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Selectmen Minutes November 17, 2003
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday evening, November 17, 2003 at 7:30 p.m.

Present: James M. Hardy, Chairman; Eric W. Greene, Clerk ; David L. Walsh
George Samia, Interim Executive Secretary
Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant
John Stuebing, Town Counsel

M/Greene, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the November 10, 2003 meeting.

M/Greene, s/Walsh, move to approve the request of Karen Comeau Roos of 339 Plymouth Street, Pembroke to waive the 120 day municipal option to purchase land located at 168 Ousamequin Pines Road (Map 3, Lot 3& 27; Map 6, Lot 50, containing approximately 5 acres.

A discussion was held regarding this request. Mr. Greene stated that he would like additional information relative to the location of the land, whether there was any Conservation land in that same area and whether the Conservation Commission would have any interest in the land.

Mr. Greene withdrew his motion.

Board requested Mr. Samia to check with the Conservation Commission as to whether the land would be of interest to them and to have all information relative to the land ready for the Board to discuss at next week's meeting.

Mr. Hardy read a letter he received from Chief of Police, John L. Silva notifying the Board of his intent to retire in December, 2004. It was requested that this be placed on the Board discussion list, as the Board will be setting up the process for position of Police Chief. It was agreed that the board would like to have the Town Administrator position filled and that that person will be part of the Police Chief selection process.

Mr. Hardy noted the significant impact Chief Silva has had on the Town and noted some of his accomplishments.

Town Counsel, John Stuebing reported to the Board that he has set a meeting with the Rivers Edge developer and his attorney for this Thursday and that he has been in touch with the Management Office and will be setting up a meeting with the Board of Directors after Thursday's meeting is completed. Noted that he hopes to have the situation remedied and a compromise worked out.

Mr. Hardy requested that Mr. Stuebing update the Board on the status of this issue and reminded him to keep the lines of communication open with the board and the residents.

Mr. Walsh requested that the Board be notified of the date of the meeting with the Board of Directors, so that perhaps a member of the board can attend the meeting.

Public Hearing

A Public Hearing was called to order at 7:45 p.m. for the purpose of determining if the Common Victualer - All Alcoholic License at 34 Bedford Street should be canceled.

Mr. Greene read the notice:
The Board of Selectmen will hold a Public Hearing on Monday evening, November 17 at 7:35 p.m. for the purpose of cancellation of your Common Victualer and Common Victualer - All Alcoholic Licenses as allowed under Mass. General Laws, chapter 138, Section 16B, 70,77.

Board of Selectmen -2- November 17, 2003

Mrs. Grabau explained that the license was renewed in December 2003, but the licensee never paid for nor picked up his license. The ABCC rejected the Transfer Application, which was approved by the Board in November 2003, for the premises and this was returned to the Town two weeks ago. As the licensee has failed to adhere to Mass. General Laws, i.e. Ch. 138, Section 70 - which allows for cancellation of license for failure to pay fee and Section 77 which allows for cancellation if licensee ceases to conduct business, a Public Hearing was called. Noted that the business did not open in 2004.

Atty. Stuebing explained that the Board has the right to cancel a license for failure to comply with MGL and noted that the Board can cancel the license under Sections 70 and 77.

Mr. Hardy closed the hearing at 8:00 p.m.

M/Greene, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to cancel the Common Victualer and Common Victualer - All Alcoholic Licenses of Connie's Inc. dba Sergio's, 34 Bedford Street as allowed under M.G.L. Chapter 138, Sections 70 and 77.

Holiday - Thanksgiving - town Hall closes at noon on Wednesday, November 26 and remains
closed on Thursday and Friday, November 27 & 28

Vacancies - Planning Board - 1 Alternate
Council on Aging - 1 member under age of 65
Finance Committee - meeting with applicant for vacancy tonight

Executive Secretary Report

1. Route 106/18 intersection/Elmwood - spoke to John Haines - he will coordinate a meeting with OCPC regarding traffic study and recommendations and also meet with Mass Highway regarding adding this intersection to proposed work.
2. Land Use Committee - spoke to two members; committee no longer meets; will not be able to give recommendation on request to farm Leland Farm land.
Mr. Hardy requested that the person making request submit a letter to the Board and that John Haines be asked to make a recommendation relative to the request.

It was noted that the Board might need to make a policy relative to the use of Leland Farm and Sachem Rock Farm regarding farming, haying, etc.

Board Discussion

1. MMA meeting in Randolph - Mr. Walsh will attend
2. Sewerage Committee - meeting Thursday evening
3. Town Administrator Search Committee - have received three letter of interest
Committee make-up - 2 Members at Large; 1 Department Head; 1 Selectmen; 1 Government Study Committee Member
4. Department Head Updates - start inviting various departments to attend meeting to update Board on their department.
5. Budget Development Policy - Put on schedule to discuss next week - need to put together a schedule for budget development

Mr. Hardy announced that residents should watch the Thursday School Committee meeting as there will be a special presentation to the East Bridgewater Savings Bank as a school partner.

Board of Selectmen -3- November 17, 2003

Board request that a copy of the letter sent to Mr. Swan regarding the railroad spur be sent to Margerary Winsor and Howard Wilbur.

M/Walsh, s/Greene, a unanimous vote, move to adjourn meeting at 8:20 p.m.

Board of Selectmen