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Selectmen's Minutes 10/30/06
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday evening, October 30, 2006 at 7:30 p.m.
Present:             Peter A. Hamilton Chairman;
Theresa McNulty, Clerk;
David Walsh
George Samia, Town Administrator
                           Catherine Johnson, Senior Clerk
Town Clerk, Marcia Weidenfeller was present at the Boards suggestion to discuss the following:
                        Recall petition
                        Question #2 on the November Ballot
                        Miss a Meeting Law
                        Open Meeting Law
A lengthy discussion was held with explanations, prospectives and interpretations of the above-mentioned.
Mr. Samia stated that a meeting regarding the Conflict of Interest Law is being held on November 28, 2006 at 5:30 p.m. for all boards and committees to attend.  Ms. Weidenfeller suggested the Board invite surrounding towns.
Ms. Weidenfeller informed the board of the state election polling hours for Tuesday November 7, 2006.
Action Items
M/McNulty, s/Hamilton, move to approve the minutes of the October 24, 2006 meeting.
VOTE:  Yes – McNulty, Hamilton; Abstain – Walsh; a majority vote in favor.
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, move to approve the minutes of the October 17, 2006 meeting.  VOTE:  Yes – McNulty, Walsh; Abstain – Hamilton; a majority vote in favor.
Mr. Hamilton thanked John Haines and the DPW department for their efforts during the storm of the past weekend.  Mr. Hamilton pointed out that the department was proactive prior to the storm with cleaning out catch basins in preparation of the storm and thanked them for their availability during the storm.

Board of Selectmen                                 -2-                                            October 30, 2006
Town Administrator Report
Mr. Samia presented the Board with the Tax Rate document for the Board’s signature.
Mr. Samia updated the board on the membership to the Metro South Chamber of Commerce.
Ms. McNulty stated that Mr. Gillooly of the Metro South Chamber of Commerce, while present in the office last week, explained to her that prescriptions are significantly less expensive at Costco. Ms. NcNulty further stated that she passed the information along to the Council on Aging.
Holiday – Veterans Day – Town Hall closed Friday, November 10th and half a day on Thursday, November 9th
Veterans Day Tri Town Parade to be held on Saturday, November 11th.
Collector’s Office reminder – 2nd quarter taxes are dune November 1, 2006.
Board Discussions
Mr. Hamilton explained that Mr. Hanes, DPW Director, was actively involved with Senator Joyce’s office in moving forward with the $300,000 plan to install sidewalks in town.
Ms. McNulty welcomed Ms. Kimberly Elders to the Conservation Commission as a new employee.
Ms. McNulty welcomed Mr. Matthew Leighton to the town as a full time member of the Fire Department as a new employee.
Mr. Walsh stated that a Special Town Meeting to pass the Capital Stabilization Fund would be held in February rather than December, in order to bring concrete numbers to the townspeople.
Mr. Walsh stated that he would like to hold a Fall Special Town Meeting on December 18, 2006.
Mr. Hamilton stated that the Skylur J. Spagone Memorial Fund raised $28,000 at their annual Walk for Children and thanked all those who supported the walk.

Board of Selectmen                                 -3-                                            October 30, 2006
Mr. Hamilton stated that Mr. Samia was actively investigating the possibility of a senior center at Sachem Rock Farm and Leland Farm.
M/McNulty, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to close open session and go into Executive Session for the purpose of contract negotiations and to not return to Open Session.
VOTE:  Yes – McNulty, Hamilton, Walsh; a unanimous vote in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Board of Selectmen