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Selectmen's Minutes 11/28/06
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday evening, November 28, 2006 at 7:40 p.m.
Present: Peter A. Hamilton, Chairman; Theresa McNulty, Clerk; David L. Walsh
            George Samia, Town Administrator
            Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant
Mr. Hamilton thanked Carol Carson, of the Ethics Commission for the excellent seminar held earlier this evening at Town Hall. Noted that it was well attended and that the information was excellent.
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, move to approve the minutes of the November 14, 2006 meeting.
VOTE: Yes – McNulty, Walsh; Abstain – Hamilton
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, for the purpose of discussion, move to approve the warrant for the Special Town Meeting.
Mr. Walsh gave his opinion on Article 1; noted reduction of hours for staff in various offices; the different departments are requesting reinstatement of 3.5 hours and/or part-time position back to full-time position. Felt that each department should present their request; separate article into article for each department. Noted his concerns with various department requests, i.e.:
            RESTORE HOURS
            Assessors – salary amount is for 52 weeks; should be for 26 weeks – need to adjust
            Treasurer/Collector – not comfortable with request – recommend removing
            Town Clerk – separate article – Town Clerk can explain request
            Planning Board – separate article – Can explain request
            Council on Aging – separate article – can explain request
            Treasurer/Collector – recommend removing
            Accountant – separate article
            Local Access Director – new contract adjustment – separate article
            EXTRA HOURS
            Selectmen’s Office – not comfortable with; recommend removing
Mr. Samia explained changes in staffing due to overage in Snow/Ice budget.
Mr. Hamilton stated that he agreed with Mr. Walsh’s recommendations.
Mr. Walsh noted that increases will reflect in next budget and will need to be absorbed. Noted that he is still working on infrastructure needs, which must be addressed.
Board went over rest of articles noting change in article number due to separating Article 1, as follows:
            Article 2 becomes Article 7 – unpaid bill – Bay State Gas
            Article 3 becomes Article 8 – unpaid bill – town meeting check-in personnel
            Article 4 becomes Article 9 – unpaid bill – change to be presented by Police Chief –
attorney fees for attorney hired by previous Police Chief; is not Tarlow Breed or new town counsel; it was noted that new counsel’s bills are well within the budget.
            Article 5 becomes Article 10 – unpaid bill – legal fees for ZBA
            Article 6 becomes Article 11 – unpaid bill – septic program
            Article 7 becomes Article 12 – police officer new hire ½ year – vacancy due to retirement
            Article 8 becomes Article 13 – new cruiser – chief dropped one cruiser from ATM article
            Article 9 becomes Article 14 – ½ of cost of design for water main replacement – rest of
costs will be on ATM to come out of water account
            Article 10 becomes Article 15 – veterans – accepting new provision
Board of Selectmen                                             -2-                                November 28, 2006
            Article 11 becomes Article 16 – new round for septic repair program - $400,000.00
            Article 12 becomes Article 17 – transfer from Library fines
            Article 13 becomes Article 18 – request Library Trustees to submit request to Finance
Committee to cover emergency funds; can withdraw request at town meeting
            Article 14 becomes Article 19 – starter funds for Recreation Commission
            Article 15 becomes Article 20 – adds funds to Stabilization Fund – Fund will be close to 2
million with this article; part of long-range financial plan
            Article 15 becomes Article 21 – will establish a charge for unpaid water bill liens
            Article 16 becomes Article 22 – Zoning By-Law change
            Article 17 becomes Article 23 – Zoning By-Law change
M/Walsh, s/McNulty, move to amend motion to change articles as discussed.
VOTE on amendment – Yes – Hamilton, McNulty, Walsh; a unanimous vote in favor of amendment
VOTE: on motion as amended; Yes – Hamilton, McNulty, Walsh; a unanimous vote in favor of motion as amended.
            Working on Capital Improvement Report; information will be available shortly
            Christmas on the Common – December 2 – went over schedule
Mrs. McNulty reported that the Recreation Commission has canceled their bus trip to LaSallette Shrine due to not having enough participants.
Mrs. McNulty reported that Coins for the Community drive would continue through December. Containers available at schools, town hall, COA office, EB Savings.
            Letter from newly elected State Representative, Alan McCarthy; invite to an upcoming
Mr. Hamilton noted that tonight’s Conflict of Interest seminar was live on cable and will also be rebroadcast.
Mr. Samia thanked Russ Hannagan for his technical expertise in setting up and Karen and Cathy for setting up food.
            Letter from Supt. Strojny regarding reappointment of James Hardy to the Cable Board of
Directors for 3 years. Mr. Hamilton thanked Mr. Hardy for his service to the town.
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to adjourn meeting at 8:25 p.m.
            Board of Selectmen