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Planning Board Minutes of 08/28/06

The mission of the Town of Duxbury is to deliver excellent services to the community in the most fiscally responsible and innovative manner while endeavoring to broaden our sense of community and preserve the unique character of our town.

     Town of Duxbury
    Planning Board

Minutes    08/28/06     
Approved September 18, 2006
The Planning Board met in the Town Offices, Small Conference Room, on Monday, August 28, 2006.

Present:        Amy MacNab, Chair, George Wadsworth, Vice-Chairman; Angela Scieszka, Clerk; and John Bear.

Absent:         Jim Kimball, Harold Moody, Brendan Halligan, and Associate Member Douglas Carver.
Staff:  Christine Stickney, Planning Director

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM.

Local Housing Partnership: Ms. Scieszka reported on the June 24, 2006 Local Housing Partnership (LHP) meeting and a presentation given by Audrey MacDonald a local real estate agent.  Ms. MacDonald provided some interesting statistics and marketing trends that have been happening in Duxbury between 2002 and 2006.  Overall she reported that the housing market in Duxbury has only dropped 4-5% unlike the national trend of 9%.  Ms. Scieszka expressed her concerns with the LHP’s discussion as to their perception of housing needs moderate vs. affordable.  She was left with the impression that the LHP has moved away from their mission of affordable housing and are of the opinion moderate housing is possible with increased density. Mr. Bear expressed his opinion that the market drives luxury housing vs. moderate housing and what people are willing to pay and should be left to the private sector.  Mr. Wadsworth pointed out that the definition of affordable housing is created by the state and that any proposals that would utilize CPC funds would have to address affordable housing.  Ms. Scieszka expressed her concern that the Planning Board may get more pressure to increase density to accommodate moderate housing.  Ms. MacNab pointed out that the Zoning Bylaw currently has ways to produce moderate housing that developers can consider.  

Ms. MacNab opened the public meeting at 7:50 PM. Present for the discussion were Shawn Dahlen, Freeman Boynton, Lyon Carter and Peter Lanmin from the Duxbury Yacht Club Building Committee and Tom Sexton, Mainstream Engineering, consulting engineer for the Town.

Ms. Scieszka read the public meeting notice and the following items on the correspondence list for 8/28/06:             
·       Administrative Site Plan Review Application, plans and supporting documentation submitted on 8/4/06
·       Memo from Dahlen Company dated 8/3/06 re: application narrative
·       Memo from Planning Department dated 8/14/06 transmitting copies of plan to various departments, boards and commissions for comments.
·       Public Meeting notice advertised in the Duxbury Clipper 8/9/06 & 8/16/06.  Also mailed to abutters on 8/8/06
·       Copy of Conservation Commission “Order of Conditions” issued 7/19/06
·       Minutes from 8/23/06 Development Review Team
·       Memo from Deputy Fire Chief William Carrico dated 8/23/06 re: comments and recommendations for the project.
·       Letter from Mainstream Engineering dated 8/24/06 re: Peer review

George Wadsworth noted his relationship with Mr. Boynton as fellow member on the Water Advisory Committee and questioned if he should excuse his participation. Both the Planning Board members and the representatives of the Duxbury Yacht Club did not perceive any appearance of a conflict. Mr. Wadsworth agreed to participate.

Shawn Dahlen presented the proposal for a 4500SF “cold” storage building to house golf course equipment and DYC boats during the off season.  He provided some background on the entire site and the proposed storage building location.  Access is from Fairway Lane the same access used to reach the Club house and other structures.  He provided the Planning Board with revised plans, a written response to questions raised and small version of the assessors’ map for a bird’s eye view of the entire site.  Ms. MacNab noted that this is not the normal practice for the Planning Board to accept materials the evening of the meeting but for discussion purposes they would look at them.  Mr. Dahlen went through the various departments concerns attempting to address each one.  The concerns of the Fire Department were with access and the nearest location of a hydrant which Mr. Dahlen noted is on Harrison Street close to 1500 LF away from the site.  Only a 2” water connection is with the right of way to the Club house.  The only utility proposed is electrical and a telephone line that will be a direct burial to the building – no water or septic is proposed.  The distance of the hydrant location was a concern to members and at the end of the discussion it was agreed that the applicant should share the information provided to the Board with the Fire Department and seek another letter that this distance meets with their approval.  

Ms. Scieszka questioned what kind of boats are to be stored and if people will be working on them during the off season.  Mr. Boynton responded that there may be sailboats and Boston whalers – primarily small boats and lawnmowers etc. from the golf course.  Ms. Scieszka questions the fuel on these boats and how will that be dealt with as to any concern for storage of hazardous materials.  A lengthy discussion pursued as to the amount, type and existing containment of fuels related to the storage of the boats.  Mr. Bear asked about the storage of fertilizer and if that would be stored in this building.  Mr. Dahlen responded it may but that would be bags of dry fertilizers not liquid.  Members expressed their concerns with the storage of the fertilizers and the storage of fuels on the boats.  Ms. MacNab noted the order of conditions from the Conservation Commission and their regulations.  Mr. Dahlen noted there will be no floor drains.  Mr. Sexton commented on containment and some options the applicant could consider.  

The discussion then turned to the issue of the abutter’s view of the building.  Mr. Dahlen presented a letter from Mr. Barrington, probably the closest abutter and his agreement to the building with certain conditions and/or terms.  They have buried a portion of the foundation beneath the ground and also have agreed to work with Mr. Barrington as to a landscaping plan.  Members also questioned lighting and what type of glare could occur and after lengthy discussion this too was agreed should not be an impact given the distance to the nearest neighbor and the low voltage light proposed.  

Mr. Sexton briefly asked about the drainage and the proposed size of the pipe from the roof leaders if it was a 4” or 6” because the plan showed two different sizes and Mr. Boynton agreed it should be 6” – they will make the change to the plan. Other than that correction Mr. Sexton said he was satisfied with the drainage design.

Mr. Wadsworth reiterated his concern as to protection of groundwater and ultimately Duxbury Bay with the issue of storage of fuel and fertilizer.  Other Planning Board members had no issue with the fuel and it was agreed per Mr. Sexton’s recommendation that a condition be added for an emergency spill kit to be purchased for the building.  As to the issue of the fertilizer, Mr. Dahlen agreed to only dry granular fertilizer to be stored in the building and if need be in some type of storage container.   John Bear expressed his opinion that at some point we rely on the DYC employee’s common sense when handling these two items.

A brief discussion ensued as to Mr. Sexton’s memo of items he felt may need waivers.  Ms. Stickney felt that a comment as to these items not being applicable is fine in the minutes and a formal waiver is not necessary.  The Planning Board listed all items under “Required Waivers” of Mr. Sexton’s memo of 8/24/06 are not applicable to this type of application for a storage building.  Mr. Sexton expressed his satisfaction with the materials presented when asked by Ms. MacNab.  Staff was instructed to begin draft conditions for the next available meeting.

MOTION:  Mr. Wadsworth motioned to continue the public meeting to September 18, 2006 at 8:30PM with also an extension of the decision act on date to September 29, 2006, seconded by Ms. Scieszka – unanimously voted.

The applicant and the Planning Board both signed the mutual extension form.

The Planning Board was given copies of the following correspondence that had come in since the last meeting on this application:
·       Memo from Planning Department to K. Pillsbury dated 8/16/06 re: approval of street name.
·       Hydraulic Analysis Report from Stantec dated 8/4/06 re: sufficient flow for project
·       Letter from K. Pillsbury dated 8/22/06 re: denial of street name
·       Outline from Sally Wilson (no date) of fiscal analysis information needed.

In addition Ms. Stickney provided to the members a draft report for their review.  George Wadsworth asked where are with the fiscal analysis. Ms. Stickney noted the handwritten worksheet provided by Ms. Wilson and reiterated her opinion it should be passed on to the Zoning Board of Appeals since the planning department does not have the capacity to perform such an analysis.  Mr. Wadsworth felt it is something that can be done however he suggested it be pursued with Horsley and Witten.  Ms. Stickney gave her opinion on past experience, that the fiscal analysis should be prepared by the applicant and reviewed by Horsley and Witten.  Ms. MacNab noted that when we interviewed with the various consultants they were asked about their abilities relative to a fiscal analysis.  She suggested Horsley and Witten be contacted, explained the situation and see what their recommendations are relative to what should comprise the fiscal analysis.  If they are unable to do it, then recommend the other consultants who had as part of their team professionals that they may be able to subcontract.  Ms. Stickney questioned if this would delay the report to the ZBA and members responded it shouldn’t they could just let the ZBA know it is underway.  

Ms. MacNab also questioned the Stantec report that seemed to contradict earlier reports that there was a water problem in this area of Town.  The Stantec report indicates there is no problem with this project connecting to the system.  Ms. MacNab related back to discussions as to Town Meeting and the need for a new tank.  Mr. Wadsworth explained that the issue is not the peak hour but the peak day.  Ms. Stickney reported that the Water Superintendent continues to want booster pumps for the domestic water.  Mr. Wadsworth suggested the Fire Chief needs to make a determination if the gallons per minute (GPM) suffices his needs in an emergency or is something higher needed.  Mr. Wadsworth offered to pursue the issue further with Mr. Anderson and Stantec if the Board was so inclined.

Ms. Scieszka suggested this all ties into the number of units in the project which she believes is excessive to the site.  She would like to see a number of units less than 44 which would mean less impact to the site, less pavement, less disturbance to the site by cutting and filling, and less grading around houses. She feels that the units should also be downsized – she feels the footprint is large. Members discussed the bedroom count in relation to the number of units and the density. Ms. MacNab said that the site had minimal topographic issues such as slopes, wetlands etc that other projects may have had that caused past Boards to strongly recommend to the ZBA a reduction in the number of units. Unless the fiscal analysis demonstrates some major impact then the units requested may have to move forward to the ZBA and the decision to decrease anything lies with them.

The members agreed to meet at 7PM on 9/11/06 to work on the report for the Zoning Board of Appeals public hearing on 9/14/06.

Bay Farm Montessori decision – Members reviewed the draft denial decision and made minor wordsmith edits. The decision will be ready to file this week.

Annual Report – Ms. Scieszka is willing to give it a try if the deadline approaches staff will help out again like last year.  Amy would like to have a committee picture put into the report this year.

CTPC Courses – Ms. Stickney suggested if members are interested

The Planning Board meeting was adjourned at 10:55 PM. The next meeting of the Duxbury Planning Board will be held on Monday, September 11, 2006 at 7:00 PM at Duxbury Senior Center.