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2003-07-10 P.A.S.S. Minutes
PASS Committee
July 10, 2003 Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order at 8:00 PM

Present at meeting:  B. Tenhoor, S. Dahlen, H. Pape-Laird, J. Hagerty, P. Roveto

S. Dahlen moved to approve meeting minutes from 6/26.  Approved unanimously.

Committee finalized survey area findings for waterfront parcels, existing piers, buildout potential, etc.

J. Hagerty discussed current status of PASS Committee finances.

P. Roveto requested that the Committee consider adopting as part of our recommendation the Army Corps of Engineers’ guideline for pier property line setback of 25’ rather than the current 15’.

The committee scheduled August meetings on the following dates: 8/7 and 8/21.

Committee discussed the request of a property owner for an opinion by the Committee on a proposed pier project.  Committee agreed that it did not have the authority to offer any such opinion.

The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday, July 24, 2003.

P. Roveto moved for adjournment at 9:10 PM.  Approved unanimously.

Minutes submitted by Peter Roveto