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Selectmen Minutes April 26, 2004
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday evening, April 26, 2004 at 7:30 p.m.
Present: Eric W. Greene, Chairman; David L. Walsh, Clerk; James M. Hardy
George Samia, Town Administrator
Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant
Kathy Johnson introduced herself and explained that she was part of a group of parents and friends who have started a support group for our troops overseas. Requested use a room within town hall for their use on a weekly basis. Explained that they plan to put together packages for service men and women and send them off to them. Would also like to set up a photo board to display photos of those serving, possibly in the foyer of town hall. Noted that there are three homes, which will serve as drop-off places for anyone wishing to donate items to be shipped overseas. Drop-off houses are Johnson home at 624 Summer Street, Desmond home at 334 Hudson Street and Taylor home at 155 Sachem Rock Avenue. Noted that there were 34 names on their list at this time. Invited townspeople to submit additional names of persons serving.
Mrs. Johnson requested permission to place yellow ribbons around town and also to place donation cans in various places to collect money to buy items for troops and to help cover postage.
Introduced her son, Joe who has just returned to home from serving in Afghanistan with his Reserve unit. Noted that he received packages from home and was able to share with his unit.
Plan to hold a Yard Sale in conjunction with the 5K road race and asked for use of the town hall front lawn. It was noted that there was a form that needs to be filled out.
Noted that they are putting together a website; Terry Aicardi is assisting them with this.
Board requested that Mrs. Johnson come into Selectmen’s Office to coordinate their plans and to look into a meeting place.
M/Walsh, s/Hardy, move to approve the minutes of the April 20, 2004 meeting.
VOTE: YES – Hardy, Greene; ABSTAIN – Walsh; a majority vote in favor.
Mr. Walsh noted that the Sewerage Committee was in the process of and requested that either the Board be available to sign paperwork or designate on member of the Board to sign; noted that he would be agreeable to be the designee for the Board.
M/Hardy, s/Greene, a unanimous vote, move to approve designating David Walsh as Board of Selectmen’s representative to sign relative to the Sewerage Study Committee
Open Forum
Philip Zentz, Belmont Street stated that he had a petition to present to the Board signed by over 570 residents. Read the following:
Mr. Eric Greene, Chairman, Board of Selectmen
Mr. Peter Spagone, Jr., Chairman, Board of Health
Mr. Roy E. Gardner, Chairman, Planning Board
Mr. Richard E. Bachman, Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals
East Bridgewater Town Hall
175 Central Street
East Bridgewater, MA 02333
Board of Selectmen -2- April 26, 2004
Dear Sirs:
We the residents and registered voters of East Bridgewater, MA, fee the Thatcher Street
landfill is a detriment to our town. We demand that NO proposal be brought to the town for this landfill to resume business in any way, shape or form. No dumping of any kind should be considered, no solid waste, no ash, no construction debris NOTHING.
We have lived this dump in operation and are well aware of the health risks, the noise pollution, the air pollution, and the general ill-will that such a business brings and will bring to us and the surrounding towns now and in the future. We choose peaceful, clean living over any short-term financial gain which reopening the landfill would bring.
We respectfully request the dump remain closed. Just say NO now to Allied Waste Industries, Inc. East Bridgewater is not interested is their business proposal of trash for any amount of cash.
The Undersigned
Accompanying the letter were 41 pages of signatures.
Debra Doyle, Stonebridge Way stated that she was overwhelming against the dump reopening and that she was disappointed that the issue has come up.
Mr. Greene explained that there would be hearings held by the Planning Board for the zoning change, the Board of Health for the site assignment and the Board of Selectmen for the host community contract.
John Chaves, Grove Street stated that his opposition and noted that the landfill would be receiving everyone’s trash not just the Town’s.
Lynn Jutras, Elm Street spoke in opposition stating that she felt that the quality of life was better in her area since the landfill closed. Noted that there were soccer fields on Belmont Street and felt that they were too close to the landfill and there would be health and safety issues if the landfill reopened.
Bob Van Deusen, Belmont Street, noted he had sent a letter last week, which Mr. Zentz read and stated that he would not have purchased his home had he been aware that the landfill might reopen. Felt that it was an evil way to make money for town; expressed concerns for environmental issues; felt BFI/Allied not a company town should be involved with. Stated that he would do everything he could to stop landfill.
Paula Cannon, Central Street stated that the Board of Selectmen were short-sighted previously with money from BFI; felt Board should be looking for industry; felt ramifications were too great.
Ginger Hunter, Summer Street stated that she was horrified when she learned that the landfill was being considered to reopen; felt Selectmen should be looking at getting business into town not reopening a landfill.
A discussion was held regarding Mr. Zentz’s request to hold a Special Town Meeting to vote on his letter submitted this evening. Mr. Zentz stated that he would submit requests for Special Town Meeting every month if need be.
Board of Selectmen -3- April 26, 2004
A discussion was held regarding the various hearings that will be held regarding the proposal for the landfill with the Planning Board and Board of Health.
After a resident questioned the lawsuit filed by the town against BFI/Allied, Mr. Greene explained that it dealt with a difference of view of what was cover material and whether the town should have received payment for the material mixed with the soil.
Cheryl Jacques, Captain’s Way voiced her opposition to the landfill and noted that the town should be looking into industry and noted that the town has allowed tattoo parlors and a tobacco shop next to Busy Bee and a noisy business on North Bedford Street.
A resident of Winter Street alleged that the Board of Health held sleazy meetings and questioned how the residents would know that meetings were being held.
Mr. Hardy explained that all committees and boards post their meetings with the Town Clerk. Mr. Hardy requested that a letter be drafted to the various boards and committees that they submit all public notices of hearings and meetings to Terry Aicardi to put on the town’s website. Also noted that residents can sign up to received notices via e-mail from the site.
Mr. Zentz stated that he would ask that the Board of Health and Planning Board not hold meetings simultaneously as was noted could be done by Town Counsel, as residents wished to attend all the meetings.
Mr. Zentz questioned an article in newspaper regarding bonding costs of $50,000 for legal assistance in bonding. Mr. Savino was asked to come into meeting and he then explained that there were various costs associated with bonding and fees paid to various places in order for bonding to take place. Noted that the $50,000 wasn’t for legal only.
Mr. Greene closed Open Forum at 8:45 p.m.
Mr. Walsh stated to the residents that he challenged them to get involved. Noted that they were complaining about how town government worked, yet when the Government Study Committee met for 26 weeks only a handful of residents ever attend a meeting; also noted that there was a need for the Industrial Development Commission to be reestablished and suggested that residents become involved in this committee. Noted that it is important to the town that residents are involved in committees and boards.
Cheryl Jacques stated that she felt that when residents are involved in an issue that they become frustrated because they are not listened to by committees.
Town Administrator Report
Town Meeting – this week working on finalizing town warrants and getting ready for town
Notice from Zoning Board of Appeals regarding continued hearing on Cavendish Place
Mr. Hardy stated that this is an example of hearings that should be posted on the
Town’s website.
Town Meeting – May 10
7 p.m. Special Town Meeting; 7:30 p.m. – Annual Town Meeting
Board of Selectmen -4- April 26, 2004
M/Walsh, s/Hardy, move to close Open Session and go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing pending litigation and will not be returning to Open Session.
VOTE: Yes – Hardy, Walsh, Greene; a unanimous vote in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 8:56 p.m.
Board of Selectmen