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Selectmen's Minutes 8/1/05
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday evening, August 1, 2005 at 7:35 p.m.
Present: David L. Walsh, Chairman; Peter A. Hamilton, Clerk; Theresa McNulty
George Samia, Town Administrator
Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant
John Stuebing, Town Counsel
Jane Haines, Director of Elderly Services, met with the Board to explain new Medicare issues and to urge residents to contact her office for assistance and information relative to changes in Medicare prescription coverage. Noted all seniors will be required to choose a prescription plan; deadline for making choice is May 1. Noted that two seminars will be held at Covenant Church on Sept. 26 and November 16; seminars will be run by S.H.I.N.E.
Mrs. Haines also reported on the following:
1. 1. Has received many calls concerned with letter received from Dominion Electric; noted that they are legitimate.
2. 2. Senior Tea – Sachem Nursing Home – September 18; invite seniors to meet new residents.
3. 3. Meals on Wheels – need volunteers to deliver; call COA Office.
Public Hearing
A Public Hearing was held relative to the Application for an Alteration/Extension of Premises by Sheryll Gotreau, Creative Cuisine, Ridder Country Club, off Oak Street.
Mrs. Gotreau explained that during renovations of the main building, one function room was divided into two pre-function rooms. Plans are for a function tent to be placed on a cement pad.
Mr. Walsh stated that he would like to continue the hearing until the next meeting as he would like recommendations from the Fire Chief and Building Inspector regarding tent capacity, egress/access to and from tent, fire lanes, adequate parking, etc.
Mrs. Gotreau stated that she had no problem with a continuation of hearing.
M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to continue Public Hearing relative to Extension/Alteration of Premises for Creative Cuisine, Ridder Country Club, off Oak Street, to August 15, 2005.
M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, move to signing the employment agreement between the Town and Russell Hannagan, Executive Director LAD of E.B. Community Television for the period of July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2009.
Steve Brown, President and James Hardy, Treasurer of EBCTV Board express their approval of the contract and cited the various programs instituted by Mr. Hannagan including student camps, new volunteers, senior tax work-off program, etc. It was noted that Town pays 1/3 of salary, 2/3 is paid through funding received from Comcast. It was also noted that the contract coincides with the Town’s contract with Comcast.
VOTE: Yes – Hamilton, McNulty, Walsh; a unanimous vote in favor.
Board met with Claire Yocum, Chair of the Conservation Commission and Donald Nelson and Ken Reale members of the Open Space Committee to discuss the Open Space Plan.
Also present were Deidre Annd and Scott Demolles members of the Open Space Committee.
Board of Selectmen -2- August 1, 2005
A lengthy discussion was held relative to the Open Space Plan. Explanations were given on the specific guidelines required for the plan, mapping, GIS database, need for comments, survey conducted by Bridgewater State College for plan, etc.
Mr. Nelson explained that one of the questions in survey was about a trust for acquisition of land. Most supported either a $15.00 surcharge on tax bill or charge for new development.
Mrs. Yocum informed the Board that once the Plan is approved by State, a Committee would be set-up to oversee implementation of the various recommendations within the Plan. Noted that this will assist updating the next plan, which must be done every five years. Noted that once the plan is approved, it will be available at the Town Hall and Library for review by residents.
Mr. Walsh stated that the board would work on a comment letter and get it to the Committee as soon as possible.
Board discussed application for a Class II Used Car Dealers License submitted by Gene Ortenzi. Mr. Walsh requested additional information from the Fire and Police Chief relative to egress, number of cars allowed per plan, needed width for roadway onto property for safety vehicles.
M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to continue Public Hearing on Class II Application to August 15 to allow for additional information to be received.
Water Commissioners, Robert Reardon, David Coots and Melissa Schrader and Water Dept. Supt. Scott McCann met with the Board to update them on water issue.
Mrs. Schrader explained that a survey of the town’s water system has been completed; noted that various remedies explored by the engineering firm to alleviate the dirty water problem. Explained that the only viable solution is the construction of two filtration plants.
An explanation of the filtration system and how it works and wells where system will be located was given. It was noted that the Commissioners had hoped to have an article on the Special Town Meeting in the fall; have learned that because of town by-law and DOR requirements that article can only be submitted for the Annual Town Meeting. It was noted that the cost of the system would be approximately 3 million.
A discussion was held regarding need to work closely with the Sewerage Committee and Highway Surveyor to make sure that any road openings, pipe laying, etc. is accomplished at one time. It was noted that the water pipe system is being mapped and that a 20-year projection for replacement and water needs is being completed.
Mrs. Schrader informed the Board that West Bridgewater has a filtration plant and that she will try to set up a tour of that facility.
Board thanked the Commissioners for the update.
M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the July 11, 2005 meeting.
Board of Selectmen -3- August 1, 2005
M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the request of Richard Anderson, Christmas on the Common Chairman, for use of the grass area in front of Town Hall for Christmas tree sales from Friday, November 18, 2005 through December 31, 2005; the Town Common from Saturday November 26, 2005 through December 31, 2005 for decorations and from Thursday, December 1, 2005 through Saturday, December 3, 2005 for Christmas on the Common.
M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the request of Jane Haines, council on Aging Director, for acceptance of up to two free seats for each bus trip sponsored by the Council on Aging from July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2006.
M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the request of Deacon Brendan Fitzgerald of St. John church for a One-Day Wine & Malt Liquor License on September 9, 2005 for a concert.
M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the appointment of David Sheedy, 59 Anna Drive, as the Planning Board representative on the Wastewater Study Committee.
M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve forwarding to the Planning Board the request for a zoning by-law change submitted by the Zoning Board of Appeals for their review and comments.
M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the recommendation of Donna Morris, Animal Control Officer to increase the boarding fees at the Town’s Animal Shelter to $20.00 per day, per dog.
Town Administrator Report
Treasurer/Collector’s Department – Diane Lawless, Interim Treasurer/Collector, on job for
5 months, has worked well under difficulties of staff cuts, first quarterly tax billing; at Board’s request has opened office on Fridays; gave credit to Mrs. Lawless and staff for keeping the department functioning under difficult conditions. Stated that with the Board’s approval he will begin pursuing a short-term contract with Mrs. Lawless; felt that she has proved herself over the last few months; has proved she can handle situations; has faith in her ability. Noted that she has computerized several functions with in the office.
Town Counsel, John Stuebing stated that he has been working with Mrs. Lawless on Tax Title matters, noted her background in Tax Title will bring success.
Mr. Samia noted that prior to the end of the fiscal year a large portion of 06 Real Estate Taxes were collected; quarterly tax billing looks to be very successful; already shows a smoother tax flow.
Mr. Walsh stated that he felt Mrs. Lawless was doing an excellent job and directed Mr.
Samia to pursue a contract with her.
Mr. Walsh requested town counsel to check into the second payment from Dana Colby.
Recycling Week – Bridge Street Recycling Center open on Saturday
Street Lights – report streetlights that are out to either Selectmen’s Office or Massachusetts Electric; must have location of pole, pole number or street address.
Board of Selectmen -4- August 1, 2005
Pending Issues
2. Trash Collection - Mr. Walsh will attend meeting with John Haines
4. 4. Master Plan - Contact Planning Board for timetable
7. 7. Carver Cotton Dam – contact John Fabroski for update
8. 8. Requested Town Counsel to report back on plan on August 15
12. 12. Request copies of all job descriptions; then can put together evaluation
14. 14. Legal Services – list of all cases/work
15. 15. Electric Bills – J. Stuebing working on contract with company
16. 16. Casa Loma – set up a meeting with Mr. Cooke and abutter to discuss conditions at property.
Mr. Samia informed the Board that the Computer Policy has been sent out to all departments and that employees are returning signed form to Selectmen’s Office.
Mrs. McNulty informed the Board that the Capital Needs committee would meet with Wayne Perry to discuss Wastewater Needs.
Board Discussion
Policies for Elected, Appointed, new Appointee to Boards/Committees
Mr. Walsh went over present policies and suggested several changes. Requested that changes be made and Board can look over and vote at next meeting. Then this policy can be sent to all boards/Committees so that they are aware how vacancies will be handled.
Mr. Walsh requested that Board members received final packet of letters of interest for Housing Authority vacancies. It was noted that the Housing Authority would be holding interviews next Tuesday.
RFP – Senior Center – Town Counsel, John Stuebing stated that he would review RFP and have report by Thursday.
1. 1. Tree City USA – requested that Mr. Haines be contacted as to what is needed to have Town designated
2. 2. Lt. Governor’s meeting in Brockton – Mrs. McNulty to attend
Mr. Hamilton noted that he would not be present for meeting on August 15th.
Open Forum
Russ Hannagan, EBCATV Director informed the Board that there are two bills before the Congress and Senate that jeopardize local programming; House Bill 3146 and Senate Bill 1349. Asked Board members and residents to send letter opposing these bills to our Senators and Representatives in Washington. Explained concerns and gave Board members a handout.
M/Hamilton, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to adjourn Open Session at 10:15 p.m.
Board of Selectmen
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday evening, August 15, 2005 at 7:35 p.m.
Present: David L. Walsh, Chairman; Theresa McNulty
George Samia, Town Administrator
Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant
Not Present: Peter A. Hamilton, Clerk
Mr. Walsh noted that as voted previously, Mrs. McNulty would serve as Clerk pro-tem this evening as Mr. Hamilton would not be present.
Mr. Walsh opened the Continued Public Hearing relative to Application for Extension of Premises by Creative Cuisine, Sheryll Gotreau, Manager, 390 Oak Street, Ridder Country Club.
Board noted that they had received reports from the Fire Chief, Police Chief and Building Inspector relative to their concerns regarding the function tent. Mr. Walsh stated that all concerns have been addressed.
M/Walsh, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve the Extension of Premises for Creative Cuisine, Sheryll Gotreau, Manager, Ridder Country Club, 390 Oak Street.
Mr. Walsh opened the Continued Hearing relative to the Application for a Used Car Dealers License for South Shore Motors, 68 Old Bedford Road. It was noted that Mr. Ortenzi would be unable to attend tonight’s hearing.
Mr. Walsh noted that the Fire Chief and Police Chief have submitted letters informing the Board that they can not make recommendations until the building and parking lot are finished.
M/Walsh, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to approve a Class II – Used Car Dealers License for South Shore Motors, 68 Old Bedford Road pending receipt of final recommendations from the Fire and Police Chief on number of vehicles allowed; license to be issued upon completion of the building and parking lot.
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve minutes of August 1, 2005 meeting with one correction.
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the East Bridgewater Professional Firefighters Association request for permission to conduct the annual MDA Fill-the-Boot drive in the center of town, at the intersection of Bedford Street, Central Street, Spring Street and Maple Avenue on Saturday, August 20, 2005, rain date, Saturday, August 27, 2005 from 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
M/McNulty, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to accept, with regret, the resignation of Eric Glaas from the Finance Committee effective immediately.
Mr. Walsh noted that there are now three vacancies on the Finance Committee; requested any interested resident should send in their letters of interest; set a deadline of September 15.
It was noted that through a clerical error the appointments to the Conservation Commission were not made.
M/ McNulty, s/ Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to reappoint Steven Sears and Paul Gallant to the Conservation Commission for the period of July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2008.
Board of Selectmen -2- August 15, 2005
Board Discussion
Housing Authority Vacancies: Noted that the Housing authority has completed interviews with candidates; one candidate has withdrawn his name; Board agreed to hold interviews on September 6 and 12 – two candidates each evening at 6:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. and a Joint Meeting with the Housing Authority on September 19.
Letter from Karen Roos re: 61A land – Board requested that information be submitted to the Conservation Commission and Open Space Plan Committee for their input.
Town Counsel Legal Costs – Mr. Walsh stated that there were two town meetings where the discussion regarding town counsel bills was heated. Noted that Counsel had been requested to submit monthly invoices and to put together a listing of cases with time frames and costs; draft was received to day. Bills not submitted to Board; concerned with inaction; made a promise to townspeople that the Board would keep Counsel bills down. Recommended that Town counsel suspend all services with exception of first three cases on draft list until such time as Board has met with Counsel and discussed matters.
M/Walsh, s/McNulty, a unanimous vote, move to authorize Town Administrator George Samia to notify Tarlow, Breed, Hart & Rodgers that all work is suspended temporarily, with exception of first three listed cases, until Board has met with them to discuss issues.
Town Administrator Report
Contract Negotiations – continuing – will report in full to Board during Executive Session
Citizens Complaint re: landscape business – has response ready and will send out on Tuesday.
Wayne Feiden – Town has received Peer-to-Peer Grant; processing bill for payment to Mr. Feiden.
1. 1. Next Meeting of Board – August 29 – Mr. Walsh stated he would not be present
2. 2. Meeting at Mayor Yunit’s Office on August 17 – Mrs. McNulty to attend
Pending Issues
2 – Trash – Mr. Walsh to attend meeting on Thursday with Mr. Haines
Mrs. McNulty reported on meeting she attended regarding Commonwealth Capital Planning.
Mr. Walsh requested that updated policies for appointment of elected and appointed officials be on next meeting agenda for Board to approve.
Open Forum
Tim Graham informed the Board that he was the person who wrote complaint about landscape business in his neighborhood. Noted that he made his first complaint on July 2, 2003. Expressed his frustration with no response to his concerns.
Mr. Walsh explained that the Board had their response ready but had waited for Town Counsel to look over.
Mr. Samia stated that he would be sending the Board’s response tomorrow.
Board of Selectmen -3- August 15, 2005
Mrs. McNulty requested that a meeting be set up with the Planning Board for September 6 regarding the Master Plan and 40B. Noted that there may be a need to have a task force to assist with the Master Plan project. Mrs. Grabau will contact Planning Board and set up the appointment.
M/Walsh, s/McNulty, move to close Open Session and go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing contract negotiations status with unions and will not be returning to Open Session.
VOTE: Yes – McNulty, Walsh; a unanimous vote in favor.
Board of Selectmen
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday evening, August 29, 2005 at 7:35 p.m.
Present: Peter A. Hamilton, Clerk; Theresa McNulty
George Samia, Town Administrator
Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant
Mr. Hamilton announced that as vote previously, he would act as Chairman pro-tem and Mrs. McNulty would act as Clerk pro-tem for the evening. Noted that Mr. Walsh would not be present this evening.
Gregg Haynes met with the Board regarding his application for a Common Victualer License.
Mr. Haynes noted that the restaurant would be located inside Viking Recreation Center. He plans to be open same hours as Center; 7 days per week. Noted that at this time, he will be running the restaurant full time, may hire help later. Has applied for all necessary permits with Board of Health and Building Inspector; also has had inspections by Fire Department.
Mr. Haynes noted that he hopes to be open by end of week.
M/McNulty, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve a Common Victualer License for Gregg Haynes dba Little Man Galley, 607 Bedford Street; Hours: 11:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
1. 1. Soccer Opening Day – September 10, 9 a.m. parade
2. 2. Businessmen Expo – September 10 0n the Common
3. 3. Dog Licenses due - $25.00 fine after September 1
4. 4. Recycling Week
5. 5. Week of Sept. 5-10 – Trash Pick-up one day late due to Holiday
6. 6. Next Selectmen’s Meeting – Tuesday, Sept. 6
Board Reports
1. 1. Mrs. McNulty reported on regional meeting in Brockton; discussed critical needs of communities; will be working on regionalization of services; noted EOEA and DEP favor regionalization.
2. 2. Cong. Lynch working on additional funding through federal funds.
3. 3. Stormwater Application – working on submission
1. 1. Letter from Chris Simmons re: Eagle Scout Project at Sachem Rock Farm; forward to Sachem Rock Committee for their recommendation.
2. 2. Letter from Town of Kingston re: Labor & Employment Seminar, Weds. Sept. 21 – Mrs. McNulty will attend.
Mrs. McNulty announced that she will be hosting a new CATV program called “Inside town Hall”; will invite department heads in to discuss their department. Hopes that it will give residents a better understanding of departments.
Board of Selectmen -2- August 29, 2005
Open Forum
Diane Lawless, Interim Treasurer/Collector met with Board to go over questions raised in a letter regarding quarterly taxes and interest.
Mrs. Lawless noted that the first quarter was very uneventful; collected over 3 million; town has cash flow of approximately 11 million; plans to invest at maximum interest available; negotiating with bank for a government investment account, with no prepayment and no penalty for withdrawals. Noted this has made cash flow more stable.
Gave Board an overview of office plan for next 12 months relative to time schedule for various bills including quarterly tax bills, excise, demands, etc.
Mr. Samia explained further how quarterly tax billing is helping town through a higher yield of tax dollars and chance to place new growth on books quicker.
Mrs. Lawless noted that by sending out tax bills one week earlier, the Town received over $100,000 at end of last fiscal year. Noted that cash flow is stable. Regularly sending out demands. Meeting with Tax Title Attorney’s regarding collections/foreclosures; has had inquires regarding 3 separate tax title accounts; will also be discussing with attorney’s Colby issue.
Mr. Samia noted that by having a stable cash flow the Town has not needed to do short term borrowing, which saves the Town additional costs.
Board members thanked Mrs. Lawless for her explanation.
Mrs. McNulty reminded residents that Grades 1-12 would start school on September 6. Cautioned all to be aware of children waiting for busses and walking to school.
It was noted that there was no Executive Session scheduled for this evening.
M/McNulty, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to adjourn Open Meeting at 8:05 p.m.
Board of Selectmen