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Selectmen's Minutes 10/25/04
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday evening, October 25, 2004 at 7:50 p.m.
Present: Eric W. Greene, Chairman; David L. Walsh, Clerk;
        George Samia, Town Administrator
        Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant
        John Stuebing, Town Counsel
        Robert Kerwin, Town Counsel
Mr. Greene called for a moment of silence in memory of Victoria Snelgrove who died this past week and whose funeral would be on Tuesday.
M/Walsh, S/Greene, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the October 18, 2004 meeting.
M/Walsh, s/Greene, a unanimous vote, move to approve the recommendation of the East Bridgewater Arts Council and appoint Norma Callahan, 645 Summer Street and Penny Milauskas, 398 Bedford Street to the East Bridgewater Arts Council for the period of three years from October 25, 2004 to June 30, 2007.
M/Walsh, s/Greene, a unanimous vote, move to accept with regret the resignation of Richard O’Flaherty as a member of the Planning Board effective immediately.
Board noted that letters of interest for the vacancy on the Planning board can be sent to the Selectmen’s Office.
Town Administrator Report
1.~~~~~~ Letter regarding Roberts road has been sent
2.~~~~~~ Letter to OCPC sent; copy given to Board this evening.
Staff Report
1.~~~~~~ License renewals sent to all licensees; Renewals due by November 30; license approvals will begin in December.
1.~~~~~~ Special Town Meeting – November 8 – copies of warrant available.
2.~~~~~~ Victoria Snelgrove Funeral – expected heavy traffic – Central Street to be closed off for procession; suggested that anyone having Town Office business not come in between 9 a.m. and noon.
3.~~~~~~ Veterans’ Day – Tri-Town Parade, W. Bridgewater – one Selectmen will be asked to speak at ceremonies.
Mr. Samia noted that Mr. Spagone was scheduled to meet with Board at 7:45 p.m. but has a conflict and will not be available until after 8 p.m. Have changed Appointments and 8 p.m. appointment will meet with Board first.
Dana Huff, Engineer and Jeffery Thelen, Senior Hydrogeologist, Tighe & Bond, consultants to Town regarding BFI landfill, met with the Board to go over their findings regarding the proposed reopening of the Thatcher Street Landfill.
Board of Selectmen                              -2-                     October 25, 2004
Mr. Huff presented a power point presentation to the Board. Presentation included information relative to the study, which he has done for the Town as follows:
                Scope of Review
                Site Plan
                Water Resources
                Environmental Documents Review  
                USGS Information Sources Review 
                Hydrologic Atlas
                Water Resource Investigation
                Ground Water Quality
                Surface Water Quality
                Air Quality
                Project Approval Process
                Project Timeline
                Environmental Monitoring
Discussion was held relative to each of the above subjects.     
Several questions were asked by Robert St.Pierre regarding the proposed reopening of the landfill and the information explained this evening.
Town Moderator, Peter Spagone met with the Board and explained his plans relative to the running of the Special Town Meeting on November 8.
Mr. Spagone stated that he intends to see a pure and clean vote; vote will be by ballot; each registered voter will be issued a ballot once they enter the hall, which will be perforated with a yes on one side and no on other; will appoint approximately 12 to 16 clerks to count ballots; felt this was the fairest and most accurate way to document the vote.
Considers safety as high priority;  does not want to see overcrowding; will have use of High School Auditorium and Gym; there will be TV’s placed in the Gym so that those in there can see and hear what is going on in the Auditorium; will be meeting with the Fire Chief to go over safety precautions.
Has made the decision that only Town registered voters will be allowed in the room with the exception of the Town Administrator, town’s experts and BFI spokesman and experts; no other non-resident Town employees will be allowed in.
Has not decided on whether there will be a cap on speaking; will have a set of rules, which will be read prior to beginning Town Meeting.
Mr. Greene questioned how Mr. Spagone would handle any amendments to the article; Mr. Spagone stated that the amendment may be done by a hand count, he will decide that evening. Mr. Greene also questioned what would be allowed regarding clapping, audience reactions, etc. Mr. Spagone stated that although he would allow clapping after a speaker, no booing, vocal reactions, etc. would be tolerated; anyone ruled out of order will be removed from the meeting if they persist. Noted that he will run his format by Town Counsel prior to the meeting.
Mr. Walsh announced that a draft agreement with BFI has been reached regarding host community and rubbish collections. Stated that he felt compelled to sign this agreement now to lock in the agreement in case the rezoning article passed at town meeting. Mr. Greene stated he was not sure he was in favor of signing this evening.
Board of Selectmen                              -3-                     October 25, 2004
A discussion was held regarding the agreement with Cary Ryan and Robert Kerwin, Town Counsels, who noted that within the agreement was verbiage that would terminate the agreement if the rezoning article failed to pass at town meeting. Recommended that the Board lock in the agreement and sign it this evening; went over the agreement regarding trash pickup, also how this could be handled if the landfill were not ready for opening prior to our contract for trash pick-up coming to an end in 2006.
It was also noted that BFI has reimbursed the town for our costs for Attorney and Engineering fees relative to the rezoning article, feasibility report and other costs incurred.
Mr. Walsh stated that he was comfortable with signing the agreement tonight, as there is a clause, which would render the agreement null and void if the rezoning failed to pass.
Mr. Greene requested Mr. Samia to put together a synopsis of the terms of the new agreement. Stated that he felt more confident with the information given to be in favor of signing the agreement prior to the Town Meeting.
Mr. Walsh requested that the agreement and terms be posted on the web site.
M/Walsh, s/Greene, a unanimous vote, move to endorse the Host Community Agreement between the town of East Bridgewater and BFI.
Board members signed the agreement.
M/Walsh, s/Greene, a unanimous vote, move to adjourn Open Session at 9:45 p.m.