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Selectmen minutes December 30, 2002
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday evening, December 30, 2002 at 7:30 p.m.

Present: James F. Morey, Chairman; James M. Hardy, Clerk
Michael Botelho, Executive Secretary
Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant

Not Present: Eric W. Greene

M/Hardy, s/Morey, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the December 23, 2002 meeting.

M/Hardy, s/Morey. a unanimous vote, move to approve the reappointment of Paul Gallant to the Conservation Commission effective immediately through June 30, 2005.

M/Hardy, s/Morey, a unanimous vote, move to approve the request of Joseph M. Smith, T.J. Smith's, 13 Cross Street, for an extension of hours for their All Alcoholic License to 2:00 a.m. on New Year's Eve.

Executive Secretary Report

Informed Board that letter was sent to Soft Second Loan Program applying for Town's participation in program.


Richard Boyle, Regional Manager and Paul Ford, Area Sales Manager met with the Board relative to the Application for Change of Manager at Cumberland Farms. 1055 Washington Street.

Introduced proposed Manager, Thomas Jean, who has replaced the former manager, Suzanne Ryan. Mr. Jean explained that he has experience working in a restaurant and as a doorman, checking id's.

Mr. Hardy expressed the Board's concerns regarding the length of time it has taken to replace the manager and the fact that Cumberland Farms did not begin the process of Change of Manager until board refused to release license without application in hand. Warned Mr. Boyle that the board would not allow this to happen again. Noted that if a manager is to be transferred or replaced that they should apply immediately for Change of Manager on License.

M/Hardy, s/Morey, a unanimous vote, move to approve the Change of Manager for Cumberland Farms #2299. 1055 Washington Street to Thomas G. Jean.

Board thanked Mr. Jean, Mr. Boyle and Mr. Ford for attending the meeting.

Frank Savino met with the Board to discuss notification received from Blue Cross/Blue Shield that Claritin will no longer be covered by BC/BS as of December 18 and that Allegra will be moved to the highest pharmacy co-pay, Tier III as of January 1, 2003. Explained that Claritin is now an over-the-counter, BC/BS states that they will notify only those who use these prescriptions.

Mr. Savino also noted that the increase for next year is projected at 14.2% and this does not include any additional increases for the new government mandated coverage for Contraceptive/Hormone Replacement Therapy and Cancer Research Clinical Trials.

Board requested that all employees receive a notification with a copy of letter from BC/BS regarding prescription changes. Mr. Hardy suggested that all department heads be notified of letter going to employees. Mr. Botelho will write the cover letter.

Mr. Savino also reported that the Town's portion of Retirement has increased by $190,000; this is due to investments being down and all towns in the system had to make up difference. Noted that towns that opted for early retirement also have that portion to pay.

Mr. Hardy noted that the latest report shows the state's budget to be approximately 600 million in deficit.

A discussion was held regarding state finances and its impact on the town's budget.

Mr. Hardy suggested that a meeting be set up with town's Congressman and Representatives to discuss state's finances and effects on town and to invite department heads to also be present.
Possibly set up for the 2nd or 3rd Friday in January. Mr. Botelho will set up the meeting.

Mr. Hardy questioned who was responsible for snow removal for Town Hall, COA office and Library. Mr. Botelho noted that town hall custodians take care of town hall and COA office.

Mr. Savino reminded residents that tax bills have been sent out and are due January 21. Noted that Town Hall will be open on the 21st until 8:00 p.m. Also reminded residents that there is a lock box at town hall outside at front door and payments can be placed in the lock box.

Board discussed letter received from Lauren Benvie regarding Craig Miller, a former resident of East Bridgewater who died in the Twin Towers on Sept. 11, 2001. Asked Mr. Botelho to check with the Legion about possibility of placing his name on the monument at Town Common.

Open Forum
No one was present.

M/Hardy, s/Morey, a unanimous vote, move to adjourn meeting at 8:15 p.m.

(signed) James M. Hardy, Clerk