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2003-06-12 P.A.S.S. Minutes
Duxbury PASS Committee
June 12, 2003 - Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 8:23 PM

Present at meeting: P. Brogna, S. Dahlen, H. Pape Laird and B. Tenhoor

Minutes of May 29, 2003 were approved.

The next meetings are scheduled for June 26, 2003.

Although the meeting started late there was a group working before the quorum was established.

Committee resumed working through the Urban Harbors Institute maps and spreadsheets to check the data, especially regarding properties affected by proximity to Town Landings and Ways to the Water.

Meeting voted adjourned at 10 PM

The next meeting will be held Thursday, June 26, 2003 at the Duxbury Senior Center.

Faithfully submitted, Heidi Pape Laird