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Selectmen's Minutes 2/13/06
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday evening, February 13, 2006 at 7:45 p.m.
Present: David L. Walsh, Chairman; Peter A. Hamilton, Clerk; Theresa McNulty
George Samia, Town Administrator
Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant
Senator Robert Creedon, Jr., Senator Brian Joyce and Representative Kathleen Teahan met with the Board to update them on the state’s budget process.
Sen. Joyce praised Rep. Teahan for her work for her district and noted that she will be missed, as she will not be seeking reelection.
Rep. Teahan stated that it has been a pleasure to serve the Town of East Bridgewater; has worked with a great team of Sen. Joyce and Sen. Creedon; feels that it is time for a new challenge.
Rep. Teahan informed the Board that the House version of the state budget debate would begin in late April.
Sen. Joyce presented a laptop presentation, which included background of state budget for last ten years, overview of state income, state’s stabilization fund, projections for 2006 and 2007 state aid.
Sen. Creedon stated that he is optimistic that state revenue will continue to increase; major concern is the push for universal health care, which will impact the state budget and aid to communities.
A discussion was held regarding Governor’s proposed budget, foundation budget, state aid, etc.
Sen. Joyce recognized the Board’s work regarding increasing the town’s commercial base. Noted that he would continue to work with the Board on this.
Sen. Creedon noted that Kathy Teahan will be greatly missed; has been an asset to her district and has done great work.
Board thanked Sen. Creedon and Sen. Joyce for meeting with them and for the presentation.
Dr. Brendon Burke, Civic Leadership Program Director, Bridgewater State College, met with the Board and announced that they will be holding the second annual Civic Leadership program from March 29 to June 21, Wednesday evening from 6 p.m. – 9 p.m.; cost $95.00 per person; possible scholarship for East Bridgewater students.
Mr. Walsh noted that Dr. DeSantis, who originally started the program, had also been very helpful to the Government Study Committee. Stated that the goal of the Board was to have more residents become involved in town government; felt that the program had generated involvement; noted 3 of last year’s attendees have taken positions either elected or appointed on town boards/committees. Requested that information be placed on web site and cable; flyers will be available in Selectmen’s Office.
Board members spoke to the feedback received from last year’s attendees.
M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the February 6, 2006 meeting.
Board of Selectmen -2- February 13, 2006
M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve a contract between the Town of East Bridgewater and Sterling Associates Inc. for a master plan and site evaluation of Leland Farm, including a plan and site evaluation for a new Senior Center building and other potential municipal uses.
Mr. Walsh noted that the contract was in regards to the town meeting approval of senior center plan.
M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to accept, with regret, the resignation of Joanne L. Erickson from the Council on Aging.
Mr. Walsh noted that Ms. Erickson would be serving as a Director for the Friends of Seniors.
Mrs. McNulty noted that the Friends of Seniors have been reactivated; Donna McLaughlin is the new President. They welcome anyone interested to attend their meetings.
Mr. Walsh announced that the Board will be hold a Special Selectmen’s Meeting on Thursday, February 16 at 7 p.m. in the main Conference Room to discuss the article for Sewerage, the ballot question with the Wastewater Study Committee.
Town Administrator Report
1. DPW sub-committee: 5 person committee; has contacted all and they are willing to
serve. Committee members are:
Michael Payton
Robert Lundberg
Peter Spagone, Jr.
Ryon Pratt
Brian Healey
Asked if the Board would like to confirm the appointments.
Board agreed that as Mr. Samia had been tasked to set up committee that he could appoint them. Requested that the Committee work on recommendations on two areas, DPW Director position and structure of DPW.
2. Water Commissioners letter re: positions. Board has copy of letter from Commissioners explaining their position. Recommended that the Board set up a meeting with the Water Commissioners on February 27 to discuss this further.
1. Recycling Week
2. Bridge Street Center open Saturday, February 18
3. Town Reports – request for submission sent out; due March 31
1. Letter from Joseph Rizzo, MA Lions District 33-S requesting a proclamation for District Governor, George Hart, a resident of East Bridgewater and inviting a member of Board to attend as their guest.
2. Letter from Sen. Robert S. Creedon, Jr. regarding seasonal employment. Copies of this to be sent to Tara Burkett at High School; advertise on cable. Forms available at Selectmen’s Office.
3. Cong. Lynch and Sen. Joyce request for Capital Projects; memo to all Departments
Mr. Hamilton thanked the Highway Department crews for their great work in clearing the roads during and after the weekend snowstorm.
Board of Selectmen -3- February 13, 2006
Mr. McNulty noted that she spoke with Supt. Strojny and school was closed, as Mr. Haines could not guarantee getting the sidewalks cleared due to the drifting snow.
Open Forum
Russ Hannagan, Local Cable Access Director, requested the Board’s assistance regarding FCC proposed changes, which will affect Public Access; noted that local programming would be lost if changes are approved. Requested Board to forward letters to FCC.
Mr. Hannagan also reported that he put out a e-mail question regarding Cable License Renewal Committee; gave Board copies of all responses; noted that it was recommended that one or two members of the Local Access Corp. could be one the committee but the committee should also include other areas of community, i.e. seniors, school, community groups, etc.
Open Forum closed.
M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to adjourn Open Session at 8:55 p.m.
Board of Selectmen