers; endorse by FEMA and MEMA; information on town web site, click on Fire link and then CERT link. Explained training for participants, will start with approximately 20 members, all age groups welcome to participate; explained types of expertise wanted. Deadline for letters of interest is December 1.

Mr. Walsh requested Mr. Samia to set up a meeting of the Capital Improvement Committee for the week after Thanksgiving, need to begin work on projects for town meeting. Request Mrs. Grabau to prepare draft schedule for STM in February. Also, discussed need for cost of engineering for municipal septic system replacements.

Mr. Walsh requested that the next DPW include trash/recycling information and update on water main and filter plant projects.

M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to adjourn Open Session at 8:30 p.m.

        Board of Selectmen