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Selectmen's Minutes 7/12/04
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday evening, July 12, 2004 at 7:30 p.m.

Present:        Eric Greene, Chairman
                David Walsh, Clerk
James M. Hardy, Clerk pro-tem
                George Samia, Town Administrator
                Catherine Johnson, Senior Clerk
                John Stuebing, Town Counsel

Action Items

M/Hardy, s/Greene, abstain – Walsh, vote to approve the minutes of the June 28, 2004 meeting.

M/Walsh, s/Hardy, a unanimous vote, approve the appointment of Melanie Thompson to the Historical Commission for the period of July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2007.

M/Walsh, s/Hardy, a unanimous vote, approve the reappointment of John D. Peterson to the Central Plymouth County Water District Advisory Board for the period of July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2007.

M/Walsh, s/Hardy, a unanimous vote, approve the reappointment of Margaret O. Alexander to the Group Insurance Advisory Committee for the period of July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005.

M/Walsh, s/Hardy, a unanimous vote, approve the reappointment of Herbert Wolfer as Sealer of Weights & Measures for the period of July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005.


Frank Savino, Treasurer/Collector, was present to request the Board’s signatures on the Title 5 Bond and Certificate.


Jim Comeau, a representative from the South Shore Habitat for Humanity was present to express the group’s interest in two parcels of land on Washington Street for the building of two homes.

A brief discussion was held with regards to the process of the building of a Habitat for Humanity home.

Ms. Sunny Shaw of Braintree was present to explain the process of family selection.

Mr. Comeau presented the board with a packet explaining the process.
Board of Selectmen                              -2-                             July 12, 2004

Additional Action Items

M/Walsh, s/Hardy, a unanimous vote, contingent upon the approval of the Police Chief, approve the request of Nancy Hacker of the Grace Bible Church for use of the Town Common for the week of July 19 - July 23, 2004 from 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. to play games.

M/Walsh, s/Hardy, a unanimous vote, vote to expand the Sachem Rock Committee to a 7 member Committee consisting of 1 member of the Historical Commission, 1 member of the Conservation Commission, 1 member of the Friends of Sachem Rock and 4 members-at-large.

M/Walsh, s/Hardy, a unanimous vote, approve the appointment of the following as the 7 members of the Sachem Rock Committee:

                Mary Ahern – as a member of the Historical Commission
                Craig Winsor – as a member of the Conservation Commission
                Marijo Martin – as a member of the Friends of Sachem Rock
                Sandra Ockers – member-at-large
                Marjorie Winsor – member-at-large
                Deirdre Annd, member-at-large
                Darlene Dupras – member-at-large

Town Administrators Report

Agreement between the Town of East Bridgewater and Mr. Mark Haywood of 182 Bridge Street, East Bridgewater, authorizing the mowing and removal of all generated debris as effect of mowing annually, (or bi-annually if required) the areas known as Sachem Rock Farm hayfields, at no cost to the Town of East Bridgewater and shall not exceed 3 years.

Mr. Samia requested the Board sign the agreement.  John Stuebing, Town Counsel was present, had a look at the agreement, and suggested the Board put in a liability clause before signing the agreement.


Recycling bins are now available from $8.00 at the Highway Department between the house of 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.  The grant providing the town with free recycling bins has expired.

Mr. Greene suggested the Town look into another grant offering recycling bins to the residents at no cost.

Board of Selectmen                              -3-                             July 12, 2004

Open Forum

John Stuebing, Town Counsel was present to request the board’s signatures on the Beede Oil Site settlement in the amount of $2,555.00.

M/Walsh, s/Hardy, a unanimous vote, approve the settlement agreement as recommended by Town Counsel.

M/Walsh, s/Hardy, a unanimous vote, designate Eric Greene, Chairman to sign said agreement

Board Discussions

1.      Request of Chief Silva for a Public Hearing concerning a violation, Chapter 138, Section 34 – Sales of Alcoholic Beverages – 1 count to a minor, that occurred on June 17, 2004 at Cumberland Farms of Mass., Inc., 1055 Washington Street.

A Hearing is scheduled for Monday, August 2, 2004.  

2.      Request of Jim Duhamel, Vice-President of the East Bridgewater Commercial Club Youth Football and Cheerleading Organization, for an allotment of Town land for the purpose of conducting youth football games and cheerleading competitions.  

Mr. Walsh suggested requesting the Land Use Committee look into land that may be available.

Mr. Hardy suggested contacting Tom Hamilton, of the Soccer Association, concerning the upper field at the Silva Athletic Complex.

3.      Sewerage Study Committee – the final project approval certificate regarding the CWMP study has been approved.

4.      Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission Regional Local Board Training on July 21, 2004 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. – Mr. Hardy suggested the office staff attend.

5.      Massachusetts Municipal Association notice of sponsoring a statewide photo contest, anyone interested should contact the Board of selectmen’s office.

Board of Selectmen                              -4-                             July 12, 2004

6.      Estabrook & Chamberlain Insurance Company – Statement of Values page.  Mr. Samia will contact Charlie Rourke with Board’s concerns.

m/Hardy, s/Greene, a unanimous vote, move to close Open Session and go into Executive Session for the purposes of discussing litigation issues, deployment of security personnel and non union labor and will not be returning to Open Session.
VOTE:  Yes – Greene, Walsh, Hardy; a unanimous vote in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.