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Selectmen's Minutes 1/9/06
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday evening, January 9, 2006 at 7:35 p.m.
Present: David L. Walsh, Chairman; Peter A. Hamilton, Clerk; Theresa McNulty
Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant
Public Hearing
Mr. Hamilton read the following notice:
A Public Hearing will be held at the Town Hall, Main Conference Room, First Floor,
175 Central Street, East Bridgewater, on Monday evening, January 9, 2006 at 7:35 p.m.
regarding the petition of VERIZON NEW ENGLAND INC. and MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC COMPANY to place one new Pole 23S on crescent Street to add support
to the existing pole line.
Daryl Crossman, Manager Rights of Way Verizon, explained that the pole was needed to support a pole on the opposite side of the street. Pole will be close to fence shown on map with guide wires on resident’s property. Noted that the resident has discussed the placement with his office.
M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the petition of Verizon New England Inc. and Massachusetts Electric Company to place one new pole 23S on crescent Street to add support to the existing pole line.
M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the January 3, 2006 meeting.
M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve Taxi Operator’s Licenses for the following employees of Bill’s Taxi Service:
Michael Cloutier, 66 Myricks Street, Berkley #295
Daniel Carro, 1466 Vernon Street. Bridgewater #178
Robert Johnson, 2 Blueberry Dr., Lakeville #58
Lester Peterson, 75 Plymouth St., E. Bridgewater #42
Mr. Walsh discussed with the Board Department Liaisons; noted that they made their appointments in April and would keep the same department until after the April election. Liaisons were as follows: Fire & Police – Mr. Hamilton; School & Sewerage – Mr. Walsh; Highway, Tree, Water & Clerical – Mrs. McNulty. Mr. Hamilton agreed to be liaison to other general government departments, i.e. Library, Health, Conservation, Planning/Building, etc. It was noted that Mrs. McNulty would have the added task of a new budget for a DPW, which would combine Water, Tree, Highway and Parks.
M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve continuing the liaisons as voted in April with the addition of Mr. Hamilton as liaison to general government departments.
Wayne Perry, Chairman of the Wastewater Feasibility Committee and Vonnie Reis of Weston & Sampson met with the Board for a final update on the Sewerage study prior to a Special Town Meeting.
Mr. Perry explained the background of the committee and its goals. Explained the various steps the committee has gone through to reach this point. Noted that as part of the total study, a set of rules and regulations for sewerage use has been compiled. Noted that the Committee is holding an information meeting on January 18 at the Middle School.
Board of Selectmen -2- January 9, 2006
Ms. Reis gave an overview of the engineering work provided to the committee. Explained that the cost is approximately $65 million, which includes a plant, 3 treatment sites, collection system; noted that the cost was figured on a 2 year adjustable figure, as the project will take about two years before construction can start. Noted that the cost would be split 80% by those homes on sewerage lines and 20% for all other homes; betterment for sewered homes would be $23,000; options will be available for financing; deferrals for those over 65.
Ms. Reis presented the article for the Special Town Meeting and requested that it be reviewed by bond counsel and town counsel. Noted that the article may need to be split into three separate articles.
Mr. Perry noted that the schedule for approval of sewering the town is Public Information Meeting, January 18; Special Town Meeting, March 6; Question on Annual Town Election, April 8. If Voters approve sewerage, next step is the Environmental Impact/MEPA process, which will take approximately 1 year to complete; bidding process in late 2007 and construction to begin in 2008.
Mr. Walsh noted that the Committee has put together answers to all questions, which were asked at the previous public meeting.
M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve holding a Special Town Meeting on March 6, 2006 at the High School Auditorium for only one article as submitted by the Wastewater Feasibility Study Committee.
Open Forum
Robert Alexander, 439 Plymouth Street addressed Chairman Walsh and stated that a petition had been circulated this past weekend and that he was presenting him with approximately 108 signatures urging him to reconsider his decision to not seek re-election.
Mr. Walsh stated that he appreciated the response of the citizens.
Anthony Costello, Park Avenue resident, expressed his concerns regarding the Routes 106/18 intersection at the Joppa Market. Noted that there is a sign on Route 106, which states ”right lane for right turn”, but that vehicles are staying in that right lane and making a left turn. Noted that his daughter was almost in an accident because of this issue. Requested the Board to look into painting arrows on the roadway for right turn only and left turn only.
Board requested this issue to be forwarded to John Haines.
Open Forum closed.
Letter of resignation from Robert Reardon, from the Water Commissioners, effective January 31. It was noted that Mr. Reardon is actually retiring. Board requested that the Water Commissioners be contacted as to how they would like to handle the vacancy.
Mr. Hamilton expressed the board’s appreciation to Mr. Reardon for his 22 years of service as a Water Commissioner.
Mrs. McNulty announced that the Governor has signed the DPW legislation. Expressed the Board’s appreciation to the DPW Committee for this work. Noted that she has met with John Haines and Robert DeChristopher regarding respective work; will be meeting with all departments involved.
Board of Selectmen -3- January 9, 2006
Mrs. McNulty announced that the “Coins for the Community” has been very successful. A drop-off container will be at East Bridgewater Savings through Friday. Noted that the funds will be under the administration of Jane Haines.
Pending Issues
Board went over Pending Issues list:
1. DPW legislation approved
2. Trash Collection – John Haines working on; will have update by end of January
3. Eastern States Steel – waiting for word on grant application
4. Master Plan – waiting for proposal from OCPC to assist in work
5. Carver Cotton Dam – no update
6. Carriage House – contract done; can remove from list
7. Mr. Hamilton updated the Board on Habitat for Humanity; still working with
organization to find suitable sites. Mr. Lundberg has suggested two additional sites;
will be setting up a meeting.
8. Annual Evaluations
9. Town Planner – need to begin work on
10. Casa Loma – off list
11. 61A land - board will review next week – letter received today from land owner
12. Economic Development Committee – Mr. Hamilton working on finding residents interested in being on Committee
Sen. Joyce Office Hours – Tuesday, January 24 1-2 p.m.; Main Conference Room
Bridge Street Recycling Center open Saturday, January 21
Recycling Week – January 17 – 21
Property Tax Exemption deadline, March 27
Town Hall closed – Monday, January 16
Board requested that a letter from sent to Sen. Joyce, Sen. Creedan and Rep Teahen inviting them to the February 13 Selectmen’s meeting to discuss state budget forecast.
M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, move to close Open Session and go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing pending litigation issues and contract negotiation update and will not be returning to Open Session.
VOTE: Yes – McNulty, Hamilton, Walsh; a unanimous vote in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Board of Selectmen