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Selectmen Minutes May 27, 2003
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday evening, May 27, 2003 at 7:35 p.m.

Present: James M. Hardy, Chairman; David L. Walsh
Michael Botelho, Executive Secretary
Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant

Not Present: Eric W. Greene, Clerk

Mr. Hardy appointed Mr. Walsh as Clerk pro-tem for the evening.

Department Update

Chief Ryon Pratt, Fire Department met with the Board to update them on his department. Informed the Board that the Department has answered 651 Emergency Calls of which 369 required treatment and/or transport to a hospital.

Has completed inspections with the building department of all places of assembly; this was in response to the Warwick fire. All owners have complied with any needed corrections.

Attended with the Deputy Chief a seminar on Homeland Security. Noted that speakers at seminar detailed what was done on 9/11 and also during other terrorist actions.

Smoke Detector Program has installed 75 detectors into homes. Urged citizens to contact the department to find out more about the program and how they can receive free detectors.

Will be implementing a new safety program for CPR instruction. Will have more information once the plans for program are completed.

Informed the board that the Fire Department is fully compliant with the new HEPA regulations; have completed new guidelines, information sheets, etc.

Board thanked Chief Pratt for his update.

Alexander Muir met with the Board relative to his application for a one-day all alcoholic license at 148 Whitman Street.

Mr. Muir explained that the license was for his wedding reception and that they plan to charge for the liquor to regain the money spent by himself and his fiancé. Explained that they have hired a police officer to work a detail at the reception.

Mr. Walsh questioned whether they had looked into an insurance binder for the homeowners insurance. Mr. Muir stated that they would contact their insurance agent.

Mr. Walsh requested that the Board hold off on approval of the license until next week and requested Mr. Muir to provide confirmation of an insurance binder. Also requested that the Police Chief be contacted and asked for his approval of the license.

Board informed Mr. Muir that he would not need to be present at next week's meeting as long as he provided the information needed.

Board of Selectmen -2- May 27, 2003

Jerry Pierce, 51 Cedar Street met with the Board relative to his request to remove a portion of his land from Chapter 61A.

Mr. Pierce explained that he planned to give three lots to his children and to sell the remaining lots to cover the costs to develop the land.

M/Walsh, s/Hardy, a unanimous vote, move to approve the Town's waiver of first refusal of the 61A land at 51 Cedar Street owned by Diane and Jerry Pierce.

Frank Savino, Treasurer met with the Board relative to the contract between the Town and Southeastern Mass Health Group.

Mr. Savino explained the make-up of SMHG and how the consortium works. Also explained the reasons for the contract.

Mr. Savino also noted the he and Assistant Treasurer, Elaine Sands are attending a training seminar on HEPA.

M/Walsh, s/Hardy, a unanimous vote, move to approve signing the contract between the Town of East Bridgewater and Southeastern Mass. Health Group.

Mr. Savino brought to the Board's attention budget amendment 108 and reasons for this amendment. Also explained changes to Chapter 30B being proposed by the Metropolitan Mayors Coalition.

A discussion was held regarding these two proposed changes.

Mr. Savino also explained House Bill 3615, which would exempt towns from paying condo fees for any condo placed in tax title. Requested the Board's support of this bill.

A discussion was held regarding the newspaper article in the May 18 Sunday Enterprise and the editorial in the Tuesday, May 27 Enterprise, which dealt with elected officials in towns who take town health insurance.

Mr. Hardy noted that in the editorial, Mr. Savino is admonished for not releasing the names of town officials on the town's health plan to the Enterprise reported. Mr. Hardy explained that the new federal regulations under HEPA do not allow release of names in connection with health insurance. Also noted that Mr. Savino has contacted Town Counsel and Secretary of State's office for an opinion and is still waiting.

Mr. Savino noted that the Secretary of State's office was still investigating whether the federal law is in conflict with the state law. Noted that had the request come in before April 15 when HEPA went into effect he would have released the names to the reported.

Mr. Hardy noted that neither, Mr. Savino or the Town was trying to hide information from residents as implied in the editorial.

Open Forum
Peter Spagone, Town Moderator, stated that he wished to answer some of the statements made by a resident at last week's meeting. Felt that there was many incorrect statements made and wished to clarify them.

Board of Selectmen -3- May 27, 2003

Mr. Spagone noted that in his opinion this was one of the most publicized town meeting in many years. Explained that there was a quorum for the Special Town Meeting but that as there were no money articles needing a quorum, he did not have to declare one. Noted that there were over 160 voters at the Special and over 200 at the Annual.

Mr. Spagone noted that a resident had requested the secret ballot and that he was did not feel that this was in any way a cloud on the town meeting. Noted that there is a comfort level for voters to be able to vote a secret ballot on an article.

Mr. Spagone also noted that many hours that the Financial Team, Department Heads, Town Officer personnel had spent getting the warrant, articles and all the other factors ready for the town meeting. Again, reiterated that the town meetings were well publicized.

Thanked the Board for allowing him time to speak.

Open Forum was closed.

M/Walsh, s/Hardy, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the May 12, 2003 meeting.

M/Walsh, s/Hardy, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the May 19, 2003 meeting.

M/Walsh, s/Hardy, a unanimous vote, move to approve accepting a grant for the Federal All Hazards Emergency Operations Planning (EOP) in the amount of $3,300.00.

M/Walsh, s/Hardy, a unanimous vote, move to approve the request of Det. Scott Allen for the E.B. Community Drug Council for permission to use the Town Common on June 18, 2003 for their annual Concert on the Common.

M/Walsh, s/Hardy, a unanimous vote, move to approve awarding of a contract for DPW services to the following companies:

Dense Graded Stone to S.M. Lorusso, Walpole MA.
3/8" Stone to Lorusso Corp. Plainville, MA
¾" stone to Lorusso Corp. Plainville, MA
1 ½" stone to Lorusso Corp. Plainville, MA
Processed Gravel to G. Lopes Construction, Taunton, MA
Washed Sand for Snow & Ice Removal to Kingstown Corp., Plymouth MA
12" Concrete Pipe to Scituate Concrete Pipe, Scituate MA
Flat Top Pre-Cast Concrete Manhole/Catch Basin to Scituate Ray Pre-Cast, Marshfield
Pre-Cast Concrete Manhole/Catch Basin Sumps to Scituate Ray Pre-Cast, Marshfield
12" Corrugated Aluminum Pipe to Penn Culvert Co., N. Billerica, MA
12" PVC Sewer Drain Pipe to East Winwater Co., Easton, MA
1 ½" Manhole Extension Ring to LeBaron Foundry, Brockton, MA
2" Manhole Extension Ring to LeBaron Foundry, Brockton, MA
Catch Basin Frame, 3 Flange to LeBaron Foundry, Brockton, MA
Catch Basin Frame, 4 Flange to LeBaron Foundry, Brockton, MA
Catch Basin, Square Grate to LeBaron Foundry, Brockton, MA
Catch Basin Extension Ring 1 ½" to LeBaron Foundry, Brockton, MA
Catch Basin Extension Ring 2" to LeBaron Foundry, Brockton, MA
Recycled Asphalt to T.L. Edwards, West Bridgewater, MA
Permanent Bituminous Concrete Patch, FOB Plant to T.L. Edwards, West Bridgewater
Class I Bituminous (Hot Mix) - FOB Plant to T.L. Edwards, West Bridgewater

It was noted that the bid was done through SERSG.
Board of Selectmen -4- May 27, 2003

Executive Secretary Report

1. E-mailed invitation to Dr. DeSantis to attend the Board's June 9 meeting to discuss Town Administrator position.
2. EPA Storm Water Report due July 31 - has given Highway Surveyor, John Haines all pertinent documents and he will see to timely filing.
3. Sent out notice on hiring freeze rescinding by the Board.
4. Water Department sign in center has been fixed.


1. Letter from Norton Board of Selectmen notifying S.E. Regional that the schools budget would be voted at a FY03 level funded amount.

Board agreed that a letter should be sent from this office informing S.E. Regional that town meeting had voted a FY03 level funded budget for the school's budget.

Board went over Department Update Schedule for the next month.

Mr. Walsh stated that he has received several letters of complaint relative to water conditions. Stated that he will address these to the Water Commissioners when they give their update on June 9.

A discussion was held regarding the Board's time frame for Town Administrator. Requested that all materials, which Mr. Hardy and Mr. Walsh have garnered be placed in a special folder and that they will discuss same at next week's meeting.

It was noted that there is a vacancy on the Finance Committee.

M/Walsh, s/Hardy, move to close Open Session and go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing collective bargaining, Litigation issues and non-union contract negotiations and will not be returning to Open Session.

VOTE: Yes - Walsh, Hardy; a unanimous vote in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Board of Selectmen