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Selectmen minutes March 31, 2003
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, March
31, 2003 at 7:30 p.m.

Present: James F. Morey, Chairman
James Hardy, Clerk
Eric W. Greene
Michael Botelho, Executive Secretary
Catherine Johnson, Senior Clerk


George Samia, Town Accountant, was present for the signing of his
contract. Mr. Hardy stated that he has been working closely with Mr.
Samia and has come up with a contract that is both beneficial to the
Town as well as to Mr. Samia. m/Hardy, s/Greene, a unanimous vote, move
to approve the contract between the Town of East Bridgewater and George
G. Samia, Town Accountant & Personnel Director, for the period of July
1, 2003 to June 30, 2008.


Ryon Pratt, Fire Chief, was present for the signing of his contract.
Mr. Hardy gave a brief summary of the contract negotiations. m/Hardy,
s/Greene, a unanimous vote, move to approve the contract between the
Town and Ryon Pratt as Fire Chief for the Town of East Bridgewater for
the period of July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2006. Mr. Pratt expressed
his appreciation to the board for their continued confidence.

m/Greene, s/Hardy, a unanimous vote, move to ratify the contract between
the Town, Board of Assessors and Cheryl Pooler, Administrative Assessor,
effective November 7, 2002 through June 30, 2005.


John Keefe, of the Board of Health, was present for a department update.
Mr. Keefe explained that the bulk of the work the Board of Health does
centers around septic systems. Mr. Keefe explained to the Board that,
to date, 1.4 million dollars has been loaned out since the start of the
loan program.

Mr. Keefe explained to the Board that the Board and the Health Agent are
more proactive with food service providers in Town with regards to their
septic systems.

Mr. Keefe stated that the visiting nurses are still providing service
three days a week. Mr. Keefe explained they are presently in
negotiations with Partners Homecare.
Board of Selectmen -2-
March 31, 2003

Mr. Keefe explained that the Board would soon be in negotiations with
somebody for the monitoring of the contaminated plume at the Bridge
Street Landfill.


Park Commissioners, Robert DeChristopher, Chairman and John Primiano,
Clerk, were present for a department update. Mr. DeChristopher and Mr.
Primiano presented the Board with a gift of a plaque describing the
history of Strongs Field as well as a mechanical drawing of the field.

Mr. DeChristopher presented packets to the Board that included the
report of last year, as well as an update of the plans for the upcoming

A lengthy discussion was held with regards to the above-mentioned plans.

Mr. DeChristopher submitted an Article, for consideration, to be placed
on the Annual Town Meeting Warrant.

Mr. DeChristopher thanked Mr. Botelho for all the help he has given to
the Park Department.

John Haines, Tree Warden and interim Highway Surveyor, and Michael
Perrault of P.M.P. Associates were present to update the Board on the
pre-construction of the West Union Street project.

Open Forum

Robert DiFazio of 35 Stonebridge Way was present to express his concerns
with the boulders that were placed on Church Street.

Frank Savino, Treasurer/Collector was present to inform the public of
the mailing of the tax bills on Friday, 3/28/03. Mr. Savino further
informed the public of the tax bills being due on May 1, 2003.

Action Items

m/Hardy, s/Greene, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the
March 24, 2002 meeting.

m/Hardy, s/Greene, a unanimous vote, move to approve the appointment of
George Samia as Town Accountant for the period of July 1, 2003 to June
30, 2008.

Board of Selectmen -3- March
31, 2003

m/Hardy, s/Greene, a unanimous vote, move to approve the appointment of
Dorothy Richardson as Assistant Town Accountant for the period of July
1. 2003 to June 30, 2006.

Discussion Item

Mr. Botelho explained to the Board that John Stuebing, Town Counsel, was
unable to review the Town Administrator by-law. A lengthy discussion
was held with regards to the by-law. The Board decided to take the time
needed to put together the package for a Special Town Meeting.

John Stuebing, Town Counsel submitted a revised Article given to him by
the Police Chief.


Bridge Street Recycling Center - for Big Metal and Compost materials

April 5th & April 19th


Computers fax machines
scanners keyboard & mice
main Frames vcr's
stereos monitors
printers telecommunication
speakers wire
televisions dvd players

Recycling Collection Week

March 31st - April 4th

April 5 - Rabies Clinic at Cam-Belle's Country Inn for Pets, 1040
Central Street
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Cost: $10.00

April 12 - Town Election; NEW POLLING HOURS - 11:00 A.M. TO 7:00 P.M.

Planning Board Alternate - 1 vacancy

Old Colony Elderly Services - Alternate - 1 vacancy
Board of Selectmen -4-
March 31, 2003

Mr. Morey submitted and Article for consideration on behalf of the
Feasibility Study Committee.

Mr. Hardy presented Mr. Morey with a plaque in thanks for his three
years of service to the Town. Mr. Morey expressed his thanks for all
his hard work and stated that it's been an honor and privilege to
service the Town.

m/Hardy, s/Greene, move to close Open Session and go into Executive
Session for the purpose of discussing litigation and non-union contracts
and will not be returning to Open Session.
VOTE: Yes - Greene, Hardy, Morey; a unanimous vote in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Board of Selectmen