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Selectmen's Minutes 8/8/06
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday evening, August 8, 2006 at 7:30 p.m.
Present:             Peter A. Hamilton Chairman;
Theresa McNulty, Clerk;
David L. Walsh
                           Catherine Johnson, Senior Clerk
Dr. Margaret Strojny, Superintendent of Schools, was present to explain to the Board the Massachusetts School Building Authority Statement of Interest process with regards to the state rating school building needs.
A lengthy discussion was held with questions from the Board.
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, to approve the MSBA letter regarding the Central School Priority #2 Elimination of severe overcrowding as written.
Mr. Ken Strachan with Municipal Benchmarking, LLC was present to explain to the Board his business of the collection of municipal data and gave a brief analysis of what his company could do for the Town, in order for the community to make more informed decisions.
Action Items
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, approve the minutes of the July 25, 2006 meeting.
M/McNulty, to approve the appointment of John R. Cullinan to the Recreation Commission, as an alternate member effective immediately through June 30, 2007, m/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, to amend the appointment of John R. Cullinan from an alternate to a regular member of the Recreation Commission, if the position is available. 
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, approve the request of MD Abu Zafar to pledge his Wine & Malt Package Store License to Rockland Trust.
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, approve the reappointment of Beverly Fanning to the Board of Registrars effective immediately through June 30, 2009.
Board of Selectmen                                 -2-                                            August 8, 2006
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, approve the reappointment of Donna Morris as Animal Inspector for the period of May 1, 2006 to April 30, 2007.
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, approve the appointment of Martin Crowley and William Dunham, with the recommendation of the Finance Committee, to the Finance Committee.
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, approve to continue to meet on Tuesday evenings indefinitely.
Cheryl Pooler and Gordon Hatfield of the Capital Needs Committee were present to give an overview of the committee and it’s function to review and solicit needs of town departments.
Ms. Pooler and Mr. Hatfield, on behalf of the Capital Needs Committee, suggested to the Board that a Stabilization Fund for capital projects be set up and added to yearly, in order to support multi million dollar capital projects in the future.
Mr. Walsh gave a computer demonstration with random numbers, to show the Board and the residents how the Capital Improvement Stabilization Fund for infrastructure and improvements would work. Mr. Samia and Mr. Walsh explained that this plan would have to be fully investigated and would like to see a plan implemented for long-term plans for investing in infrastructure.
Mr. Hamilton read a compliance letter regarding the Town By-Laws that pertain to residential pools and pool safety.
Mail Bag
East Bridgewater Business Expo on September 9th from 10:00 a.m. o 1:00 p.m.
Emergency Response meeting in Bridgewater on Wednesday, August 16, 2006 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Massachusetts Municipal Association’s Kenneth E. Pickard Municipal Innovation Award Program. 
Ms. McNulty informed the Board and the residents of her meeting with Senator Joyce regarding smart growth for the community.

Board of Selectmen                                 -3-                                            August 8, 2006
Public Statement
Mr. Hamilton publicly thanked the East Bridgewater Police Department, Fire Department and D.P.W. for the efforts with regards to the freak storm the community had in the prior week.
Mr. Hamilton discussed with the Board the Plymouth County Selectmen’s Meeting he attended the prior week.
Open Forum
No one present
Mr. Hamilton explained the purpose of Open Forum.
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to close open session and go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing contract negotiations and will not be returning to Open Session.
VOTE: Yes – Walsh, McNulty, Hamilton; a unanimous vote in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Board of Selectmen